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69 items
World Wide Guild members (ddr-densho-383-239)
img World Wide Guild members (ddr-densho-383-239)
Written on album page below photograph: "W.W.G. Baptist". The World Wide Guild consisted of groups organized by the Japanese Baptist Church for young women and girls.
World Wide Guild members (ddr-densho-383-199)
img World Wide Guild members (ddr-densho-383-199)
Written on album page below photograph: "The WWG's". The World Wide Guild consisted of groups organized by the Japanese Baptist Church for young women and girls.
Clipping photo of British civilians looking at a German ship (ddr-njpa-13-958)
img Clipping photo of British civilians looking at a German ship (ddr-njpa-13-958)
Caption on front: "A GERMAN WARSHIP VISITS A BRITISH NAVAL BASE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN TWENTY YEARS: THE KOENIGSBERG[sic], Flagship of the German Fleet, Entering the Harbor of Portsmouth, England, on a Mission of Peace Accompanied by the Leipzig, for the First Time Since the Outbreak of the World War. (Times Wide World Photos, London …
Clipping photo of men watching the USS New Orleans enter Portsmouth Harbour (ddr-njpa-13-110)
img Clipping photo of men watching the USS New Orleans enter Portsmouth Harbour (ddr-njpa-13-110)
Caption on front: "ENGLAND SEES THE LATEST DEVELOPMENT IN AMERICAN NAVAL CONSTRUCTION: THE U. S. S. NEW ORLEANS. Entering Portsmouth Harbor, the First Ship of Its Class to Visit British Waters. She Aroused Keen Interest Among England's Naval Experts. (Times Wide World Photos, London Bureau.)"
Clipping photo of the USS Ranger off the coast of Virginia (ddr-njpa-13-133)
img Clipping photo of the USS Ranger off the coast of Virginia (ddr-njpa-13-133)
Caption on reverse: "THE NAVY'S NEWEST 'MARINE AIRFIELD': THE AIRPLANE CARRIER RANGER. Passing Old Point Comfort, Va., on Her Way From Newport News to Her First Shakedown Tests. She Cost $21,000,000, Has a Top Speed of 29-1/2 Knots, and Carries Seventy-two Airplanes. Her Six Funnels Fold Horizontally to the Water When the Planes Are Alighting. (Times …
Newspaper clipping regarding Gandhi (ddr-njpa-1-448)
doc Newspaper clipping regarding Gandhi (ddr-njpa-1-448)
Caption on front: "Matatma Gandhi . . . Keeps his plans to himself. Wide World."
Hiroshi Saito's daughter (ddr-njpa-4-2547)
img Hiroshi Saito's daughter (ddr-njpa-4-2547)
Caption on reverse: "QUEEN OF CHERRY BLOSSOM FESTIVAL WASHINGTON. --- Miss Sakiko Saito, daughter of the Japanese ambassador to the United States, who has been chosen Queen of the Cherry Blossom Festival here Potomac Park next month [sic]. c-3/18/37"
Newspaper clipping regarding Marie Curie (ddr-njpa-1-67)
doc Newspaper clipping regarding Marie Curie (ddr-njpa-1-67)
Caption on front: "Co-Discoverer of Radium. Mme. Marie Curie. During October this great scientist visited these shores to receive an honorary degree and a gift of $50,000 with which to procure radium. Times World Wide."
Clipping regarding Frances Perkins (ddr-njpa-1-1141)
doc Clipping regarding Frances Perkins (ddr-njpa-1-1141)
Caption on front: "Madam secretary faces a camera and a microphone: Miss Frances Perkins, Secretary of Labor, photographed as she was about to begin a broadcast from her office in Washington. (Harris & Ewing from Times Wide World Photos.)"
Clipping regarding Brand Whitlock (ddr-njpa-1-2458)
doc Clipping regarding Brand Whitlock (ddr-njpa-1-2458)
Caption on front: "A famous wartime diplomat: Brand Whitlock, former American Ambassador to Belgium, with Mrs. Whitlock, in the garden of their hotel at Cannes, where Mr. Whitlock is now devoting his time to his literary career. (Times Wide World Photos, Paris Bureau.)"
Newspaper clipping regarding Gerhart Hauptmann (ddr-njpa-1-673)
doc Newspaper clipping regarding Gerhart Hauptmann (ddr-njpa-1-673)
Caption on front: "Germany's great dramatist calls upon the president: Gerhart Hauptmann, who has come to the United States to take part in the celebration of the centenary of the death of Goethe, leaving the White House with the German Ambassador, Herr von Prittwitz und Gaffron. (Harris & Ewing, from Times Wide World Photos.)"
