798 items
March on Washington (ddr-densho-379-431)
Members of the Washington, D.C. Chapter of the Japanese American Citizens League who participated in the 1963 March on Washington
Washington D.C.: you wouldn't want to live there (ddr-csujad-49-222)
Article titled, "Washington, D.C.: You Wouldn't Want to Live There," by Gil Bailey from "Southland Sunday, (February 21, 1971)." Also included is a newspaper clipping about freezing temperatures in Washington, D.C. dated on February 8, 1977. Item from: pages 108 of the Sue Kato scrapbook (gfb_skc_001). See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American …
Charles Z. Smith Interview Segment 18 (ddr-densho-1000-169-18)
Serving as Special Assistant to Attorney General Robert Kennedy in Washington, D.C.; working to prosecute James Hoffa
Interim Internee's At Large Agreement (ddr-densho-379-235)
Chimata Sumida's Interim Parolee Agreement transferring him from Rohwer Relocation Center to Washington, D.C.
Postcard from Cindy, Jack, and Lottie to Kimi Fujii (ddr-densho-433-101)
Cindy, Jack, and Lottie write to Kimi Fujii about their visit to Washington D.C.
Tetsuro Sumida and his wife Sumi Washino Sumida (ddr-densho-379-110)
Sumi Washino Sumida and Tets Sumida pose in backyard of new house in Washington, D.C.
Card from Tomoye Takahashi to Tomoyuki Nozawa and Margaret Imaoka (ddr-densho-423-385)
Arrived in St. Louis and met up with Martha. Will travel next to Washington D.C.
Newsletter from U.S. Senator Alan Cranston (ddr-densho-433-255)
A newsletter for U.S. Senator Alan Cranston with updates on his work in Washington, D.C..
Testimony of Mike Lowry (ddr-densho-67-319)
Written testimony of Mike Lowry, Congressman (D) Washington. This testimony was submitted for the CWRIC hearing in Washington, D.C., on July 14, 1981.
Marion Tsutakawa Kanemoto Interview Segment 47 (ddr-densho-1000-148-47)
Doing research in Washington, D.C. in an attempt to track down and recover father's assets from before the war
Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians photograph album (ddr-densho-346-1)
Paul Bannai's photograph album documenting the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians hearings in Seattle, Washington, Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles, California.
Newspaper clippings of the Jefferson memorial and the Washington monument in Washington, D.C. (ddr-csujad-49-236)
Newspaper clippings of the Jefferson memorial and the Washington monument in Washington, D.C. with the handwritten inscription, "Familiar sights fond memories..." Items from: pages 112-113 of the Sue Kato scrapbook (gfb_skc_001). See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: 2019_002_001_071_07
Newspaper clipping on the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument in Washington, D.C. (ddr-csujad-49-237)
Newspaper clipping on the Lincoln memorial and the Washington monument in Washington, D.C. An item from: pages 114-115 of the Sue Kato scrapbook (gfb_skc_001). See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: 2019_002_001_072_01
The Northwest Times Vol. 3 No. 39 (May 14, 1949) (ddr-densho-229-206)
"ADC Cites Need for FEP Measure" (p. 1), "Washington JACL, ADC Petition D.C. to Abolish Segregation" (p. 2).
W.D. Form 67: Request and Authorization for Civilian Travel at Government Expense (ddr-densho-446-170)
Travel Authorization for Ai Chih Tsai, Research Analyst, from Washington, D.C., to Camp Ritchie, MD, for 30 days.
W.D. Form 67: Request and Authorization for Civilian Travel at Government Expense (ddr-densho-446-171)
Travel Authorization for Ai Chih Tsai, Research Analyst, from Washington, D.C., to Camp Ritchie, MD, for 30 days.
W.D. Form 67: Request and Authorization for Civilian Travel at Government Expense (ddr-densho-446-172)
Travel Authorization for Ai Chih Tsai, Research Analyst, from Washington, D.C., to Camp Ritchie, MD, for 30 days.
Card from Tomoye to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-410-177)
News of Martha and her father's trip to Washington, D.C., Pinkie getting better, asks about job with OWI
Peter Irons Interview II Segment 9 (ddr-densho-1000-127-9)
Revisiting Korematsu and Hirabayashi cases as topic for book on civil rights; doing research at the National Archives in Washington, D.C.
Testimony of Lillian Baker (ddr-densho-67-327)
Written testimony of Lillian Baker. This testimony was submitted for the CWRIC hearing in Washington, D.C., on July 14, 1981.
Testimony of the National Coalition for Redress/Reparations (ddr-densho-67-331)
Testimony submitted by the National Coalition for Redress/Reparations for the CWRIC hearing in Washington, D.C., on July 14, 1981.
UNRRA Travel Authorization (ddr-densho-446-212)
Travel Authorization for Ai Chih Tsai to travel from Washington, D.C., to Shanghai beginning on or about June 9, 1946.
Washington, D.C.: shrine of America's past: symbol of its future (ddr-csujad-49-226)
Picture story titled, "Washington, D.C.: Shrine of America's Past-Symbol of Its Future." An item from: page 109 of the Sue Kato scrapbook (gfb_skc_001). See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: 2019_002_001_069_03
Testimony of Nobu Miyoshi (ddr-densho-67-320)
Written testimony of Nobu Miyoshi, ACSW. This testimony was submitted for the CWRIC hearing in Washington, D.C., on July 14, 1981.