3 items
3 items
Auburn baseball team (ddr-densho-18-83)
Top (left to right): Jack Hori, Toshio "Punchy" Yamanaka, and Matsuo Sakagami. Bottom: Mike Tokumasu, group photo. Frank Natsuhara cut and arranged the photos on this page.
White River Valley Chapter, Valley Civic League vice presidents (ddr-densho-277-71)
A list of the JACL White River Valley Chapter members who acted as vice presidents from 1930 to 1939.
Japanese Directory 1931 (ddr-densho-423-340)
Includes portraits of families at home or at businesses, large group photos at community gatherings such a sports events, photos of businesses including shops, factories and farms, and address lists. Listing includes five names at the address of the Starlight Laundry: Choko Nozawa, Takeyoshi Omura; Fusatoshi Sakanai, Takasuke Takeshita, Nobuo Yasaki