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25 items
Mary Ohashi Yamato (ddr-densho-442-40)
img Mary Ohashi Yamato (ddr-densho-442-40)
Photograph of Mary (Ohashi) Yamato holding a camera in front of a group of parked cars
Mary Haruko (Ohashi) Yamato (ddr-densho-442-162)
img Mary Haruko (Ohashi) Yamato (ddr-densho-442-162)
Photograph of Mary Haruko (Ohashi) Yamato standing in the doorway of the Ohashi family store.
Mary Ohashi (ddr-densho-442-249)
img Mary Ohashi (ddr-densho-442-249)
Photograph of Mary Haruko (Ohashi) Yamato sitting on a hillside.
Mary Haruko Ohashi (ddr-densho-442-122)
img Mary Haruko Ohashi (ddr-densho-442-122)
Photograph of Mary Haruko (Ohashi) Yamato standing in the woods.
Under the Christmas Tree (ddr-densho-442-114)
img Under the Christmas Tree (ddr-densho-442-114)
Photograph of Richard Yamato with his mother Mary Haruko (Ohashi) Yamato sitting by a Christmas tree.
Mary Ohashi (ddr-densho-442-250)
img Mary Ohashi (ddr-densho-442-250)
Photograph of Mary Haruko (Ohashi) Yamato standing next to an unidentified young man.
img Wakaichi "Buck" Ohashi and Mary Ohashi (ddr-densho-442-13)
Photograph of Mary Haruko (Ohashi) Yamato (left) standing with her brother, Wakaichi "Buck" Ohashi (right) outside.
Mary Haruko Ohashi (ddr-densho-442-83)
img Mary Haruko Ohashi (ddr-densho-442-83)
Photograph of Mary Haruko (Ohashi) Yamato leaning against the open door frame to the Ohashi family store.
Mary Haruko Ohashi (ddr-densho-442-81)
img Mary Haruko Ohashi (ddr-densho-442-81)
Photograph of Mary Haruko (Ohashi) Yamato standing outside. Written along the top of the photograph is "Mary" in blue ink.
Frank & Mary (ddr-densho-442-110)
img Frank & Mary (ddr-densho-442-110)
Photograph of Frank Yamato and Mary Haruko (Ohashi) Yamato celebrating their wedding anniversary. Written along the bottom of the photograph is "Frank & Mary" in black ink.
Frank & Mary (ddr-densho-442-124)
img Frank & Mary (ddr-densho-442-124)
Photograph of Frank Yamato and Mary Haruko (Ohashi) Yamato standing in front of a tree. Written along the bottom of the photograph is "Frank & Mary" in black ink.
Ohashi Family portrait (ddr-densho-442-188)
img Ohashi Family portrait (ddr-densho-442-188)
Photograph of the Ohashi family standing and seated in front of a piano. Top row left to right: Frank Yamato, Mary Haruko (Ohashi) Yamato, Ruth Tomo Ohashi, and Wakaichi "Buck" Ohashi. Bottom row left to right: Robert "Bob" Teruo Ohashi, Neil Jiro Ohashi, Edward Saburo Ohashi, Komatsu (Saito) Ohashi holding Paul Masaru Ohashi, and Hope Nobuko …
Mary (Ohashi) Yamato and Komatsu (Saito) Ohashi (ddr-densho-442-212)
img Mary (Ohashi) Yamato and Komatsu (Saito) Ohashi (ddr-densho-442-212)
Photograph of Mary Haruko (Ohashi) Yamato standing outside the Ohashi family store with an unidentified man holding a camera. In the background standing in the doorway is Komatsu (Saito) Ohashi. Same as ddr-densho-442-85.
Anniversary party (ddr-densho-442-112)
img Anniversary party (ddr-densho-442-112)
Photograph of people standing around a table of presents. From left to right: Frank Yamato, Richard "Dick" Yamato, Mary Haruko (Ohashi) Yamato, unidentified, Joe Hirabayashi, unidentified, and George Okubo.
