3 items
3 items

A group gathered behind a table (ddr-densho-353-314)
The farewell banquet for the Rev. Yuzuru Yamaka at the Japanese Methodist Church.

Seattle Domei Bai (ddr-densho-474-10)
First row (left to right): Rev. Eiji Kauramorita, Presby[terian]; Mr. Suekichi Amano, Baptist; Rev. Fukumatsu Okoyaki, Baptist; Rev. Yuzuru Yamaka, Methodist; Mr. Izuru Tofo, Methodist; Rev. Genji Shoji, Episcopal. 2nd Row (left to right): M. ?, Episcopal; M. Fujahora, Methodist; Mr. Richie Fujimoto, Episcopal; Mr. Shuji Terazura, Congregational; Mr. Choraku Hashujuki, Congregational; Mr. ?; Mr. Nagano …

Memo regarding church ministers receiving salaries (ddr-densho-356-911)
Memo from John H. Provinse regarding Christian Ministers receiving salaries from their national organizations. Included is a list of ministers at Amache who are receiving a salary and how much that salary is per month.