27 items
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Methodist church conference (ddr-densho-153-5)
(Left to right): Kiyo Migaki, Michi Hirata, Sadae Sugihara, Ida Nishifue, Mary Yonago, Masa Funakoshi, Asako Yoshida, Ana Hayashi, Sashie Yamamoto.

Three women in costumes (ddr-ajah-4-54)
Caption below photo: Kiyo Date (left), as Elmino, Etsu Yoshida, as Adaliza, and Shinayo Kikuchi sing in "An Old Kentucky Garden", a stageplay at the Japanese Methodist Episcopal Church, South in Alameda, CA. The show was directed by Ruby Yoshino and Alber Torio. March 1937

Buddhist Convention (ddr-one-1-334)
Black and white photographic negative of large crowd of Buddhists gathered outside Collin's Field House in Seattle, Washington for a Buddhist convention. First row: Kiku Fujita, unidentified, Nancy from Tacoma, and Yasuko (Hashimoto) Morita. Second row, far right is Irene (Fujii) Mano. Third row far right: Sumiye (Fukei) Kato. Fourth row far left: Yosh Tanabe, Ted …

Letter from Evacuee Police to Raymond Best, Director of Tule Lake Camp, February 1, 1944 (ddr-csujad-2-13)
Letter from Evacuee Police Force to Raymond Best, Director of Tule Lake Camp, requesting the release of Hiroyoshi Tsuda from the army stockades at Tule Lake Camp. Signed names: Kataoka, H.; Okusako, Thomas; Ogata, Roy K.; Miyamoto, H.; Tanaka, K.; Haruyama, N.; Yoshida, Maeko; Hanagata, Ken; Ayabe, Toshi S.; Ono, I; Kanno, Thomas K.; Sato, R.; …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 42, No. 25 (June 22, 1956) (ddr-pc-28-25)
Selected article titles: "Senate unanimously approves claim bill amendment, need House okay. Senate version limits compromise to $100,000; House bill has no ceiling" (p. 1), "JACL Urges House By-Pass Confab On Senate Action" (p. 1), "President signs amendment to Fulbright Act" (p. 1), "Sacramento Japanese area to be demolished soon" (p. 1), ""Ex-Seattle Nisei attends first …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 48, No. 3 (January 16, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-3)
Selected article titles: "Racial Relocation to ease tension?" (p. 1), "Anti-Nisei housing bias mooted by Utah civil righters" (p. 1), "50 of Calif.'s 80 Assemblymen Co-Author FEPC" (p. 1), "Univ. of Chicago Issei artist retires after 50-year association with college" (p. 1), "Columnist in L.A. Times comments on evacuation, hopes Sansei have as much diligence for …

Fujihira family photograph album (ddr-densho-518-4)
An album containing photographs from the Fujihira family's time at Minidoka.

Heart Mountain Sentinel Vol. I No. 1 (October 24, 1942) (ddr-densho-97-99)
Selected article titles: "Residents to Name Charter Delegates" (p. 1), "Heart Mountain Inspires Name for New Project Newspaper" (p. 1), "Griffin Warns Reckless Drivers" (p. 1), "First Copies Sent Roosevelt, Myer" (p. 1), "Two Cases Tried by Heart Mountain Court" (p. 2), "Residents Warned of Bogus Wardens" (p. 2), "USO Plans for Center Under Way" (p. …
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