4 items
4 items
Elementary school class (ddr-densho-34-48)
Front row (left to right): Akira Sakuma, unidentified, Masakatsu (Bear) Omoto, unidentified, unidentified, Shig Moritani, and Peter Ohtaki. Second row: Toshio Chihara, unidentified, Toshio Terashita, Masa Chihara, George Terashita, unidentified, unidentified, and unidentified. Third row: unidentified, unidentified, Yae Yamashita, unidentified, unidentified, Elsie Amatatsu, and Michi Yamashita. The teacher is unidentified.
Bridal family portrait (ddr-densho-495-70)
Family portrait at Annette Yoshida and Dennis Matsunami's wedding. Back row in a semi-circle, from left to right: Heidi Yoshida, Fay (Yamashita) Yoshida, Reid Yoshida, Randall "Randy" Yoshida, Teruko Nancy (Nagai) Yoshida, Kari Kawabata, Dennis Matsunami, Annette Yoshida, Tadashi Francis Yoshida, Carol (Yoshida) Sunahara, Michele Sunahara, Geraldine "Geri" Yoshida, and Megan Sunahara. Flower girls standing in …
80th birthday party (ddr-densho-495-71)
Large family portrait at Francis Tadashi Yoshida's 80th birthday celebration. Back row left to right: Eddie T., Mrs. Yamashita, Mrs. Onuma, Sue Ellen Yoshida, Mr. Onuma, Reggie, Randall "Randy" Yoshida. Row 5: Tadashi, Rhoda Yoshida, Nan, Peter, Christine Nakamura, Row 4: Wally Yoshida, Leona, Kenny, Cary Nakamura, Fay (Yamashita) Yoshida, Carol (Yoshida) Sunahara, Geraldine "Geri" (Yoshida) …
Program for Amache YWCA Rally (ddr-densho-356-828)
Program for the Amache YWCA Rally on November 14, 1942.