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Two Nisei brothers in front of a fence (ddr-densho-259-5)
Tsuyoshi (Ches) Yasui holding Roku Yasui as a baby.
Japanese American siblings at Nanukaichi, Japan (ddr-densho-259-4)
Roku and Michi Yasui at Nanukaichi, Japan.
Four Nisei children in yard (ddr-densho-259-441)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Shu, Roku, Michi & Ches [Tsuyoshi Yasui] at the Third Street home."
Young Nisei boy holding a puppy (ddr-densho-259-429)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Roku [Yasui] holding what appears to have been a young black puppy."
Nisei brothers in a garden (ddr-densho-259-467)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Roku and Shu [Yasui]--or maybe it's me--at the Third Street home."
Nisei children by doorway (ddr-densho-259-451)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Michi, Roku and Shu [Yasui] standing near the doorway of our Third Street home."
Japanese American family on a hillside (ddr-densho-259-203)
The Yasui family and friends in Mosier, Oregon. Counterclockwise from top: Reverend Isaac Inouye, Masaki Asai, Renichi Fujimoto, Shu Yasui, Roku Yasui, and Masuo Yasui.
Nisei boys in flower garden (ddr-densho-259-419)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Roku and Shu [Yasui] in the backyard of our old Third Street home in Hood River."
Nisei children at the beach (ddr-densho-259-211)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Michi and Roku [Yasui] wearing bathing suits, on the Columbia River beach at the Mosier farm."
Nisei brother holding baby sister (ddr-densho-259-479)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Roku [Yasui] holding a baby, Third Street home. Yuka [Yasui] has captioned this baby as being her, but I don't know how she knew this, because the baby's back is to the camera. Maybe it's because this baby was wearing such a huge and baggy diaper that you can't even see its …
Five children lined up outside (ddr-densho-259-45)
Homer, Shu, Roku, Michi, and Minoru Yasui at their Third Street home in Hood River, Oregon.
Three Nisei children in their parlor (ddr-densho-259-46)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Michi and Baby Shu are sitting on the floor in the living room of our first home on Third Street in Hood River [Oregon], and Roku is sitting on the old oak and leather couch."
Nisei children drinking milk (ddr-densho-259-426)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Michi, Roku and Shu [Yasui], sucking on what appear to be milk bottles taken in front of the dilapidated wooden storage shed attached to our old home on Third Street. We always used to call that side room the hisashi. That old hisashi was always a scary place to me, because it …
Nisei children on a stagnant slough (ddr-densho-259-427)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Michi, Shu and Roku, standing on a cracked, dried up lake bed. Michi is holding a fishing pole, and it looks like Roku is holding a gun as tall as he. Shu is in the middle What looks like a dried lake bed actually was the remains of a big stagnant slough, …
Issei and Nisei family (ddr-densho-259-200)
Portrait of the Yasui family on the courthouse lawn in Hood River, Oregon. Shidzuyo Yasui, Yuka Yasui, Masuo Yasui, and Renichi Fujimoto are in the back row. Homer, Roku, Shu, Michi, Minoru, and Ches (Tsuyoshi) Yasui are in the front row.
Father and three sons aboard a ship en route to Japan (ddr-densho-259-15)
Masuo Yasui with his sons Minoru, Shu, and Homer or Roku aboard the U.S.S. President Grant en route to Japan.
Four Nisei children on tricycles and wagons (ddr-densho-259-188)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Four little kids on various vehicles on a sloping sidewalk. From left to right, Roku [Yasui], Michi [Yasui], Rin Karasawa & Min[oru Yasui]. This was taken at the Karasawa home, which doubled as their laundry on Oak Street."
Four Nisei brothers with bozu haircuts (ddr-densho-259-83)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "It looks like Kay, Ches and Min [Yasui]--and Roku in front, sitting on the ground--just had had bozu haircuts. A 'bozu' is the familiar term for Bonsan, a Japanese Buddhist priest, who...always had a shaven or closely cropped head. For many years, Dad [Masuo Yasui] used to cut his boys' hair. He …
Two Japanese American families on farmland (ddr-densho-259-247)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Nikkei visitors to what must surely have been the Willow Flat farm both [Shidzuyo and Masuo Yasui] are dressed in their farm working clothes This photo shows the typical farm working clothes that [Shidzuyo]--and almost all of the Hood River valley Issei women of the time wore, when working in the orchards …
Four children lined up outside (ddr-densho-259-10)
Three brothers and a girl lined up in ascending order in front of the Yasui home in Hood River, Oregon.
Nisei children rabbit hunting (ddr-densho-259-204)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Kay, Ches [Tsuyoshi], Min[oru], Michi and Roku [Yasui] have gone rabbit hunting. It shows Kay cradling a rifle in his left arm and holding a dead rabbit in his right hand. Ches has his .22 caliber rifle held high aloft in his right hand, and a dead rabbit in his left."
Young People's Christian Conference (ddr-densho-259-296)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Posed group photo of another YPCC [Young People's Christian Conference], this time at the Centenary-Wilbur Church which was on the eastside of Portland." Caption on front of photograph: "Fourth Oregon Sectional Y.P.C.C. Centenary - Wilbur Church, Portland, Oregon, March 28-29, 1936."
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