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30 items
The Yoshida Family Mon (ddr-densho-495-34)
img The Yoshida Family Mon (ddr-densho-495-34)
Photograph of Terumitsu Yoshida (left) and Francis Tadashi Yoshida (right) holding the Yoshida Family crest.
Wedding Portrait of Nancy Teruko (Nagai) Yoshida and Francis Yadashi Yoshida (ddr-densho-495-15)
img Wedding Portrait of Nancy Teruko (Nagai) Yoshida and Francis Yadashi Yoshida (ddr-densho-495-15)
Wedding portrait of Francis Tadashi Yoshida and Nancy Teruko (Nagai) Yoshida. Francis is dressed in a suit, and Nancy in a kimono.
Two generations of Yoshida men (ddr-densho-495-39)
img Two generations of Yoshida men (ddr-densho-495-39)
Photograph of the Yoshida family. Standing: Kitaro Yoshida (left) and Tadashi Francis Yoshida (right). Sitting: Kakuji Yoshida (left) and Tomesaku Yoshida (right). Caption on album page reads " Two Generations of Yoshida Men / August 1937 / Misumi, Kumamoto, Japan / Kitaro Yoshida (5th son), Tadashi Francis (my father) / Kakuji Yoshida (3rd son) / Tomesaku …
Yoshida Family Cemetery (ddr-densho-495-48)
img Yoshida Family Cemetery (ddr-densho-495-48)
Photograph of Francis Tadashi Yoshida paying his respects to the family grave.
Two men in swimsuits (ddr-densho-495-54)
img Two men in swimsuits (ddr-densho-495-54)
Photograph of Francis Tadashi Yoshida (right) and an unidentified friend in swimsuits
Yoshida family portrait (ddr-densho-495-83)
img Yoshida family portrait (ddr-densho-495-83)
Portrait of three generations of the Yoshida family. Seated in the center are Teruko Nancy (Nagai) Yoshida and Francis Tadashi Yoshida.
Yoshida family (ddr-densho-495-12)
img Yoshida family (ddr-densho-495-12)
Yoshida siblings posing together on the steps of the Honolulu International Country Club to celeberate Tadashi Francis Yoshida's 80th birthday. Back row, left to right: Jack Itsuo Yoshida, Susumu Nakamura, and Edward Sueo Yoshida. Middle row, left to right: Patsy Yoshida, Tadashi Francis Yoshida, Nancy Teruko (Nagai) Yoshida, Ethel (Inouye) Yoshida. Front row, left to right: …
Teruko Nancy (Nagai) Yoshida and Tadashi Francis Yoshida sitting on a ledge (ddr-densho-495-65)
img Teruko Nancy (Nagai) Yoshida and Tadashi Francis Yoshida sitting on a ledge (ddr-densho-495-65)
Photograph of Nancy Teruko Nagai and Francis Tadashi Yoshida sitting together on a ledge. Caption on album page reads: "Mom and Dad, Teruko Nancy / and Tadashi Francis, San Souci, Hawaii"
Yoshida Siblings (ddr-densho-495-59)
img Yoshida Siblings (ddr-densho-495-59)
Photograph of the Yoshida siblings together at Francis Tadashi's 65th birthday party. From left to right: Hitoshi Yoshida, Edward Sueo Yoshida, Francis Tadashi Yoshida, Alice Yachiyo (Yoshida) Nakamura and Jack Itosu Yoshida. Caption below photograph on album page is "Hitoshi Edward Dad Alice Jack / August 1975 65th birthday."
Tadashi Nagai in ROTC (ddr-densho-495-57)
img Tadashi Nagai in ROTC (ddr-densho-495-57)
Photograph of Francis Tadashi Yoshida in military uniform standing with a rifle outside McKinley High School. Caption says, "Tadashi as an ROTC cadet / McKinley High School"
Group of five (ddr-densho-495-74)
img Group of five (ddr-densho-495-74)
Photograph of Francis Tadashi Yoshida (center) with two couples. Caption attached to photograph reads: "Dad with friends / Sandy and Robin"
Yoshida Men (ddr-densho-495-47)
img Yoshida Men (ddr-densho-495-47)
Photograph of Randy Yoshida (left), Francis Tadashi Yoshida (center), and Terumitsu Yoshida (right) sitting together on a couch. Caption right of the photograph on the album page reads: "Randy, Dad, Terumitsu / Yoshida men in 2004"
Yoshida family (ddr-densho-495-68)
img Yoshida family (ddr-densho-495-68)
Photograph of the Yoshida family posed in their living room. Standing in the center of the back row is Randy Yoshida. Seated on the couch are Tadashi Francis Yoshida (center) and Teruko Nancy (Nagai) Yoshida (right).
