190 items
190 items

Issei funeral (ddr-densho-38-15)
This funeral service for Tsukasa Iseri was held at the Japanese Buddhist Mission in Kent, Washington, which is part of the White River Valley.

Natsuhara Collection (ddr-densho-18)
The Natsuhara collection, 1920s-1930s, focuses on the agricultural, business, and leisure activities of Japanese Americans in the White River Valley area of Washington State. There are also photographs of farm children.

JACL Bulletin, 1941 (ddr-sjacl-1-12)
Bulletin and minutes covering the following topics: President, Toshie Hoshide; Inaugural Ball (Seattle, White River, Puyallup Valley, Tacoma Chapters) New Washington Hotel (Westin?), 9:00 PM-12:30 AM; Annual Bazaar, 3/9/41, Washington Hall; NWDC-Yakima, Portland, Tacoma, White River, Puyallup Vallet, Seattle; Souvenir Gavel to Takeo Noguchi (President-1934, 1935, 1939, and 1940; Mayoral speakers and Council members spoke; 8:00-10:20 …

Mochitsuki (ddr-densho-25-137)
George Iseri (left) was originally from the White River Valley in Washington. After the incarceration, he relocated to Ontario, Oregon. He is making mochi (Japanese rice cakes) with his friends. Left to right: George Iseri, unidentified, unidentified, unidentified, and Tadao Shigero (originally from Portland, Oregon).

Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. 27, No. 4, April 1990 (ddr-sjacl-1-386)
Newsletter covering the following topics: Scholarships include Tamesa, Andrews, and Bunshiro Tazuma; Doshi Kai report; Board Profiles: Wayne Kimura, Bruce Echigoshima, Massie Tomita, May Sasaki; April 21, 1990-Redress Workshop, Blaine, Bob Bratt speaker (WA Coalition for Redress-Seattle, Lake Washington, Puyallup Valley, and White River JACL.

Yamada Collection (ddr-densho-25)
The Yamada collection, early 1900s-1950s and 1990s, focuses on the Iseri family, who resided in the White River Valley area of Washington State before World War II and in Weiser, Idaho, after the war. The photographs depict agricultural life and community activities such as sports, mochitsuki, and religious ceremonies. This collection also includes mass removal and …

Narrator Bill Hirabayashi
Nisei male. Born September 12, 1923, in Thomas, Washington. Grew up in small town of Thomas, where family was part of the White River Valley farming corporation. During World War II, removed to the Pinedale Assembly Center and Tule Lake concentration camp, California. After leaving camp, moved to Chicago and managed a large estate farm. Eventually …

Mochitsuki (ddr-densho-25-136)
Matahichi Iseri (far right) and Mrs. Fujinaga (back to camera) were originally from the White River Valley in Washington. After their wartime incarceration, they resettled in Ontario, Oregon, with their families. They and friends are following the New Year's tradition of mochitsuki, making rice cakes. Clockwise from the left: Mr. Kanetomi, unidentified, Mrs. Morimoto, Mrs. Kanetomi, …

Bill Hirabayashi Interview (ddr-densho-1014-4)
Nisei male. Born September 12, 1923, in Thomas, Washington. Grew up in small town of Thomas, where family was part of the White River Valley farming corporation. During World War II, removed to the Pinedale Assembly Center and Tule Lake concentration camp, California. After leaving camp, moved to Chicago and managed a large estate farm. Eventually …

Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. 33, No. 10, October 1996 (ddr-sjacl-1-439)
Newsletter covering the following topics: Move to collaborate more with Puget Sound Chapters (Lake Washington, Puyallup Valley, White River, Olympia, and Seattle); Seattle JACL members meet with the Japanese parents of Yoshi Hattori, an LSU student, shot and killed as they approached the wrong house for a Halloween Party. The killer was acquitted, but a civil …

Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. XX, No. 1, January 1983 (ddr-sjacl-1-318)
Newsletter covering the following topics: 1993 President, Mako Nakagawa; 61st Installation Banquet, January 22, 1983, Butcher Restaurant (Atrium Design Center), Homer Yasui-emcee; Lake Washington JACL Dinner, January 15 at Benjamins in Bellevue, $16.00, 1983 President Ken Okuma, Keynote-Ron Mamiya; National JACL President, Floyd Shimomura, visits Seattle in December and speaks to a large throng from Seattle, …

Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. XX, No. 1, January 1983 (ddr-sjacl-1-317)
Newsletter covering the following topics: 1993 President, Mako Nakagawa; 61st Installation Banquet, January 22, 1983, Butcher Restaurant (Atrium Design Center), Homer Yasui-emcee; Lake Washington JACL Dinner, January 15 at Benjamins in Bellevue, $16.00, 1983 President Ken Okuma, Keynote-Ron Mamiya; National JACL President, Floyd Shimomura, visits Seattle in December and speaks to a large throng from Seattle, …

Valley Farmers Oppose Change in Land Law (January 15, 1913) (ddr-densho-56-217)
The Seattle Daily Times, January 15, 1913, p. 10

White River Valley Chapter, Valley Civic League vice presidents (ddr-densho-277-73)
A list of the JACL White River Valley Chapter members who acted vice presidents from 1990 to 2009.