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757 items
Citizen's indefinite leave, WRA-137, Alfred Iwao Tsukamoto (ddr-csujad-55-7)
doc Citizen's indefinite leave, WRA-137, Alfred Iwao Tsukamoto (ddr-csujad-55-7)
Certification that Alfred Tsukamoto was authorized to indefinitely leave the Jerome incarceration camp for Kalamazoo, Michigan. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_00008
Form WRA-6B, Shoji Nagumo (ddr-csujad-55-628)
doc Form WRA-6B, Shoji Nagumo (ddr-csujad-55-628)
Time card belonging to Shoji Nagumo for his position as a Block Coordinator at Heart Mountain incarceration camp. Form WRA-6B. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_0630
Leave notice: notice to evacuees leaving project via Klamath Falls bus depot (ddr-csujad-55-2396)
doc Leave notice: notice to evacuees leaving project via Klamath Falls bus depot (ddr-csujad-55-2396)
Guidelines for incarcerees at Tule Lake incarceration camp who are preparing to depart the camp via Klamath Falls bus depot. Includes documents and procedures necessary for leaving the incarceration camp. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_2502
Manual on judiciary and arbitration (ddr-csujad-55-786)
doc Manual on judiciary and arbitration (ddr-csujad-55-786)
Manual covering Judiciary and Arbitration at Manzanar incarceration camp. Part 1, Judiciary, includes the following Articles: 1. Judicial Commission; 2. Officers; 3. Hearing Board; 4. Rules of procedure; and 5. Cases outside the Jurisdiction of Judicial Commission. Part 2, Arbitration, includes the following Articles: 1. Arbitration Committee; 2. Officers; 3. Procedures; 4. Duties of the Commission; …
Application for leave clearance, Form WRA 126 rev. (ddr-csujad-55-187)
doc Application for leave clearance, Form WRA 126 rev. (ddr-csujad-55-187)
Questionnaire distributed to adult female U.S. citizens of Japanese ancestry and aliens. Individuals were required to supply information regarding place of birth, date of birth, citizenship, places of residence, height, weight, hair color, eye color, voter status, marital status and citizenship of spouse, the names and addresses of all relatives living in the United States, the …
WRA digest of current job offers for period of April 16 to April 30, 1944, Rockford, Illinois (ddr-csujad-55-842)
doc WRA digest of current job offers for period of April 16 to April 30, 1944, Rockford, Illinois (ddr-csujad-55-842)
Report on job vacancies and opportunities for "resettlers" in Rockford, Illinois. Includes summary of jobs, housing, and a list of job titles and pay for males and females. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_0844
General information bulletin (Cody, Wyo.), series 26 (October 15, 1942) (ddr-csujad-55-658)
doc General information bulletin (Cody, Wyo.), series 26 (October 15, 1942) (ddr-csujad-55-658)
General information bulletin, series 26, published at the Heart Mountain incarceration camp, Wyoming on October 15, 1942. Bulletin including news, events, and topics related to Heart Mountain incarceration camp. Includes: Evacuees protected by disability benefits; Offer aid in application for ballots; Doctors rotate for duty at hospital; Dr. Ito in charge of milk station; Fourth appendectomy …
Requisition for mess hall supplies, Form C-WRA-43 (ddr-csujad-55-683)
doc Requisition for mess hall supplies, Form C-WRA-43 (ddr-csujad-55-683)
Requisition form for food and baking supplies at Heart Mountain incarceration camp. Form C-WRA-43. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_0685
Mess card 3-A (ddr-csujad-55-1988)
doc Mess card 3-A (ddr-csujad-55-1988)
Mess hall tag belonging to Allan Minoru Hida. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_1991
WRA digest of current job offers for period of Dec. 10 to 25, 1943, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (ddr-csujad-55-803)
doc WRA digest of current job offers for period of Dec. 10 to 25, 1943, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (ddr-csujad-55-803)
Report on job vacancies for "resettlers" in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Includes summary of jobs and housing and a list of job titles and pay for males and females. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_0805
Identification tag (ddr-csujad-55-1989)
doc Identification tag (ddr-csujad-55-1989)
Tag belonging to Soichi Hida, family number 27776. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_1992
Medical tag (ddr-csujad-55-1987)
doc Medical tag (ddr-csujad-55-1987)
Medical tag for Allan Minoru Hida, family number 27776. "To be taken by medical examiner." See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_1990
Job opportunities in Grand Rapids, Buffalo, Columbus and other spots in area (ddr-csujad-55-827)
doc Job opportunities in Grand Rapids, Buffalo, Columbus and other spots in area (ddr-csujad-55-827)
