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10 items
img "Shinbo's Restaurant" (ddr-densho-259-347)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "'Shinbo's Restaurant', Walla Walla, Washington. That may not have been the real name of the restaurant This was a pretty nice restaurant for its days, which was around 1938 when we visited them. There are six Caucasian waitresses, so that was a pretty sizeable operation."

Narrator Frances Kajita Nishi

Nisei-Sansei female. Born in February 24, 1934, in Mosier, Oregon. Grew up in Mosier, where parents worked on an orchard and did truck farming. During World War II, removed to the Pinedale Assembly Center, California, and the Tule Lake concentration camp, California. Following the so-called "loyalty questionnaire" in 1943, family transferred to the Topaz concentration camp, …
Mary Kato - Frances Kajita Nishi Interview (ddr-densho-1000-494)
vh Mary Kato - Frances Kajita Nishi Interview (ddr-densho-1000-494)
This interview is with two sisters, Mary Kato and Frances Kajita Nishi. Ten years apart in age, they grew up in Mosier, Washington, where their parents worked on an orchard and did truck farming. During World War II, the family was removed to the Pinedale Assembly Center, California, and the Tule Lake concentration camp, California. Following …

Narrator Mary Kato

Nisei-Sansei female. Born in February 23, 1924, in Hood River, Oregon. Grew up in Mosier, Oregon, where parents worked on an orchard and did truck farming. During World War II, removed to the Pinedale Assembly Center, California, and the Tule Lake concentration camp, California. Following the so-called "loyalty questionnaire" in 1943, family transferred to the Topaz …
Benny Murata portrait (ddr-densho-463-34)
img Benny Murata portrait (ddr-densho-463-34)
Written beside photograph on scrapbook page: Benny Murata, Taken in Walla Walla, 1944.
Nisei children gathered in a living room (ddr-densho-259-193)
img Nisei children gathered in a living room (ddr-densho-259-193)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Portrait of the Yasui children, from Michi on down, together with the Shimbo children, in the living room of the latter. The Shimbos were family friends living in Walla Walla, WA, and we went to visit them one summer."
img "Shinbo's Restaurant" (ddr-densho-259-348)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "View of 'Shinbo's Restaurant' kitchen."