Anniversary party (ddr-densho-442-109)
img Anniversary party (ddr-densho-442-109)
Photograph of Frank Yamato and Mary Haruko (Ohashi) Yamato's wedding anniversary celebration. Front row identified from left to right: Martha Uyemura, and Judy Okubo. Middle row from left to right: Eddie Uyemura, Tama Uyemura, unidentified, Frank Yamato, Mary Haruko (Ohashi) Yamato, Martha Okubo, and Alice Hirabayashi. Back row from left to right: unidentified, unidentified, unidentified, Richard …
Ohashi Family business (ddr-densho-442-53)
img Ohashi Family business (ddr-densho-442-53)
Photograph of George Ohashi's family of outside the pool room and lodging house he ran. From left to right is Shika Ohashi holding Ruth Tomo Ohashi, Mary Haruko (Ohashi) Yamato, and George Ohashi.
Ohashi Family portrait (ddr-densho-442-190)
img Ohashi Family portrait (ddr-densho-442-190)
Photograph of the Ohashi family standing posed for a portrait. Top row left to right: Mary Haruko (Ohashi) Yamato, Robert "Bob" Teruo Ohashi, Hope Nobuko Ohashi, Ruth Tomo Ohashi, and Wakaichi "Buck" Ohashi. Bottom row left to right: Neil Jiro Ohashi, Paul Masaru Ohashi, and Edward Saburo Ohashi.
Anniversary party (ddr-densho-442-113)
img Anniversary party (ddr-densho-442-113)
Photograph of six people at Frank and Mary Yamato's anniversary party. Written along the bottom is "Okubo's, Frank & Mary, Jo & Alice Hirabayashi" in black ink. From left to right is George Okubo, Martha Okubo, Mary Haruko (Ohashi) Yamato, Frank Yamato, Alice Hirabayashi, and Joe Hirabayashi.
Family and car (ddr-densho-442-103)
img Family and car (ddr-densho-442-103)
Photograph of nine people standing around or sitting in a car. Standing in the center of the image is Mary Haruko (Ohashi) Yamato.
Picnic at the water (ddr-densho-442-41)
img Picnic at the water (ddr-densho-442-41)
Photograph of a group of eight standing and seated on a log by a body of water. Identified from left to right is: Bill Tatsuda, Neil Jiro Ohashi, Hope Nobuko Ohashi, Wakaichi "Buck" Ohashi, Mary (Ohashi) Yamato, Jasomatsu "George" Ohashi, Ruth Tomo Ohashi, and Helen Nakashima.
Mary Haruko Ohashi (ddr-densho-442-85)
img Mary Haruko Ohashi (ddr-densho-442-85)
Photograph of Mary Haruko (Ohashi) Yamato standing outside the Ohashi family store with an unidentified man holding a camera. Standing in the doorway behind the couple is Komatsu (Saito) Ohashi. Same as ddr-densho-442-212
Mary Ohashi with friends. (ddr-densho-442-309)
img Mary Ohashi with friends. (ddr-densho-442-309)
Photograph of three young women standing together with a toddler. From left to right: Mary Haruko (Ohashi) Yamato, Hamilton Hewitt, and Gretchen Hewitt. The toddler is either Charlie or Jimmy Tatsuda.
Group of children (ddr-densho-442-90)
img Group of children (ddr-densho-442-90)
Photograph of 10 children posed together for a picture outside. Identified are Ruth Tomo Ohashi, second from the left in the front row; Mary Haruko (Ohashi) Yamato, fourth from the left, middle row; and Charlie Tatsuda, far left middle row.
Group photo sitting on steps (ddr-densho-442-219)
img Group photo sitting on steps (ddr-densho-442-219)
Photograph of a group of 11 children and 1 adult sitting on wooden steps. On the far left of the middle row is Ruth Tomo Ohashi and Mary Haruko (Ohashi) Yamato. Third from the left on the bottom row is Jimmy Tatsuda.
Mary Haruko Ohashi with children in bathing suits (ddr-densho-442-121)
img Mary Haruko Ohashi with children in bathing suits (ddr-densho-442-121)
Photograph of Mary Haruko (Ohashi) Yamato (back row right) with three children, two of whom are dressed in bathing costumes. Two of the children were identified as Jane Sugawara and Lillian Fujioka. The third was only identified as Fujioka.