Roscoe Turner standing with trophies in front of his plane (ddr-njpa-1-2132)
doc Roscoe Turner standing with trophies in front of his plane (ddr-njpa-1-2132)
Caption on front: "Three of the outstanding trophies for prowess in the air: Colonel Roscoe Turner returns to Los Angeles with the Charles E. Thompson Trophy, awarded for first place in the 1933 National Air Races; the Bendix Trophy, which he won by setting a new record for coast-to-coast flying, and the Harmon trophy, awarded to …
Newspaper clipping regarding Henry Ford (ddr-njpa-1-367)
doc Newspaper clipping regarding Henry Ford (ddr-njpa-1-367)
Caption on front: "Henry Ford appeals to his dealers to support the administration: The manufacturer, in Dearborn, reading an address to all his representatives, who heard him on a radio hook-up of forty-one cities in the United States and Canada, calling upon them to work with the president in his fight on the Depression. (Times Wide …
Clipping regarding Oscar Tschirky (ddr-njpa-1-2193)
doc Clipping regarding Oscar Tschirky (ddr-njpa-1-2193)
Caption on front: "A birthday party at the Waldorf-Astoria: Oscar Tschirky, who for forty-one years has been known as 'Oscar the Waldorf,' is congratulated by other members of the staff of the hotel on his 67th birthday. (Times Wide World Photos.)"
Clippling regarding Johann Schober (ddr-njpa-1-1796)
doc Clippling regarding Johann Schober (ddr-njpa-1-1796)
Caption on front: "Johann Schober Austrian Chancellor, who succeeded Ernst Streeruwitz on Sept. 25. Though not allied with any political party, he is a democrat in policy. Times Wide World."
Lincoln Ellsworth on Mount Ruapehu (ddr-njpa-1-807)
img Lincoln Ellsworth on Mount Ruapehu (ddr-njpa-1-807)
Caption on reverse: "An American explorer gets acclimated in New Zealand for life in the South Polar regions: Lincoln Ellsworth on his way to Antarctica, on the slopes of Mount Ruapehu in the Tongariro National Park (Times Wide World Photos.)"
Newspaper clipping regarding Albert Einstein (ddr-njpa-1-283)
doc Newspaper clipping regarding Albert Einstein (ddr-njpa-1-283)
Caption on front: "A great scientist finds a haven in America: Professor Albert Einstein in his study at Princeton, N.J., where he is now a member of the faculty of the School of Mathematics of the Institute for Advanced Study. (Times Wide World Photos)."
Cuban governmental leaders following the Sergeants' Revolution (ddr-njpa-1-1873)
doc Cuban governmental leaders following the Sergeants' Revolution (ddr-njpa-1-1873)
Caption on front: "The government of Cuba which emerged from the 'Sergeants' Revolution: Dr. Ramon Grau San Martin and his cabinet at the palace in Havana. Seated, in the front row, are: Colonel Julio Aguado, Colonel Manuel Despaigne, the President, Dr. Carlos Finlay and Gustavo Moreno. Standing are: Dr. Manuel Costales Latutu, Dr. Rios Balmaseda, Antonio …
Clipping regarding Andre Tardieu (ddr-njpa-1-2010)
doc Clipping regarding Andre Tardieu (ddr-njpa-1-2010)
Caption on front: "Andre Tardieu, new French Premier. On Nov. 2 M. Tardieu succeeded in forming a Cabinet, after the failure of M. Daladier and M. Clementel to effect a compromise between the Right and the Radical-Socialists. M. Tardieu solved, temporarily at least, the political tangle precipitated by M. Briand's defeat on a minor issue on …
Newspaper clipping regarding Engelbert Dollfuss (ddr-njpa-1-214)
doc Newspaper clipping regarding Engelbert Dollfuss (ddr-njpa-1-214)
Caption on front: "The Austrian Chancellor tells the nation that he has been saved from an assassin's bullets: Dr. Engelbert Dollfuss, from his apartment in Vienna, broadcasts a message after he had been shot in the arm in the Austrian Parliament buildings in Vienna. Behind stands his wife. (Times Wide World Photos, London Bureau)."
Newspaper clipping regarding Herbert Hoover (ddr-njpa-1-609)
doc Newspaper clipping regarding Herbert Hoover (ddr-njpa-1-609)
Caption on reverse: "The former President visits Iowa: Herbert Hoover makes friends with an Irish Terrier puppy at the home of Harrison E. Spangler, Republican National Committeeman for Iowa, at Cedar Rapids. (Times Wide World Photos).
Newspaper clipping regarding Henry Ford (ddr-njpa-1-368)
doc Newspaper clipping regarding Henry Ford (ddr-njpa-1-368)
Caption on front: "A famous American receives one of the highest honors of the Italian government: Henry Ford is presented with the Cross of Grand Officer of the Crown of Italy by Count Ugo Berni Canani, Italian Vice Consul to Detroit. (Times Wide World Photos, Detroit Bureau.)"
Clipping regarding Maxim Litvinov (ddr-njpa-1-1232)
img Clipping regarding Maxim Litvinov (ddr-njpa-1-1232)
Caption on front: "On the sixteenth anniversary of the Soviet its representative comes to America: Maxim Litvinov gets his first view of the new world from the deck of the Berengaria, on which he traveled from Europe to his meeting with President Roosevelt. (Times Wide World Photos.)"