6 items
6 items

Administrative Notice No. 23 Registration of Evacuees' Rentable Property (ddr-densho-356-800)
Administrative Notice No. 23 from Santa Anita Assembly Center informs internees that if they have any property that is "rentable" to register it immediately and lists what is rentable property and how to register it.

Administrative Notice No. 27 Transfer to Amache (ddr-densho-356-802)
Administrative Notice No. 27 from Santa Anita Assembly Center contains information regarding personal belongings in storage outside of the camp remaining their until settled at Amache at which point individuals my request their items be shipped to camp at the WRA's expense. It also provides instructions regarding train travel to Amache including water conservation, cleanliness, and …

Administrative Notice No. 24 Contraband Articles and Possession of Liquor and Drugs (ddr-densho-356-801)
Administrative Notice No. 24 from Santa Anita Assembly Center quotes the Center Regulations regarding the possession of contraband. Contraband includes: Shortwave Radios, cameras, firearms, weapons, alcohol, and drugs.

Evacuee Information Release No. 2 Baggage Instructions (ddr-densho-356-803)
Evacuee Information Release No. 2 from Santa Anita Assembly Center informs internees about the types of baggage allowed and how each type will be transported.

Final/farewell issue of the Santa Anita Pacemaker (c. 1942) (ddr-janm-5-1)
The final/farewell issue of the Santa Anita Pacemaker newspaper (c. 1942). This issue included a short message from Center Manager, Gene W. Wilbur, a short message from author, Carey McWilliams, along with final columns from editor, Eddie Shimano, women's editor, Asami Kawachi, and sports editor, Hiroshi Ito.

Santa Anita pacemaker, vol. 1, no. 34 (August 15, 1942) (ddr-csujad-55-1266)
Biweekly newspaper published at the Santa Anita Assembly Center from April through October 1942. Current issue includes information on recreational activities, religious services, sports, Gene W. Wilbur, a barber shop, nurses, paychecks, Yeiki Matsui, and the features "Win, Place, and Show", "Post Time", "Story of the Week", and "Feminine Forum." See this object in the California …