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1520 items
Family portrait (ddr-densho-359-1614)
img Family portrait (ddr-densho-359-1614)
A photograph The War Relocation Authority took of a Japanese American family in Denver, Colorado at Eleanor Apartments in the Spring of 1945.
Construction of barracks (ddr-densho-37-256)
img Construction of barracks (ddr-densho-37-256)
Original WRA caption: Tule Lake Relocation Center, Newell, California. Construction of this War Relocation Authority center has commenced. Approximately 10,000 evacuees of Japanese ancestry will be housed here for the duration.
Students walking to barracks (ddr-densho-151-360)
img Students walking to barracks (ddr-densho-151-360)
Original caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Pre-school children on the way to their barrack homes from morning class at this War Relocation Authority center for evacuees of Japanese ancestry.
Letter from John J. McCloy, Assistant Secretary of War, to Dillon S. Myer (ddr-densho-67-22)
doc Letter from John J. McCloy, Assistant Secretary of War, to Dillon S. Myer (ddr-densho-67-22)
Letter from John J. McCloy, Assistant Secretary of War, to Dillon S. Myer, Director of the War Relocation Authority, regarding transfer of family members to join issei in Department of Justice internment camps. McCloy wary of such transfers, as he believes they would subject Nisei to "issei contamination." Favors instead paroling Issei out of internment camps …
Young Japanese Americans playing in creek (ddr-densho-151-400)
img Young Japanese Americans playing in creek (ddr-densho-151-400)
Original caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Evacuee children enjoying a hot summer afternoon in the mountain creek which flows through the desert on the border of this War Relocation Authority center.
Concentration camp firebreak (ddr-densho-151-68)
img Concentration camp firebreak (ddr-densho-151-68)
Original WRA caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. General view of this War Relocation Authority center located in Owens Valley looking east across the wide fire-break which separates blocks of barracks.
Japanese Americans playing in creek (ddr-densho-151-401)
img Japanese Americans playing in creek (ddr-densho-151-401)
Original caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Evacuee children enjoying a hot summer afternoon in the mountain creek which flows through the desert on the border of this War Relocation Authority center.
Young Japanese American with baseball bat (ddr-densho-151-471)
img Young Japanese American with baseball bat (ddr-densho-151-471)
Original caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Evacuee boy waiting at the entrance of the Recreational Hall at this War Relocation Authority center. He is anxious for the baseball team to assemble.
Elementary school class (ddr-densho-151-361)
img Elementary school class (ddr-densho-151-361)
Original caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. These young evacuees are attending the first elementary school at this War Relocation Authority center. There are six grades with volunteer teachers and voluntary attendance.
Final Accountability Rosters Collection (ddr-densho-305)
Collection Final Accountability Rosters Collection (ddr-densho-305)
This collection contains the Final Accountability Rosters from the 10 concentration camps. These reports were compiled during the closures of all camps and contains information about each person, including: name, family number, date of birth, marital status, citizenship status, alien registration number, method of original entry into the center, date of entry, pre-evacuation address, center address, …
Hiroko Nishi reading to her daughter in their barracks apartment (ddr-fom-1-862)
img Hiroko Nishi reading to her daughter in their barracks apartment (ddr-fom-1-862)
WRA caption on reverse: "Mrs. Nishi reads a bedtime story to little Eime at this War Relocation Authority center for evacuees of Japanese ancestry."
Highway sign (ddr-densho-37-400)
img Highway sign (ddr-densho-37-400)
Original WRA caption: Poston, Arizona. Highway leading to this war Relocation Authority center for evacuees of Japanese ancestry on the Colorado River Indian Reservation.
Memo from the State Department on Family Reunification (ddr-densho-356-984)
doc Memo from the State Department on Family Reunification (ddr-densho-356-984)
Memo from the State Department on the status of family reunification of internees held by other branches of government than the War Relocation Authority
Grandfather waiting for bus (ddr-densho-151-197)
img Grandfather waiting for bus (ddr-densho-151-197)
Original caption: Centerville, California. A grandfather awaits evacuation bus. Evacuees of Japanese ancestry will be housed in War Relocation Authority centers for the duration.
