798 items
798 items

Signed letter from H. L. Stafford, Project Director at Minidoka War Relocation Project, to Edward J. Ennis, Director, Enemy Alien Control Unit, on the approval of Dr. Koyama's parole with docketing and filing stamps (ddr-one-5-243)
Photocopy of a declassified typed letter from H.L. Stafford, Project Director of the Minidoka War Relocation Project, to Edward J. Ennis, Director, Enemy Alien Control Unit. Mr. Stafford writes about his interaction with Mrs. Koyama and her efforts to have her husband paroled. He is forwarding to Washington, D.C., a copy of her testimony. The letter …

Weekly Press Review No. 45 (ddr-densho-156-358)
Original summary excerpts: A CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR correspondent found the emphasis this week was shifting from the Tule Lake center itself to the "somewhat more calm and judicial precincts of a congressional committee room in Washington, D.C." Reports on new developments at the center were limited to the discovery of a "moonshine" still, plus a quantity …

Tulean Dispatch Vol. III No. 70 (October 7, 1942) (ddr-densho-65-68)
Selected article titles: "Students to Aid Crop Harvest: 400 High School Students Start Work This Morning" (p. 1), "Miyamoto Takeda Leave for Work Inspection Tour" (p. 1), "Colony Boasts Only Hog Farm" (p. 1), "Colonists Urged to Help in Farm Work" (p. 1), "From Washington D.C.: Staff Artists Recognized" (p. 2), "Parents' Help Asked to Curb …

The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 36 No. 24 (June 12, 1953) (ddr-pc-25-24)
Selected article titles: "California forbids use of Japanese in Citizenship classes" (p. 1), "Inter-racial harmony of Hawaiian Islands combination of wise monarchy, economy, spirit of friendliness" (p. 1), "Los Angeles Democrat praises determination of Issei to become U.S. citizens, urges more funds to aid I&NS" (p. 2), "Japanese language schools: is it good or bad today? …

The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 36 No. 1 (January 2, 1953) (ddr-pc-25-1)
Selected article titles: "Thorough revision of immigration act recommended to President" (p. 1), "Caution Issei filing for M'Carran law benefits" (p. 1), "Reconstruction of postwar Japan amazing; industry of people stands" (p. 2), "Watsonville veteran refused haircut sets to push court case" (p. 2), "Erasure of racial restrictions from nationality code would be meaningless if delayed …

Golden Anniversary Reunion, 442 RCT (ddr-csujad-1-195)
A booklet of 50th Golden Anniversary 442 RCT includes mostly images of the events during the 5 days anniversary held in Hawaii. Also includes massages from Bill Clinton, U.S. President, Gen. Colin L. Powell, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Washington D.C., and addresses delivered by Daniel K. Inouye, U.S. Senator, Hawaii, Gen. Gordon L. …

Letters and clippings to Yuri Tsukada from Mine Okubo (ddr-densho-356-662)
Multiple letters, notes and envelopes stored together inside one envelope. The first letter is addressed to Yuriko Domoto Tsukada from Mine Okubo. In this letter Mine writes to thank Yuri for mailing photographs of Mine's exhibition and discusses it. The first note contains names of organizations. The second note contains a note about getting a call …

Letter from Kaneji Domoto to Wakako Domoto (ddr-densho-329-882)
Letter from Taliesin. Kan is making progress and gaining skills at Taniesin, especially in carpentry, as he is learning skills from a carpenter's son (Marcus Weston, also mentioned in letter ddr-densho-329-881). He is also enjoying listening to records with the other fellows and dusting off his piano skills. Mr. Wright encourages him to join the chorus. …

Letter from F. de Amat, Consul of Spain, to Mr. Shizuo Sasaki, Secretary, Spanish Consul Joint Committee, Topaz, Utah, February 18, 1944 (ddr-csujad-55-886)
Correspondence from F. de Amat, Consul of Spain, to Shizuo Sasaki, Secretary, Spanish Consul Joint Committee, regarding selective service of the Japanese American citizens. Includes information from the Embassy in Washington. D.C. regarding obligations of American citizens of Japanese descent to serve in the U.S. Army. Letter relayed from the Consul of Spain in San Francisco …

