132 items
132 items

W.D. Form 67: Request and Authorization for Civilian Travel at Government Expense (ddr-densho-446-170)
Travel Authorization for Ai Chih Tsai, Research Analyst, from Washington, D.C., to Camp Ritchie, MD, for 30 days.

Letter from Ai Chih Tsai to U.S. Department of Justice (ddr-densho-446-113)
Request for assistance changing Tsai's status to Chinese Formosan, friendly alien, and a path to U.S. citizenship [typed draft]

Letter from Ai Chih Tsai to Immigration and Naturalization Service (ddr-densho-446-117)
Request for assistance changing Tsai's status to Chinese Formosan, friendly alien, and a path to U.S. citizenship. Enclosed copies of previous request to Departments of State and Justice along with complete copies of these correspondences.

W.D. Form 67: Request and Authorization for Civilian Travel at Government Expense (ddr-densho-446-171)
Travel Authorization for Ai Chih Tsai, Research Analyst, from Washington, D.C., to Camp Ritchie, MD, for 30 days.

Letter from Ryo Tsai to Singer Manufacturing Company (ddr-densho-446-324)
Inquiry if your company is interested in investing in a low-cost sewing machine for export to Formosa

Letter from H.A. Blundin, UNRRA, to Ryo Tsai (ddr-densho-446-303)
Clarification of situation. Ai Chih Tsai has to use quota system as a Chinese citizen wanting to immigrate to US. There is quota availability at this time. UNRRA is in contact with Shanghai and will do all it can.

Letter from George "Jack" H. Kerr to U.S. Department of Justice (ddr-densho-446-114)
Letter in support of Tsai's requests to change his status to friendly alien. Kerr offers strong support for Tsai's character, ability, and assistance to US war effort.

Letter from Velma N. Baldwin to Ai Chih Tsai (ddr-densho-446-102)
Offering position of Expert at $10/day while employed by Military Intelligence Service of the War Dept. with explanation that "work would be of an extremely confidential nature"

Letter from Ai Chih Tsai to Lt. George Kerr (ddr-densho-446-133)
Ai Chih Tsai thanks Kerr and looks forward to meeting him and working under him.

Letter from Ai Chih Tsai to Selective Services, Chicago (ddr-densho-446-108)
Tsai began working for the War Department five days ago.

Letter from Ai Chih Tsai to Dr. W.A. Cameron (ddr-densho-446-335)
What is Presbyterian Church in Canada's plan for missionary work in Formosa? Advice welcome.

Letter from T.F. Fitch, Chief Special Agent, U.S. Dept. of State to Ryo Morikawa (ddr-densho-446-42)
Miss Tsai's name is on a list of Japanese nationals designated for repatriation to Japan. The letter requests her to indicate if she would like to be repatriated. Handwritten notes on reverse.

Letter from Velma N. Baldwin to Ai Chih Tsai (ddr-densho-446-105)
Instructions to report to Pentagon Building on February 5, 1945

Letter from Ryo Tsai to Monark Silver King, Inc. (ddr-densho-446-323)
Inquiry if your company is interested in investing in a low-cost bicycle for export to Formosa. (BCC: Arnold Schwinn and Co.; Iver Johnson's Arm and Cycle Works)

Letter from Melbourne L. Spector to Ai Chih Tsai (ddr-densho-446-205)
Letter tentatively offering Ai Chih Tsai an appointment with United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) as a Reports Officer for China. Final offer will follow after vetting.

W.D. Form 67: Request and Authorization for Civilian Travel at Government Expense (ddr-densho-446-172)
Travel Authorization for Ai Chih Tsai, Research Analyst, from Washington, D.C., to Camp Ritchie, MD, for 30 days.

UNRRA Personnel Journal (ddr-densho-446-233)
Inter-Office Transfer for Ai Chih Tsai from Formosa to Shanghai. "Local conditions make further useful work impossible"

Letter from Lt. Col. E. M. Hudgins to U.S. Department of Justice (ddr-densho-446-115)
Letter in support of Tsai's requests to change his status to friendly alien. Hudgins is Tsai's supervisor in current Military Intelligence Service position. Hudgins offers strong support for his character, ability, assistance to US war effort.

Letter from J.W. Fairchild, Chief of Payroll, to Ai Chih Tsai (ddr-densho-446-268)
UNRRA will pay 7.5% contribution to the Provident Fund within the next 10 days

Letter from Ai Chih Tsai to U.S. Department of Justice (ddr-densho-446-112)
Request for assistance changing Tsai's status to Chinese Formosan, friendly alien, and a path to U.S. citizenship [handwritten draft]

Group Photo with Ai Chih Tsai (ddr-densho-446-398)
ACS with his daughter and George Kerr, his commanding supervisor when he worked at the Navy in 1944 (Photo circa Spring 1946)

Letter from Ai Chih Tsai to Robert M. Strozier (ddr-densho-446-334)
Thank you for previous letter with apologies for delay. Ai Chih Tsai is continuing to work on Formosan project and will keep Strozier informed.