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9472 items
Woman posing (ddr-hmwf-1-186)
img Woman posing (ddr-hmwf-1-186)
"Woman posing in front of barracks and Heart Mountain"
Woman at desk (ddr-hmwf-1-27)
img Woman at desk (ddr-hmwf-1-27)
"Woman sitting at desk - Mrs. Hansen as described on back" Jan. 15, 1945 Flash of 22 1/100
Heart Mountain (ddr-hmwf-1-230)
img Heart Mountain (ddr-hmwf-1-230)
"Edge of camp view of Heart Mountain with guard tower and barracks"
Birthday Party (ddr-hmwf-1-299)
img Birthday Party (ddr-hmwf-1-299)
"Ono Birthday Party 29-21-D, Aug 9 1944" as described on back, Flash f11 1/100, PlusX DK 20-30' D76-10'
Apartment room (ddr-hmwf-1-235)
img Apartment room (ddr-hmwf-1-235)
"Apartment room with clothes and furniture, 29-5-B, Jan 12 1945" Flash f8 1/100
Collecting coal (ddr-hmwf-1-75)
img Collecting coal (ddr-hmwf-1-75)
"Men and women collecting coal between barracks" Jan 11, 1944
Woman posing (ddr-hmwf-1-159)
img Woman posing (ddr-hmwf-1-159)
"Aki (posing in front of Heart Mountain) June 25-1944" l20 f19 1/50 G3 Superpan Press
Baby (ddr-hmwf-1-267)
img Baby (ddr-hmwf-1-267)
"Ono baby, 29-19-A, Sept 23 1943 3:30 PM" as described on back, l5 f6.3 1/5sec SuperXX DK20 30min
Birthday Party (ddr-hmwf-1-288)
img Birthday Party (ddr-hmwf-1-288)
"Isao Nakaishi Birthday Party 29-24-D, Aug 31 1944" as described on back, f12.7 1/50 K, Verichrome
View of Minidoka in snow (ddr-fom-1-870)
img View of Minidoka in snow (ddr-fom-1-870)
WRA caption on reverse: "Winter time panarama view."
Children in a drawing class (ddr-fom-1-863)
img Children in a drawing class (ddr-fom-1-863)
WRA caption on reverse: "Free-hand drawing class."
Unmade cots lined up in a barracks (ddr-fom-1-876)
img Unmade cots lined up in a barracks (ddr-fom-1-876)
WRA caption on reverse: "This picture shows other view of apartment. WRA furnishes sleeping equipment, only other thing furnished is a light globe."
Welding class (ddr-fom-1-904)
img Welding class (ddr-fom-1-904)
WRA caption on reverse: "Adult education welding class using portable outfit."
Carpentry class building a chicken coop (ddr-fom-1-903)
img Carpentry class building a chicken coop (ddr-fom-1-903)
WRA caption on reverse: "Adult education class in carpentry building chicken houses."
Vocation Depot (ddr-hmwf-1-106)
img Vocation Depot (ddr-hmwf-1-106)
"Vocation Depot, Nov 6-1944" as described on back
Heart Mountain (ddr-hmwf-1-202)
img Heart Mountain (ddr-hmwf-1-202)
"Ht. Mtn. between blocks 29 and 25, Feb 6 1944" as described on back, f16 1/50 K2 SuperIkontaB SuperXX roll, "faulty developing, roll started from centerl of spool, developer probably did not circulate well enough in center of tank"
Bonfire (ddr-hmwf-1-52)
img Bonfire (ddr-hmwf-1-52)
"Men and women at a bonfire, Tasuka (on back)"
Girl posing (ddr-hmwf-1-275)
img Girl posing (ddr-hmwf-1-275)
"April 11 1944, Leica" as described on back
Landscape (ddr-hmwf-1-129)
img Landscape (ddr-hmwf-1-129)
"Landscape- waterfall in Yellowstone"