12 items
12 items
Group photo of attendees at 10th Anniversary Ball of SF JACL (ddr-densho-426-1792)
Inscription on front: Tenth Anniversary Ball of SF JACL, October 28, 1938. Names of individuals in photo on back including Henri Takahashi, Tomoye Nozawa, National President Walter Tsukamoto, Chapter President Saburo Kido
11th Triennial Nisei Veterans Reunion Maui News supplement (ddr-densho-390-139)
Articles on the 11th Nisei Veterans Reunion held in Maui, with a list of participants. Walter Matsuoka is listed on page 24 with the Veterans of Foreign Wars.
1981 Membership Roster MIS Association of Northern California (ddr-ajah-2-23)
Contact information redacted
Thanksgiving Menu (ddr-densho-368-686)
This souvenir menu includes the Thanksgiving menu as well as listing all the men stationed at Camp Joseph T. Robinson, Arkansas.
Japanese Directory 1931 (ddr-densho-423-340)
Includes portraits of families at home or at businesses, large group photos at community gatherings such a sports events, photos of businesses including shops, factories and farms, and address lists. Listing includes five names at the address of the Starlight Laundry: Choko Nozawa, Takeyoshi Omura; Fusatoshi Sakanai, Takasuke Takeshita, Nobuo Yasaki