28 items
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Envelope addressed to Mr. & Mrs. Sakahara (ddr-densho-316-141)
From James Kinoshita, Yoshio Asahara, Joe Nishikawa, Mabito Yoshida, Hiroshi Watanabe, Mitsuyoshi Asakhara, Kazuo Yamane

Letter to Frances Haglund from James Watanabe (ddr-densho-275-37)
A letter about the medical facilities in the concentration camps.

Book of newspaper clipping (ddr-densho-483-138)
Book of newspaper clipping documenting newspaper coverage of American citizens of Japanese ancestry compiled by Yoriko Watanabe Sasaki from assorted West Coast newspapers. Includes one partial newsletter from Camp Harmony, July 10, 1942, and one partial issue of the Minidoka Irrigator, Volume IV, Number 12, December 23, 1944. Introduction by James Watanabe, M.D..

442nd Regimental Combat Team training (ddr-densho-114-113)
Original caption: Camp Shelby, Mississippi. Japanese-American Combat Team. At Camp Shelby, Miss., Americans of Japanese ancestry from California, Hawaii, and other areas are undergoing intensive training as an Army combat team. One group of Japanese-Americans has already gone and seen action in the Mediterranean Theatre. These pictures show some of the phases of the training of …

Organizers of an Oahu AJA baseball league posing with trophies (ddr-njpa-2-779)
Caption on front: "LEEWARD OAHU AJA JUNIOR BASEBALL LEAGUE OPENS: Participating in the Dec. 15 opening ceremony of the 1957-58 tourney of The Hawaii Times-sponsored 7-team Leeward Oahu AJA Junior Baseball League at Ewa's Tenney field were, left to right--League founder Manager Ichiro Konno of The Hawaii Times' Waipahu branch, League president Tsuneo Watanabe, Manager James …

Letter to Frances Haglund from Lury Sato (ddr-densho-275-38)
A letter providing Frances Haglund with contacts to interview about their incarceration experiences.

White River Valley Chapter, Valley Civic League Social/Sunshine leaders (ddr-densho-277-68)
A list of the JACL White River Valley Chapter members who acted as the "Social/Sunshine" leaders from 1930 to 2009.

Relocation planning commission (ddr-sbbt-2-26)
Meeting minutes for the relocation planning commission at Minidoka concentration camp.

Walnut Grove reunion program (ddr-densho-390-42)
A program for the 1981 Walnut Grove reunion with the schedule of events, directory, boosters, advertisements, and more. The Matsuoka family is listed on page 66 of the directory and as boosters on page 78. Toshio Matsuoka is listed on page 40 as responsible for posters.

University of Wisconsin graduation materials (ddr-densho-433-980)
A collection of materials related to Kimiko Fujii's 1947 graduation from the University of Wisconsin, including a student association membership card, a commencement red book, and a commencement program.

Program from "Better Citizens in a Better Community: A Conference Community Improvement" (ddr-densho-356-1033)
Program for "Better Citizens in a Better Community: A Conference Community Improvement" Sponsored by the Amache Coordinating Council.

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 49, No. 12 (September 18, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-38)
Selected article titles: "JACL joins nat'l organizations for meaningful civil rights bill" (p. 1), "Immigration law liberalized to reunite family units, bill on President's desk" (p. 1), "Important to look back to past as well as to future in all types of planning, Wakamatsu tells CLers at EDC-MDC confab" (p. 3), "300-mile radius of Magic Valley …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 48, No. 6 (February 6, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-6)
Selected article titles: "Issei first to get new DAR pin" (p. 1), "26 State Solons Co-Author Cal. FEPC Measure" (p. 1), "IDC to discuss marriage bias laws" (p. 1), "Hawaii maintains vigorous campaign to push citizenship training classes for aliens" (p. 3), "Chinese tongs provided insurance against want, place to stay in San Francisco" (p. 3), …

Report and minority views of the Special Committee on Un-American Activities on Japanese War Relocation Centers (ddr-densho-381-55)
A report submitted by John M. Costello to the House of Representatives discussing concerns with the War Relocation Authority's management of the concentration camps.

Scrapbook for Southern Alameda County Chapter of JACL (ddr-densho-491-180)
Containing photos, meeting notes, document related to special events, membership lists, social events from 1953-1955

Eden Township JACL 60th anniversary program (ddr-densho-329-841)
Program for the 60th Anniversary Celebration & Annual Installation Dinner of the Eden Township JACL in San Lorenzo, California. Program lists the order of events for a speaking program and dinner, a list of charter members of the 1936 Eden Township Chapter of the JACL and the 1997 Eden Township JACL, introduces Herbert Yamanishi as National …

1981 Membership Roster MIS Association of Northern California (ddr-ajah-2-23)
Contact information redacted

Divisions and Personnel at Merced Assembly Center (ddr-densho-356-777)
Booklet that lists staff in each division at Merced Assembly Center.
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