6 items
6 items
"Portrait of a Nikkei family" (ddr-densho-259-391)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Portrait of a Nikkei family. This was the 'George' (Y)Eitaro and Hama (Sato) Yamaki family, first of Oak Grove, then of Pine Grove, Oregon. Front, [left to right]: Hama, Shigenobu, Eitaro. Back, [left to right]: William, Eiko, Mitsuko, Hideo Sato."
Wedding party (ddr-densho-259-510)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Wedding party of Eiko Yamaki [Tadakuma] and Tomonori Tom Morikado of Los Angeles The directory, Japanese-Americans of the Mid-Columbia Area and Relatives, states the Morikado was an Issei, born in Fukuoka ken, Japan."
Young People's Christian Conference (ddr-densho-259-288)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Posed group photo of many young Nisei This surely must have been another YPCC gathering this conference likely took place at a church in Portland."
Young People's Christian Conference (photocopy) (ddr-densho-259-286)
Photocopy. Caption by Homer Yasui: "Posed group photo of many young Nisei This surely must have been another YPCC gathering this conference likely took place at a church in Portland."
Hood River Japanese Methodist Church Orchestra (ddr-densho-259-323)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "The Hood River Japanese Methodist Church orchestra. This was not the same organization as the band. Here LeRoy (?) Burns was the orchestra organizer, leader and instructor. I think that Rev. [Isaac] Inouye just lent moral support. Notice that on the bass drum...it reads, 'H.R.H.S.', and 'Japanese'...HRHS of course stood for Hood …
Hood River Japanese community band (ddr-densho-259-319)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "The Hood River Japanese community band--or maybe it was the Hood River Japanese Methodist Church Band I think that LeRoy Burns used to lead this band and maybe later on it was a Mr. Savo, but in this picture, neither of them are pictured. This was taken on the wooden front steps …