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17 items
Roy Y. Uto and Harold M. Date (ddr-njpa-5-435)
doc Roy Y. Uto and Harold M. Date (ddr-njpa-5-435)
Caption on newspaper clipping: "Outgoing and Incoming YBA Head: Harold M. Date (right) is shown accepting the gavel from Roy Y. Uto as the new president of the Honolulu YBA at the association's 59th annual meeting last night at the Waikiki Lau Yee Chai. -- (Hawaii Times photo)"
Roy Y. Uto and Harold M. Date (ddr-njpa-5-434)
img Roy Y. Uto and Harold M. Date (ddr-njpa-5-434)
Caption on reverse: "Outgoing and Incoming YBA Head: Harold M. Date (right) is shown accepting the gavel from Roy Y. Uto as the new president of the Honolulu YBA at the association's 59th annual meeting last night at the Waikiki Lau Yee Chai. -- (Hawaii Times photo)"

Narrator Richard Kosaki

Nisei male. Born September 14, 1924, in Waikiki, Hawaii. Attended McKinley High School, where he was student body president, just prior to the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941. Served as a language instructor for the U.S. Military Intelligence Service during World War II, and was stationed in Japan during the U.S. occupation. Earned PhD in …
Glenn and Takeo Isoshima sitting in chairs (ddr-densho-477-616)
img Glenn and Takeo Isoshima sitting in chairs (ddr-densho-477-616)
Photograph of Takeo Isoshima (left) with son Glenn Isoshima (right) sharing a drink and snack. The caption to the right the photo reads "Glenn and Linnell played tour guide" in black ink.
Takeo Isoshima in Hawaii (ddr-densho-477-609)
img Takeo Isoshima in Hawaii (ddr-densho-477-609)
The caption above the photo reads "Finally in Oahu, Hawaii May 1987" in black ink
Isoshima family with Waikiki model (ddr-densho-477-614)
img Isoshima family with Waikiki model (ddr-densho-477-614)
Photograph of the Isoshima family posing with a model in Waikiki. From left to right: Glenn Isoshima, Linnell (Kanzaki) Isoshima, model, Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima, and Takeo Isoshima.
Mitzi (Nakahara) Isoshima in Hawaii (ddr-densho-477-610)
img Mitzi (Nakahara) Isoshima in Hawaii (ddr-densho-477-610)
The caption next to the photo reads "Finally in Oahu, Hawaii May 1987" in black ink
Esther Williams and Ben Gage with their son Benji (ddr-njpa-1-2403)
img Esther Williams and Ben Gage with their son Benji (ddr-njpa-1-2403)
Caption on reverse: "Film star and family on the beach: Esther Williams, her husband Ben Gage and their seven-month-old son Benjie posed for this photo Thursday afternoon at their rented home at Waikiki, Miss Williams is here to star in MGM's Technicolor film, 'Pagan Love Song,' which will be shot on Kauai begining April 1 or …
Samuel Wilder King speaking at a dinner with Japanese community leaders (ddr-njpa-2-543)
img Samuel Wilder King speaking at a dinner with Japanese community leaders (ddr-njpa-2-543)
Caption on reverse: "GOV. KING ADDRESSES JAPANESE CHAMBER DINNER: Gov. Samuel Wilder King is shown addressing a dinner given in his honor last night at the Waikiki Lau Yee Chai by the local Japanese community. Pictured with him on the platform is Mrs. King. Others, left to right, are: Masayuki Tokioka, president of the Honolulu Japanese …
Dr. Harvey S. Hardman and Mrs. Hardman arriving in Hawai'i (ddr-njpa-1-555)
img Dr. Harvey S. Hardman and Mrs. Hardman arriving in Hawai'i (ddr-njpa-1-555)
Caption on reverse: "Mental science lecturer: Above are Dr. Harvey S. Hardman, president of the Mental Science Institute of Denver, Colo., and Mrs. Hardman. Dr. Hardman arrived here Wednesday night aboard the President Wilson after a three-month visit in Japan, and was met here by Mrs. Hardman who reached Honolulu by plane Tuesday evening from the …
Richard Kosaki Interview (ddr-janm-13-1)
vh Richard Kosaki Interview (ddr-janm-13-1)
Nisei male. Born September 14, 1924, in Waikiki, Hawaii. Attended McKinley High School, where he was student body president, just prior to the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941. Served as a language instructor for the U.S. Military Intelligence Service during World War II, and was stationed in Japan during the U.S. occupation. Earned PhD in …
A king and queen of Aloha Week gathered with others in formal dress (ddr-njpa-2-500)
img A king and queen of Aloha Week gathered with others in formal dress (ddr-njpa-2-500)
Caption on reverse: "Presented above are the King and Queen of Aloha Week (Mr. Sargent Kahanamoku and Mrs. Anna Kahanamoku), the first husband-and-wife royalty of Aloha Week, who held a court reception last Saturday evening at historic Iolani Palace. The King and Queen yesterday attended services at historic Kawaiahao Church, the Westminster Abbey of Hawaii. Starting …
Governor Samuel Wilder King and others listening to a speech (ddr-njpa-2-255)
img Governor Samuel Wilder King and others listening to a speech (ddr-njpa-2-255)
Caption on reverse: "FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF WALTER-MCCARRAN ACT NOTED: The first anniversary of the Walter-McCarran Act, which eliminated all racial barriers to naturalization in the United States for the first time, was celebrated at a dinner sponsored by the Naturalization Encouragement Association of Honolulu last night at the Waikiki Lau Yee Chai. Frank J. Drees, director …