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Group of men outside Bamboo Garden Restaurant (ddr-densho-122-596)
(l-r) George Nozawa, James Omura, George Uyeda, Tom Oki, Dave Kawamoto, Mits Koshiyama , Clifford Uyeda, Kozie Sakai

Group at Asian American Journalism Association awards ceremony honoring James Omura (ddr-densho-122-597)
Mits Koshiyama, George Uyeda, James Omura, George Nozawa, Dave Kawamoto

Men standing behind President Jimmy Carter in White House, signing of Commission of Wartime Relocation and Internment of Citizens Act into law (ddr-densho-393-5)
Unknown, Clifford Uyeda, Ted Stevens, Daniel Inouye, Ron Ikejiri, Barbara Ikejiri, Norm Mineta, Spark Matsunaga, George Danielson. President Carter seated. photo front and back. Signed by George Danielson, Congressman from California.

Letter to Frank Emi from George Uyeda (ddr-densho-122-478)
Written on arriving at McNeil Island Prison

Group of men at desk in White House, Signing of Commission of Wartime Relocation and Internment of Citizens Act into law (ddr-densho-393-3)
Left to right: Clifford Uyeda (half hidden), Ted Stevens, Daniel Inouye, Ron Ikejiri, Barbara Ikejiri, Norm Mineta, Pres. Jimmy Carter, George Danielson. Photo front and back.

Auburn baseball team (ddr-densho-18-55)
Front (left to right): Susie Uyeda, Yoshi Natsuhara, George Terada, Ray Kiyohara, Morrie Yamaguchi, and Mike Tokumatsu. Back: Jack Hori, Nobu Nakatani, George Hirai, Mr. Tsurui, Matsu Sakagami, Toshi Yamanaka, Hiato Kojo, Mr. Arai, and Mr. Hori.

Men standing behind President Jimmy Carter in White House, signing of Commission of Wartime Relocation and Internment of Citizens Act into law (ddr-densho-393-4)
Left to right: Unknown, Clifford Uyeda, Ted Stevens, Daniel Inouye, Ron Ikejiri, Barbara Ikejiri, Norm Mineta, Spark Matsunaga, George Danielson. President Carter seated. Photo front and back.

Envelopes from letters sent to Frank and Art Emi from Ben Wakaye and George Uyeda (ddr-densho-122-480)
Letters: Objects ddr-densho-122-477 and 478

Letter from Lorraine to Kimi Fujii (ddr-densho-433-24)
Lorraine writes to Kimi Fujii about her recent outings with friends.

Letter from Lorraine to Kimi Fujii (ddr-densho-433-28)
Lorraine writes to Kim Fujii about events she's attended where people dressed in "Indian fashion," her outings with Hank and other friends, and laments about so many men being away to fight in the war.

Inaugural opening of Elk Grove Japanese School (ddr-csujad-55-1588)
Sepia-toned photograph of a group of students and adults at the inaugural opening of the Elk Grove Japanese language school. Photograph includes identification of some individuals. From left to right, Yamada, Hatsutaro Ishigaki, Kanjiro Omae, George Haruto Omae, Harry Kaname Omae, Frank Yamada, George Shigeru Matsumoto, Shigeo Sakamoto, Makishima, Robert Masaru Matsumoto, Tsunematsu Sugimoto, Elwood Norio …

Letter from Lorraine to Kimi Fujii (ddr-densho-433-16)
Lorraine writes to Kimi Fujii with updates on her job, love life, and recent outings.

Letter from Kanui to Kimi Fujii (ddr-densho-433-18)
Kanui writes to Kimi Fujii about bad advice Lorraine has given her, updates on her work at the bindery, and more.

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 48, No. 12 (March 20, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-12)
Selected article titles: "Eisenhower signs Statehood bill without fanfare" (p. 1), "Uncle Sam's 50th star now in view. JACL jubilant over Hawaiian statehood and recognition of its citizens" (p. 1), "Japanese American Democratic Club drops racial designation, reaction is mixed" (p. 3), "Chapter eliminates racial restriction in own high school scholarship program" (p. 4), "Civil rights …

Redress appeal (ddr-densho-415-7)
Copy of George Sunada's appeal for redress eligibility. Documents how his and his family's constitutional rights were violated by the federal government.

Heart Mountain Fire Department (ddr-densho-363-30)
A poster of the Heart Mountain Fire Department in 1944 including the Inspection Bureau, Platoon A, Platoon B, and Platoon C.

Letter from Lorraine to Kimi Fujii (ddr-densho-433-19)
Lorraine writes to Kimi Fujii about recent outings, friends who have enlisted, and her job.

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 43, No. 9 (August 31, 1956) (ddr-pc-28-35)
Selected article titles: "'Callahan' to retire from top Nat'l JACL post" (p. 1), 'Yes for Prop. 13' gains new support" (p. 1), "Early JACL days grim" (p. 2), "Calif. voter registration deadline emphasized by Pasadena JACL chapter" (p. 2), "JACL flag to be unfurled" (p. 3), "Candidates for 1956-58 National JACL offices" (p. 5), "Another 85 …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 48, No. 24 (June 12, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-24)
Selected article titles: "JACL objectives for 1960-70 to be drafted by commission" (p. 1), "Special Issei citizenship class of nine ranging in ages 77-92 await taking of oath, hope Supreme Court Chief administers it" (p. 1), "L.A.-born strandee restored citizenship on basis of 'certificate of identity'" (p. 3), "NBC radio series on minorities begins in L.A." …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 48, No. 1 (January 2, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-1)
Selected article titles: "War bride studies for naturalization while in hospital, discharged as citizen" (p. 1), "Sansei youth return $4,000 found in bag given them to wrap small purchase items" (p. 1), "Race bias charged in employment of clerical workers" (p. 1), "Mass naturalization rites of 126 Issei, integration of evacuees into So. Jersey community recalled …

The Campanile Review (ddr-densho-433-278)
A collection of articles, names, addresses, and additional information compiled for the Annual Northern California Intercollegiate Advance.

1981 Membership Roster MIS Association of Northern California (ddr-ajah-2-23)
Contact information redacted
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