798 items
798 items

Letter from Oliver Ellis Stone to Lawrence Fumio Miwa (ddr-densho-437-121)
Filing an request for an extension to submit the brief

Copy of letter from Paul Byron, Office of Alien Property, to Sen. Eugene Milliken (ddr-densho-437-169)
Asking Sen. Milliken to consider the Miwa claim

Letter from Paul Byron, Office of Alien Property, to Sen. Eugene Milliken (ddr-densho-437-168)
Asking Sen. Milliken to consider the Miwa claim

Letter from Olive Ellis Stone to William P. Roger (ddr-densho-437-124)
Copy of request to review claim

Letter from Oliver Ellis Stone to Rep. Spark Matsunaga (ddr-densho-437-155)
Biographical data for James Seigo Miwa's heirs

The Bakke Decision: Implications for Higher Education Admissions (ddr-densho-444-77)
A Report of the ACE-AALS Committee on Bakke

Copy of letter from Oliver Ellis Stone to Congressman Byron Johnson (ddr-densho-437-139)
Enclosing review of claim material, and plan to submit for review to Deputy Attorney General Byron White

Copy of letter from Paul Byron, Office of Alien Property, to Sen. Eugene Milliken (ddr-densho-437-170)
Asking Sen. Milliken to consider the Miwa claim

Letter from Oliver Ellis Stone to Lawrence Fumio Miwa (ddr-densho-437-176)
Reviewing details of claim

Letter from Spark Matsunaga to Oliver Ellis Stone (ddr-densho-437-151)
Requesting information about James Seigo Miwa for proposed private legislation on reparations

Letter from Lawrence Fumio Miwa to Oliver Ellis Stone (ddr-densho-437-153)
Biographical data for James Seigo Miwa's heirs

Letter from Oliver Ellis Stone to William Rogers, U.S. Attorney General (ddr-densho-437-117)
Requests that the Attorney General review the decision of the Office of Alien Property concerning the Miwa claim

Letter from Oliver Ellis Stone to Thomas Creighton, Chief of Claims Office of Alien Property (ddr-densho-437-51)
Submitting claim for James Seigo Miwa's confiscated property

The Educator Vol. 1 No. 1 (ddr-densho-444-5)
Newsletter from the Black Students for Better Education

Truman Pardons 1,523 Draft-Act Violators. Conshies on List Getting Civil Rights. (December 23, 1947) (ddr-densho-56-1185)
The Seattle Daily Times, December 23, 1947, pp. 1, 2

Statement of John C. Kirtland (ddr-densho-67-340)
Written statement of John C. Kirtland titled: "The Aleut Experience in World War II." This statement was submitted for the hearings on House of Representatives Bill H.R. 4110 in June of 1984.

Statement of Norman Y. Mineta (ddr-densho-67-354)
Written statement of Norman Y. Mineta. This statement was submitted for the hearings on Senate Bill S. 2116 in August of 1984.

Statement of Mary Oda (ddr-densho-67-359)
Written statement of Mary Oda. This statement was submitted for the hearings on Senate Bill S. 2116 in August of 1984.

Statement of Mervyn M. Dymally (ddr-densho-67-356)
Written statement of Mervyn M. Dymally. This statement was submitted for the hearings on Senate Bill S. 2116 in August of 1984.

Statement of S.I. Hayakawa (ddr-densho-67-355)
Written statement of S.I. Hayakawa. This statement was submitted for the hearings on Senate Bill S. 2116 in August of 1984.