Hiroshi Okada and Francis Yoshida (ddr-densho-495-75)
img Hiroshi Okada and Francis Yoshida (ddr-densho-495-75)
Photograph of Hiroshi Okada (left) and Francis Tadashi Yoshida (right). Caption attached to photograph reads: "Best friends always / Hiroshi Okada and Dad"
Teruko Nancy (Nagai) Yoshida and Tadashi Francis Yoshida portrait (ddr-densho-495-66)
img Teruko Nancy (Nagai) Yoshida and Tadashi Francis Yoshida portrait (ddr-densho-495-66)
Portrait of Francis Tadashi Yoshida and Nancy Teruko (Nagai) Yoshida posing together for the camera. Caption says, "Mom and Dad met at dances in the '30s and fell in love. They eloped because Dad's parents wanted him to marry a girl they knew. Dad says he loved Mom because she was 'shy and pretty.' He was …
Family grave (ddr-densho-495-35)
img Family grave (ddr-densho-495-35)
Photograph of four people tending the Yoshida family grave. From left to right Francis Tadashi Yoshida, Mr. Kaimera, Randell "Randy" Yoshida, and Reiko Yoshida. Writing on the back of the photograph reads "The man bending down is Mr. Kaimera"
Sunahara great-grandchildren with Francis Tadashi Yoshida (ddr-densho-495-73)
img Sunahara great-grandchildren with Francis Tadashi Yoshida (ddr-densho-495-73)
Back row from left to right: Kira Loudermilk, Caroline Laubscher, Isabel Dominik, and Leah Loundermilk. Front row, left to right: Francis Tadashi Yoshida holding Aiden Tune, Alexa Dominik, and Kathrine Laubscher. Caption attached to photgraph reads: "Kira, Caroline, Isabel, Leah / Grandpa Yoshida, Alexa / Aiden, Katey / July 27, 2009"
Yoshida family (ddr-densho-495-77)
img Yoshida family (ddr-densho-495-77)
Photograph of the Yoshida family standing in front of a Christmas tree. From left to right: Annette (Yoshida) Kawabata Matsunami, Randell "Randy" Yoshida, Francis Tadashi Yoshida, Geraldine "Geri" Shiraki, and Carol (Yoshida) Sunahara. Caption below the photograph on the album page reads: "December 2001"
Yoshida family (ddr-densho-495-58)
img Yoshida family (ddr-densho-495-58)
Photograph of the Yoshida family with spouses. Back row left to right: Jack Itsuo Yoshida, Tadashi Francis Yoshida, Susumu Nakamura, Kazuto Albert Yoshida, Hitoshi Yoshida, and Edward Sueo Yoshida. Front row left to right: Patsy Yoshida, Nancy (Nagai) Yoshida, Alice Yachiyo (Yoshida) Nakamura, Saju (Ishimoto) Yoshida, Helen Masae (Takeshita) Yoshida, Doris Yoshida, and Ethel (Inouye) Yoshida. …
Yoshida Family photograph (ddr-densho-495-50)
img Yoshida Family photograph (ddr-densho-495-50)
Photograph of the Yoshida family visiting Japan. Back row left to right: Mitsuko Yoshida, Reiko Yoshida, and Tamiko Yoshida. Middle row left to right: Carol (Yoshida) Sunahara, Francis Tadashi Yoshida, and Hitomi Yoshida. Front row left to right: Akemi Yoshida, Hitoshi Yoshida. Caption on album page reads: "Mitsuko, Reiko, Tamiko, Carol, Dad, Hitomi, Akemi, Uncle H."
Yoshida Family Dinner (ddr-densho-495-30)
img Yoshida Family Dinner (ddr-densho-495-30)
Photograph of the Yoshida family gathered around a long table for dinner. Clockwise around the table starting in the lower right corner: Helen (Takeshita) Yoshida, Wally Yoshida, Carol Yoshida, Francis Masukawa, Edith Masukawa, Saju (Ishimoto) Yoshida, Wally Yoshida, Edward Sueo Yoshida, Rhoda Yoshida, Ethel (Inouye) Yoshida, Sue Ellen Yoshida, Geri Yoshida, Randell "Randy" Tadao Yoshida, Teruko …
80th birthday party (ddr-densho-495-71)
img 80th birthday party (ddr-densho-495-71)
Large family portrait at Francis Tadashi Yoshida's 80th birthday celebration. Back row left to right: Eddie T., Mrs. Yamashita, Mrs. Onuma, Sue Ellen Yoshida, Mr. Onuma, Reggie, Randall "Randy" Yoshida. Row 5: Tadashi, Rhoda Yoshida, Nan, Peter, Christine Nakamura, Row 4: Wally Yoshida, Leona, Kenny, Cary Nakamura, Fay (Yamashita) Yoshida, Carol (Yoshida) Sunahara, Geraldine "Geri" (Yoshida) …
Recollection in Tranquillity: A Brief History of the Yoshida and Nagi Families (1898-2004) (ddr-densho-495-32)
doc Recollection in Tranquillity: A Brief History of the Yoshida and Nagi Families (1898-2004) (ddr-densho-495-32)
Written history of the Nagai and Yoshida Family. Include biographical writings, photocopies of family photographs, and family trees.
Wedding Portrait of Nancy Teruko (Nagai) Yoshida and Francis Yadashi Yoshida (ddr-densho-495-63)
img Wedding Portrait of Nancy Teruko (Nagai) Yoshida and Francis Yadashi Yoshida (ddr-densho-495-63)
Caption on album page: "Wedding Photo / April 29, 1937 / Tadashi Francis and Teruko Nancy / (Ages: 27 and 25 Years)"