Report on job vacancies and opportunities for "resettlers" in Grand Rapids, Michigan and Columbus, Ohio. Includes summary of jobs, housing, and a list of job titles and pay for males and females. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_0829
General information bulletin (Cody, Wyo.), series 15 (September 23, 1942) (ddr-csujad-55-649)
doc General information bulletin (Cody, Wyo.), series 15 (September 23, 1942) (ddr-csujad-55-649)
General information bulletin, series 15, published at the Heart Mountain incarceration camp, Wyoming on September 23, 1942. Bulletin including news, events, and topics related to Heart Mountain incarceration camp. Includes: Cooperation asked in meeting housing problem; Center gets 22 additional trucks; Colonists without August work orders listed; Transfer application forms now available; Mothers asked to return …
Procedure in obtaining indefinite leave (ddr-csujad-55-678)
doc Procedure in obtaining indefinite leave (ddr-csujad-55-678)
Procedures for incarcerees seeking "indefinite leave" from Heart Mountain incarceration camp. Includes the following sections: 1. Apply at the Relocation Office; 2. Know where you are going; 3. Apply for leave; 4. Apply for cash grant; 5. Apply for Identification Card and Leave Permit; 6. Apply for Property Clearance; 7. Apply for War Ration Book at …
Night school bulletin (1943) (ddr-csujad-55-664)
doc Night school bulletin (1943) (ddr-csujad-55-664)
Bulletin covering the Adult English program at Heart Mountain incarceration camp. Includes dates, times, and locations for spring term classes and descriptions of "regular English classes" and "special classes." See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_0666
Coordinator's bulletin, no. 12 (February 7, 1945) (ddr-csujad-55-854)
doc Coordinator's bulletin, no. 12 (February 7, 1945) (ddr-csujad-55-854)
Bulletin covering procedures, policies, and regulations related to "resettlement." See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_0856
Attendance summary (ddr-csujad-55-1782)
doc Attendance summary (ddr-csujad-55-1782)
Weekly school attendance summary form for Poston incarceration camp. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_1785
Heart Mountain Public School progress report (ddr-csujad-55-904)
doc Heart Mountain Public School progress report (ddr-csujad-55-904)
Report card from the Heart Mountain Public School at Heart Mountain incarceration camp for Reiko Nagumo. Covers grades in each subject for the 1942-1943 school year. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_0906
Evacuee property report (ddr-csujad-55-2431)
doc Evacuee property report (ddr-csujad-55-2431)
Receiving record for the personal property of George Hideo and Dorothy Nakamura. Covers items transported from Marysville, California to Chicago, Illinois. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_2537
Change of residence report card, WRA-148 (ddr-csujad-55-2444)
doc Change of residence report card, WRA-148 (ddr-csujad-55-2444)
Change of residence form card issued to incarcerees by the War Relocation Authority. Form WRA-148. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_2550
WRA digest of current job offers for period of March 16 to March 31, 1944, Indianapolis, Indiana (ddr-csujad-55-990)
doc WRA digest of current job offers for period of March 16 to March 31, 1944, Indianapolis, Indiana (ddr-csujad-55-990)
Report on job vacancies for "resettlers" in Indianapolis, Indiana. Includes summary of jobs and housing and a list of job titles and pay for males and females. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_0992
General information bulletin (Cody, Wyo.), series 18 (September 26, 1942) (ddr-csujad-55-651)
doc General information bulletin (Cody, Wyo.), series 18 (September 26, 1942) (ddr-csujad-55-651)
General information bulletin, series 18, published at the Heart Mountain incarceration camp, Wyoming on September 26, 1942. Bulletin including news, events, and topics related to Heart Mountain incarceration camp. Includes: $100,000 war industry plant to be built here; Policy of community enterprise explained; Heart Mountain officials in Denver; Fashion classes to start Monday; Surprise shower given …
Warehouse clothing order, Form WRA-76, Shoji Nagumo (ddr-csujad-55-914)
doc Warehouse clothing order, Form WRA-76, Shoji Nagumo (ddr-csujad-55-914)
Order form for warehouse clothing belonging to Shoji Nagumo. Form WRA-76. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_0916
Recommendations by the Committee on Nursery and Atypical Education, War Relocation Authority, Community Management Division, Education Section (ddr-csujad-55-1701)
doc Recommendations by the Committee on Nursery and Atypical Education, War Relocation Authority, Community Management Division, Education Section (ddr-csujad-55-1701)
Report and recommendations by the Committee on Nursery and Atypical Education. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_1703