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9472 items
Grammar school (ddr-densho-37-174)
img Grammar school (ddr-densho-37-174)
Original WRA caption: A view in grammer school at this relocation center.
Japanese Americans purchasing camp newspaper (ddr-densho-37-458)
img Japanese Americans purchasing camp newspaper (ddr-densho-37-458)
Original WRA caption: Heart Mountain Relocation Center, Heart Mountain, Wyoming. Customers line up at the counter as the Sentinel, Heart Mountain Relocation Center 8 page tabloid newspaper is delivered. Center news and views found in the Sentinel pages is enthusiastically accepted by center residents of Japanese ancestry, evcauated from west coast defense areas.
Inspection of farm machinery (ddr-densho-37-598)
img Inspection of farm machinery (ddr-densho-37-598)
Original WRA caption: Gila River Relocation Center, Rivers, Arizona. Property officer checking farm machinery prior to disposal to the Treasury Department. On September 15, two weeks before the Canal Camp at Rivers, Arizona, was to close, only 635 people remained and 370 of these had bus or train reservations for the following week (the Canal Camp …
Japanese Americans making tofu (ddr-densho-37-157)
img Japanese Americans making tofu (ddr-densho-37-157)
Original WRA caption: This product called "Age" is made from the bean curd. This is shown in the picture. The curd is fried in deep soy-bean fat until browned. This factory is operated by the Co-op.
Camp soap factory (ddr-densho-37-610)
img Camp soap factory (ddr-densho-37-610)
Original WRA caption: Jerome Relocation Center, Denson, Arkansas. At the Jerome Relocation Center, where some 8,000 west coast residents of Japanese ancestry now reside, Mr. K. Oyama, former California cosmetics manufacturer, set up a soap factory in a corner of a school block laundry, rendering the waste meat fats from the center kitchens. This factory has …
Camp art exhibit (ddr-densho-37-319)
img Camp art exhibit (ddr-densho-37-319)
Original WRA caption: Tule Lake Relocation Center, Newell, California. An evacuee girl proudly shows friends her art work which was on display in the exhibit shows held on labor day.
Jerome concentration camp (ddr-densho-37-623)
img Jerome concentration camp (ddr-densho-37-623)
Original WRA caption: Closing of the Jerome Relocation Center, Denson, Arkansas. Panorama view of the Jerome Relocation Center.
Military policeman patrolling camp fence (ddr-densho-37-483)
img Military policeman patrolling camp fence (ddr-densho-37-483)
Original WRA caption: Arcadia, California. Military police patrol fence around Santa Anita Park assembly center for evacuees of Japanese ancestry. Evacuees are transferred later to War Relocation Authority centers for the duration.
Nursery school (ddr-densho-37-163)
img Nursery school (ddr-densho-37-163)
Original WRA caption: Nursery school children with model barracks.
Camp high school brass band (ddr-densho-37-533)
img Camp high school brass band (ddr-densho-37-533)
Original WRA caption: Rohwer Relocation Center, McGehee, Arkansas. A part of the brass section of the High School Band, at the Rohwer Center. The students learning to play instruments for the band are former Californians, who, with their parents, were evacuated from stratiegic west coast areas.
Camp Boy Scouts (ddr-densho-37-427)
img Camp Boy Scouts (ddr-densho-37-427)
Original WRA caption: Heart Mountain Relocation Center, Heart Mountain, Wyoming. Boy Scouts conducting a morning flag raising ceremony at the Heart Mountain Relocation Center. Where persons of Japanese ancestry, evacuated from West Coast defennse areas, now reside.
Camp farm workers having lunch (ddr-densho-37-368)
img Camp farm workers having lunch (ddr-densho-37-368)
Original WRA caption: Tule Lake Relocation Center, Newell, California. A view in the lunch shed at the farm. Trucks from the kitchens bring hot lunches to the workers.
Arts and crafts festival (ddr-densho-37-504)
img Arts and crafts festival (ddr-densho-37-504)
Original WRA caption: Granada Relocation Center, Amache, Colorado. Evacuee residents at the Granada Relocation Center, viewing exhibits at the Arts and Crafts Festival in Terry Hall, March 6th to 8th. This festival was sponsored by the Education Division and the "Pioneer," the center newspaper.
Heart Mountain concentration camp, Wyoming (ddr-densho-37-795)
img Heart Mountain concentration camp, Wyoming (ddr-densho-37-795)
Original WRA caption: Heart Mountain Relocation Center, Heart Mountain, Wyoming. "Symbolic Heart Mountain towers at the end of "F" Street, the main thoroughfare of the Heart Mountain Relocation Center."
Camp fashion show (ddr-densho-37-320)
img Camp fashion show (ddr-densho-37-320)
Original WRA caption: A fashion show was one of the many exhibits held at this relocation center on Labor Day. Great skill was shown in dressmaking and tailoring, and was thoroughly appreciated by the large audience which witnessed this display.
High school dance orchestra (ddr-densho-37-505)
img High school dance orchestra (ddr-densho-37-505)
Original WRA caption: Granada Relocation Center, Amache, Colorado. The High School dance orchestra at the Granada Relocation Center at Amache, Colorado.
Concentration camp site (ddr-densho-37-251)
img Concentration camp site (ddr-densho-37-251)
Original WRA caption: Tule Lake Relocation Center, Newell, California. Site on which a War Relocation Authority center is to be constructed for the housing of 10,000 evacuees of Japanese ancestry for the duration.
Sumo wrestling tournament (ddr-densho-37-785)
img Sumo wrestling tournament (ddr-densho-37-785)
Original WRA caption: Gila River Relocation Center, Rivers, Arizona. Two of the residents at this relocation center who participated in the wrestling tournament Thanksgiving day.
Labor Day queen and her court (ddr-densho-37-322)
img Labor Day queen and her court (ddr-densho-37-322)
Original WRA caption: The labor day queen and her attendants are shown at the coronation ceremony which was a part of the celebration at this relocation center.
Nursery school (ddr-densho-37-167)
img Nursery school (ddr-densho-37-167)
Original WRA caption: Home made toilets for nursery school children.
Coal loading operation (ddr-densho-37-508)
img Coal loading operation (ddr-densho-37-508)
Original WRA caption: Granada Relocation Center, Amache, Colorado. Coal loading machine in operation at Granada Relocation Center.
Japanese American playing golf (ddr-densho-37-464)
img Japanese American playing golf (ddr-densho-37-464)
Original WRA caption: Topaz, Utah. This former California tournament runner-up keeps his golf form by first preparing a short course and then spending all his spare time with his irons and putting clubs.
Relief map depicting camp location (ddr-densho-37-411)
img Relief map depicting camp location (ddr-densho-37-411)
Original WRA caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Picture of relief map showing location of Manzanar, War Relocation Authority Center for evacuees of Japanese ancestry, in Owens Valley, California, which is flanked in background by the High Sierras and in foreground by Mount Whitney, loftiest peak in the United States.
Mass removal (ddr-densho-37-585)
img Mass removal (ddr-densho-37-585)
Original WRA caption: Salinas, California. Evacuees of Japanese ancesty wait for the bus which will take them to the Salinas Assembly center. They will later be transferred to War Relocation Authority centers for the duration.
Japanese American dragline operator (ddr-densho-37-530)
img Japanese American dragline operator (ddr-densho-37-530)
Original WRA caption: Rohwer Relocation Center, McGehee, Arkansas. Larry Sato, a former southern California dragline operator, back at his old trade on a dragline at the Rohwer Relocation Center. The task of maintaining the center and its facilities, and distribution of fuel, food supplies, etc., is carried on by workers recruited from center residents, former west …