357 items
Concentration camp site (ddr-densho-37-253)
Original WRA caption: This site near Tule Lake in Modoc County, just south of the Oregon border, has been selected for the construction of a War Relocation Authority center for evacuees of Japanese ancestry.
Baggage inspection (ddr-densho-151-12)
Original WRA caption: Turlock, California. Baggage is inspected as families arrive at Turlock assembly center. Evacuees of Japanese ancestry will be transferred later to War Relocation Authority centers where they will spend the duration.
Baggage inspection (ddr-densho-151-8)
Original WRA caption: Turlock, California. Baggage is inspected as families arrive at Turlock assembly center. Evacuees of Japanese ancestry will be transferred later to War Relocation Authority centers where they will spend the duration.
Administrative notice, no. 237 (April 3, 1945) (ddr-csujad-55-1666)
WRA Assistance for Housing Accommodations in West Coast Areas, War Relocation Authority. Policies and procedures for housing accommodations for former incarcerees returning to west coast areas. Covers conditions for housing facilities to obtain government loans in order to support the influx of former incarcerees and other procedures related to housing. See this object in the California …
WRA resettlement image (ddr-densho-7-2)
Original WRA caption: Here is a picture of the large garage and auto repair shop where Mr. George Isoda is employed. He has worked there for almost one year and is a valued member of the mechanic crew. He says his relationship with customers and fellow employees is excellent. Beginning in summer 1942, the War Relocation …
Notice of assignment, Form WRA-21, Yokohama, Chiyono (ddr-csujad-55-1297)
Notice of work assignment for Chiyono Yokohama as a Janitor at Tule Lake incarceration camp. Form WRA-21. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_1299
Notice of assignment, Form WRA-21, Masako Adachi (ddr-csujad-55-1961)
Notice of work assignment of Masako Adachi as a waitress at Tule Lake incarceration camp. Form WRA-21. From the Masako Adachi scrapbook. See also sac_jaac_1953. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_1964
A Guide for Japanese Americans in New York City and Suburban Areas (ddr-densho-356-1016)
Notice to Japanese Americans in New York City area that WRA field offices are closing and what resettlement policies will continue and what will not and a list of local social services office to contact in lieu of WRA field offices.
Message from D.S. Myer, the Director of the War Relocation Authority (ddr-csujad-55-182)
Response by D.S. Meyer, director of the War Relocation Authority, to incarcerees discussing the implications and procedures following the lifting of the exclusion orders by the Western Defense Command in January 1945. Includes "Summary of WRA policies and procedures for the final phase of the relocation program" and information on relocation assistance, property assistance, welfare assistance, …
Letter from Dillon S. Myer, Director, War Relocation Authority, to WRA staff members, 1943 (ddr-csujad-55-1655)
Correspondence from Dillon S. Myer to all staff members regarding two War Relocation Authority reports on incarceration camps. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_1657
Weekly Press Review, no. 49, January 5, 1943 (ddr-csujad-19-64)
Survey by the War Relocation Authority "for use of the WRA Staff" of press activity, including stories published; clippings received and the work of clipping services; reporting from visits to "relocation centers"; summaries of editorial opinion and of "public attitudes" as reflected the work of columnists and in articles, letters to the editor, and reports for …
Weekly press review, no. 25, July 4, 1943 (ddr-csujad-19-78)
Survey by the War Relocation Authority "for use of the WRA Staff" of press activity, including stories published; clippings received and the work of clipping services; reporting from visits to "relocation centers"; summaries of editorial opinion and of "public attitudes" as reflected the work of columnists and in articles, letters to the editor, and reports during …
Weekly Press Review, no. 50, January 1944 (ddr-csujad-19-63)
Survey by the War Relocation Authority "for use of the WRA Staff" of press activity, including stories published; clippings received and the work of clipping services; reporting from visits to "relocation centers"; summaries of editorial opinion and of "public attitudes" as reflected the work of columnists and in articles, letters to the editor, and reports during …
Heart Mountain Wyoming reports: covering the period December 19th to 24th, 1942: Heart Mountain Relocation Center (ddr-csujad-55-1023)
Report and statistics covering Heart Mountain incarceration camp. Includes reports from WRA divisions including Administration, Community Services (covers fire department, police department), Social Welfare, Recreation, Education, Community Government, Hospital (covers statistics), War Works, Housing and Employment, Transportation and Supply, Community Enterprises, Engineering-Construction-Maintenance, Office of Design Coordination, and general population (including birth and death) statistics. See this …
Quarterly report, 3rd (October 1/December 31, 1942) (ddr-csujad-55-766)
Report on community government at Heart Mountain incarceration camp. Covers: Special conditions of community government; Elements of Heart Mountain community government; and Function of Heart Mountain community government. Includes a description of roles and/or functions of the WRA administration, block chairmen, block meetings, block committees, block administrative officers, judicial commission, and charter commission. See this object …
Minidoka under construction (ddr-fom-1-897)
WRA caption on reverse: "A panorama view of the Minidoka War Relocation Authority center. This view, taken from the top of the water tower at the east end of the camp, shows partially completed barracks."
Minidoka under construction (ddr-fom-1-900)
WRA caption on reverse: "A panorama view of the Minidoka War Relocation Authority center. This view, taken from the top of the water tower at the east end of the camp, shows partially completed barracks."
Minidoka under construction (ddr-fom-1-901)
WRA caption on reverse: "A panorama view of the Minidoka War Relocation Authority center. This view, taken from the top of the water tower at the east end of the camp, shows partially completed barracks."
Minidoka under construction (ddr-fom-1-896)
WRA caption on reverse: "A panorama view of the Minidoka War Relocation Authority center. This view, taken from the top of the water tower at the east end of the camp, shows partially completed barracks."
Minidoka under construction (ddr-fom-1-898)
WRA caption on reverse: "A panorama view of the Minidoka War Relocation Authority center. This view, taken from the top of the water tower at the east end of the camp, shows partially completed barracks."
Minidoka under construction (ddr-fom-1-895)
WRA caption on reverse: "A panorama view of the Minidoka War Relocation Authority center. This view, taken from the top of the water tower at the east end of the camp, shows partially completed barracks."
Minidoka under construction (ddr-fom-1-899)
WRA caption on reverse: "A panorama view of the Minidoka War Relocation Authority center. This view, taken from the top of the water tower at the east end of the camp, shows partially completed barracks."
Mass removal (ddr-densho-37-585)
Original WRA caption: Salinas, California. Evacuees of Japanese ancesty wait for the bus which will take them to the Salinas Assembly center. They will later be transferred to War Relocation Authority centers for the duration.
Native American at camp site (ddr-densho-37-435)
Original WRA caption: Parker, Arizona. Henry Welsh, Mojave Indian and chairman of the tribal council for the Colorado River Indian Reservation, which is site of a War Relocation Authority center for evacuees of Japanese ancestry.
Military police on watchtower (ddr-densho-37-393)
Original WRA caption: Arcadia, California. Military police on duty in watch-tower at Santa Anita park assembly center for evacuees of Japanese ancestry. Evacuees are transferred later to War Relocation Authority centers for the duration.