Betty Morita Shibayama Interview (ddr-densho-1000-152)
Nisei female. Born May 30, 1933, in Hood River, Oregon. Raised in the Hood River valley on family farm. After December 7, 1941, removed to the Pinedale Assembly Center, California, and then to the Tule Lake concentration camp, California. In 1943, moved with family to the Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho, before leaving camp for Chicago, Illinois, …

Narrator Betty Morita Shibayama
Nisei female. Born May 30, 1933, in Hood River, Oregon. Raised in the Hood River valley on family farm. After December 7, 1941, removed to the Pinedale Assembly Center, California, and then to the Tule Lake concentration camp, California. In 1943, moved with family to the Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho, before leaving camp for Chicago, Illinois, …

Narrator Joanne Chiedi
Born in Washington, D.C. During the Redress Movement, worked for the Department of Justice's Office of Redress Administration (ORA), which was established to identify and administer reparations payments to eligible individuals. Worked as the ORA's Deputy Director, Verification Unit, from 1989 to 1997. After leaving the ORA, went on to work as the Deputy Executive Officer, …

Sankuro Ogasawara and two other Ministry of Finance officials (ddr-njpa-4-1718)
Caption on reverse: "JAPAN FINANCE MINISTER HERE: Sankuro Ogasawara (center), Japanese finance minister, was a brief visitor here Saturday night enroute to Washington, D.C., where he will attend general meetings of the International Monetary Fund and of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. He was accompanied by Gengo Suzuki (left), financial commissioner, and Taroichi Yoshida, …
![Pacific Citizen, Vol. 113, No. 5 [August 30, 1991] (ddr-pc-63-30)](https://ddr.densho.org/media/cache/77/f5/77f5b0101bcababfc23bebd312249f79.jpg)
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 113, No. 5 [August 30, 1991] (ddr-pc-63-30)
Select article titles: "Full investigation of Arizona killings urged" (p. 1), "Justice official promises ongoing fight for rights" (p. 1), "Redress in Hawaii: 'Non-internees' may qualify" (p. 1), "Minority groups sue for Census adjustment" (p. 3), "Chicago JACL board opposes Thomas nomination to U.S. Supreme Court" (p. 3), "Next redress checks due for evacuees at least …

Miss Hawaii pageant winner and two runners up (ddr-njpa-2-388)
Caption on reverse: "MISS HAWAII AND RUNNERS-UP: Miss Claire Heen, chosen Miss Hawaii of 1951 at the Miss Hawaii pageant at the 49th State Fair last night, is shown at center. Miss Gloria Kanemura (left) and Miss Joan Scott were runners-up in that order. All three are leaving Sunday by United Airlines for New York City …

Lury Sato Interview (ddr-one-7-6)
Nisei female. Born January 25, 1915, in Montavilla, Oregon. Grew up in Portland and attended college before World War II. During the war, removed to the Portland Assembly Center, Oregon, and the Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho. Left camp with husband and lived in New York and Washington, D.C. Eventually returned to Portland.
(This material is based …

The staff of the Minidoka Irrigator (ddr-densho-10-3)
The staff of the Minidoka Irrigator, the weekly newspaper of the Minidoka concentration camp, outside the paper's office. The Minidoka Irrigator, a weekly paper, ran from September 10, 1942, through July 28, 1945, and contained news about the camp and of the war when Nisei began enlisting. Japanese Americans with a background in journalism worked on …

Issei and her daughter at the Iwo Jima Memorial (ddr-densho-25-128)
(Left to right): Beverly Iseri, Kisa Iseri.

Issei receiving her redress check (ddr-densho-25-131)
Assistant Attorney General John Dunne presenting a redress check to Kisa Iseri of Ontario, Oregon.

Written apology (ddr-densho-25-125)
This written apology from former U.S. President George Bush accompanied redress checks for former camp inmates.

Autographed photo of redress check presentation (ddr-densho-25-132)
Kisa Iseri, an Issei woman, receiving her redress check from Assistant Attorney General John Dunne.

Letter from Oliver Ellis Stone to Richard Lott (ddr-densho-437-87)
Details concerning Miwa family's claim