Nisei girls waiting for bus (ddr-densho-151-184)
img Nisei girls waiting for bus (ddr-densho-151-184)
Original caption: Centerville, California. School girls await evacuation bus. Evacuees of Japanese ancestry will be housed in War Relocation Authority centers for the duration.
Kansas City Newsletter Volume 1, Number 1 (ddr-densho-381-18)
doc Kansas City Newsletter Volume 1, Number 1 (ddr-densho-381-18)
The debut issue of the Kansas City News Letter [sic], written by the War Relocation Authority for areas served by the Kansas City Regional Relocation Office. Articles include upcoming events, employee recognition, an advertisement recommending the Midwest for permanent relocation, and more.
Statement on the testimony of Harold H. Townsend before the House of Representatives Subcommittee (ddr-densho-381-4)
doc Statement on the testimony of Harold H. Townsend before the House of Representatives Subcommittee (ddr-densho-381-4)
A rebuttal of statements made by Harold H. Townsend, former Chief Supply and Transportation Officer, before the House of Representatives Subcommittee of the Special Committee on Un-American Activities. The author, most likely the War Relocation Authority, argues that Townsend's testimony was almost entirely composed of false statements about events and living conditions at the Poston concentration …
Clothing vouchers (ddr-densho-469-2)
doc Clothing vouchers (ddr-densho-469-2)
Clothing vouchers for Hamaki, Hamako, and Kazuo Otani.
Camp visit by Eleanor Roosevelt (ddr-densho-37-468)
img Camp visit by Eleanor Roosevelt (ddr-densho-37-468)
Original WRA caption: Gila River Relocation Center, Rivers, Arizona. Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, accompanied by Dillon Myer, National Director of the War Relocation Authority, visit the Gila River Relocation Center, where they were greeted by crowds of enthusiastic evacuees.
Japanese sandals (ddr-densho-37-816)
img Japanese sandals (ddr-densho-37-816)
Original WRA caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Close-up of geta, stilt-like sandals, which are especially useful in dust. These are made by evacuee craftsmen in this War Relocation Authority center.
Concentration camp site (ddr-densho-37-251)
img Concentration camp site (ddr-densho-37-251)
Original WRA caption: Tule Lake Relocation Center, Newell, California. Site on which a War Relocation Authority center is to be constructed for the housing of 10,000 evacuees of Japanese ancestry for the duration.
Concentration camp street scene (ddr-densho-151-69)
img Concentration camp street scene (ddr-densho-151-69)
Original WRA caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Street scene looking east toward the Inyo Mountains at this War Relocation Authority center. The children are coming to their barrack homes from play school.
Notice from Gila River Project, War Relocation Authority, United States Department of Interior, July 7, 1945 (ddr-csujad-42-112)
doc Notice from Gila River Project, War Relocation Authority, United States Department of Interior, July 7, 1945 (ddr-csujad-42-112)
A notice from Gila River Project, War Relocation Authority, United States Department of the Interior. It certifies that Fumio Fred Takano has returned the work equipment which belongs to War Relocation Authority. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: tak_01_61_001
Mimeographed copy of
doc Mimeographed copy of "Racism and Reason", published by the Department of the Interior, War Relocation Authority (October 2, 1944) (ddr-janm-1-45)
10-page mimeographed copy of a speech entitled "Racism and Reason," published by the Department of the Interior, War Relocation Authority, Washington, DC. Address was to be delivered by Dillon S. Myer, Director of the War Relocation authority at an interfaith meeting sponsored by the Pacific Coast Committee on American Principles and Fair Play, at Los Angeles, …
Administrative notice, no. 241 (April 26, 1945) (ddr-csujad-55-1668)
doc Administrative notice, no. 241 (April 26, 1945) (ddr-csujad-55-1668)
Myths and Facts about the Japanese Americans, War Relocation Authority. Memorandum regarding distribution and use of a War Relocation Authority publication titled "Myths and Facts about the Japanese Americans." See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_1670