798 items
798 items

Statement of Mas Odoi (ddr-densho-67-362)
Written statement of Mas Odoi. This statement was submitted for the hearings on Senate Bill S. 2116 in August of 1984. Personal information excised by Densho.

Statement of Paul Merculief (ddr-densho-67-337)
Written statement of Father Paul Merculief, Chairman of the Aleutian Housing Authority. This statement was submitted for the hearings on House of Representatives Bill H.R. 4110 in June of 1984.

Statement of Arthur S. Flemming (ddr-densho-67-345)
Written statement of Arthur S. Flemming, Member, Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians. This statement was submitted for the hearings on House of Representatives Bill H.R. 4110 in June of 1984.

Statement of the Japanese American Citizens League (ddr-densho-67-351)
Written statement of the Japanese American Citizens League. This statement was submitted for the hearings on House of Representatives Bill H.R. 4110 in June of 1984.

Statement of the National Coalition for Redress/Reparations, So. Calif. Chapter (ddr-densho-67-361)
Written statement of the National Coalition for Redress/Reparations, So. Calif. Chapter, titled: "Economic Losses: Impact on Family and Community a Case for Monetary Redress/Reparations." This statement was submitted for the hearings on Senate Bill S. 2116 in August of 1984.

Statement of Bill Sheffield (ddr-densho-67-335)
Written statement of Bill Sheffield, Governor of Alaska. This statement was submitted for the hearings on House of Representatives Bill H.R. 4110 in June of 1984.

Japanese American man meeting President Jimmy Carter (ddr-densho-72-62)
Tsuguo "Ike" Ikeda meeting President Jimmy Carter.

APEC Luncheon at the White House (ddr-densho-72-60)
The original caption for this photo reads: "UMC represented at recent APEC meeting: Representatives from the United Methodist Church attend APEC Luncheon on Nov. 20 by invitation of the White House. From left, back row: Dr. Keat Yeoh, District Superintendent, Wall Wall District; Surjadi Soedirgja, Governor, Jacarta City, Indonesia; Gary Locke, King County Executive Director Elect; …

Hiroshi Saito's daughters wearing kimono (ddr-njpa-4-2546)
Caption on reverse: "AMBASSADOR SAITO'S DAUGHTER TO BE CHERRY BLOSSOM QUEEN WASHINGTON.--- Sakiko Saito (left), the 10-year-old daughter of Hirosi [sic] Saito, the Japanese Ambassador to the United States, who will be crowed [sic] Queen of the Cherry Blossom Festival in Potomac Park next month, and her 8-year-old sister, Masako, as they appeared under the Japanese …

Hiroshi Saito's daughter (ddr-njpa-4-2547)
Caption on reverse: "QUEEN OF CHERRY BLOSSOM FESTIVAL WASHINGTON. --- Miss Sakiko Saito, daughter of the Japanese ambassador to the United States, who has been chosen Queen of the Cherry Blossom Festival here Potomac Park next month [sic]. c-3/18/37"

Ceremony for the signing of the Civil Liberties Act of 1988 (ddr-densho-10-181)
Caption on reverse: "Old Exec. Office Bldg., John Hayashi, Rochelle Wandzura, Rita Takahashi, Ron Wakabayashi, Bob Sakaguchi, Beorge Baba."

Exterior, the Old Executive Office Building (ddr-densho-10-197)
Event: President Reagan signing the Civil Liberties Act of 1988.

People at the ceremony for the signing of the Civil Liberties Act of 1988 (ddr-densho-10-193)
Caption on reverse: "Old Exec. Off. Bldg. Shig Wakamatsu, Homer Yasui, Bryan Matsui, Doris Matsui, True Yasui, Pat Okura, Helen Hayashi (Mineta's aide San Jose)."

Luncheon for Congressman Mineta (ddr-densho-10-191)
Event: President Reagan signing the Civil Liberties Act of 1988. Caption on reverse: "Rayburn Bldg. Sumi Kobayashi, George Uyehara, Hiro Uyehara."