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705 items
Letter from Wilbur E. Peacock, Manager, and H. L. Gee, Senior Interviewer, War Manpower Commission, United States Employment Service, to George Naohara, April 29, 1943 (ddr-csujad-38-556)
doc Letter from Wilbur E. Peacock, Manager, and H. L. Gee, Senior Interviewer, War Manpower Commission, United States Employment Service, to George Naohara, April 29, 1943 (ddr-csujad-38-556)
A letter from War Manpower Commission and United States Employment Service to George Nobuo Naohara in Salt Lake, Utah, where he has been employed as a farm laborer. It informs that his request for certificate of separation from the work was denied due to insufficient reasons. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American …
Poston camp (ddr-csujad-35-8)
doc Poston camp (ddr-csujad-35-8)
A a travel journal written by Kenji Kawabe of his time away from the Poston camp, Arizona from May 9 through June 2, 1944. He visited the Granada camp in Colorado and Salt Lake and the Topaz camp in Utah, meeting his friends and going sightseeing and shopping. See this object in the California State Universities …
Postcard from Irene Ibana to Mitzi Naohara, March 5, 1945 (ddr-csujad-38-400)
doc Postcard from Irene Ibana to Mitzi Naohara, March 5, 1945 (ddr-csujad-38-400)
A postcard from Iye Irene Ibana who left the Poston camp in Arizona for Detroit, Michigan. She wrote from Salt Lake, Utah, during her trip. It was sent to Mitzi while she was incarcerated at the Poston camp. An item from: Mitzi Naohara scrapbook (csudh_nao_0400), page 28. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese …
Nisei man (ddr-csujad-38-55)
img Nisei man (ddr-csujad-38-55)
Photographed is a Nisei man standing near a stream probably in Rupert, Idaho, or Utah. The handwritten note reads: This steam has been our bathtub. [In Japanese]. The same image without the note is found in item: csudh_nao_0055. A photo from "George Naohara photo album" (csudh_nao_0001), page 16. See this object in the California State Universities …
Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4301 (April 24, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-14)
doc Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4301 (April 24, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-14)
Selected article titles: "Interracial Tolerance Aided by Bataan Hero and Two Nisei"; "The San Francisco Chronicle: What is America Like?"; "Army Officials Investigate Fire"; "The Anti-Nisei Dynamite Case. Alien Land Act Issue Injected in Arson Trial"; "Probe Goes On in Alien Ownership of Placer Land"; "Commander of Legion Post Quits Over Nisei Vet Issue"; "Kings County …
Information Digest No. 48 (ddr-densho-156-406)
doc Information Digest No. 48 (ddr-densho-156-406)
Section titles: "Segregation"; "Director Myer's Field Trip"; "Physicians and Nurses for Center Positions Interviewed"; "Progress on WRA Movie"; "Participation in Community Activities"; "Gila River Dehydration Plant in Operation"; "Field Reports Officers to be Appointed"; "New WRA Publications"; "Red Cross Drives"; "Personnel Changes"; Leave Clearances"; "Central Utah Relocation Program"; "Teacher Shortage a Prospect"; "Engraved School Diplomas Prohibited"; …
Sentinel supplement, series 232 (September 12, 1944) (ddr-csujad-55-939)
doc Sentinel supplement, series 232 (September 12, 1944) (ddr-csujad-55-939)
News bulletin from Heart Mountain incarceration camp covering a meeting about work at the Tooele Ordinance Depot, election of Community Enterprises committee, stoves, departure of enlisted incarcerees, call for agricultural workers in Utah, funeral services, railroad jobs, sending packages, jobs at the incarceration camp, and baseball games. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese …
Ann Fujikawa Interview (ddr-densho-1011-9)
vh Ann Fujikawa Interview (ddr-densho-1011-9)
Nisei female. Born in Berkeley, California. During World War II, removed to the Tanforan Assembly Center, California, and the Topaz concentration camp, Utah. After the war, returned to Berkeley.

(This material is based upon work assisted by a grant from the Department of the Interior, National Park Service. Any opinions, finding, and conclusions or recommendations expressed …

Warren H. Watanabe Interview (ddr-phljacl-1-2)
vh Warren H. Watanabe Interview (ddr-phljacl-1-2)
Nisei male. Born August 12, 1921, in San Francisco, California. Grew up in San Francisco, where father worked as the executive secretary of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce. During World War II, removed to the Tanforan Assembly Center, California, and the Topaz concentration camp, Utah. Left camp to attend college and the University of Chicago. Earned …
Ben Takeshita Interview (ddr-densho-1000-467)
vh Ben Takeshita Interview (ddr-densho-1000-467)
Nisei male. Born August 2, 1930, in San Mateo, California. During World War II, removed with family to the Tanforan Assembly Center, California, and the Topaz concentration camp, Utah. Due to parents' answers on the so-called "loyalty questionnaire," transferred to Tule Lake when it was designated a segregation center. After leaving camp, returned to San Mateo, …

Narrator Robert "Rusty" Kimura

Nisei male. Born January 19, 1915, in Sacramento, California. During World War II, sent to the Topaz concentration camp, Utah. Volunteered for the military out of camp, and was recruited to serve in the Military Intelligence Service.
doc "Murder in Camp Manzanar" (ddr-densho-67-18)
Document written by J.Y. Kurihara. Account of incident in which Harry Ueno, a kitchen worker, was accused of assaulting Fred Tayama, JACL member and accused "informant." Kitchen Workers Union members and Manzanar residents went to administration to demand the release from jail of Ueno and soldiers fired on crowd, killing one person. Members of the Kitchen …
Tulean Dispatch Vol. III No. 50 (September 12, 1942) (ddr-densho-65-47)
doc Tulean Dispatch Vol. III No. 50 (September 12, 1942) (ddr-densho-65-47)
Selected article titles: "100 Women Are Definitely Needed for Project Farm" (p. 1), "Schools Face Furniture Shortage" (p. 1), "3800 to Begin School Monday" (p. 1), "Kites Taboo" (p. 1), "Many Jobs Listed by Placement" (p. 1), "Beet Workers Leave for Utah" (p. 1), "New Teachers Have Colorful Backgrounds" (p. 2), "Awards for Labor Day Exhibits …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 24 No. 26 (July 5, 1947) (ddr-pc-19-27)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 24 No. 26 (July 5, 1947) (ddr-pc-19-27)
Selected article titles: "Utah State VFW Supports Citizen Rights for Issei" (p. 1), "Southgate Issei Win Extension For 60 Days. Move Made to Get Satisfactory Housing For Evacuee Group" (p. 1), "Masaoka Files Protest Against Civil Service Commission's Use of Race Classification" (p. 2), "325 Renunciants Win Release From Custody as Federal Court Grants Writs to …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 47, No. 2 (July 11, 1958) (ddr-pc-30-28)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 47, No. 2 (July 11, 1958) (ddr-pc-30-28)
Select article titles: "Tokyoans celebrate 100th anniversary of Joseph Heco's naturalization as American citizen, descendants attend" (p.3); "Utah Congressman Dawson alerts colleagues to 15th Biennial parley" (p. 4); "'Why I am against JACL involvement in U.S.-Japan relations': Saburo Kido" (p. 5); "Bay Area home builder denies minority races depreciate property values" (p.8) Starting in No. 13, …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 64, No. 17 (April 28, 1967) (ddr-pc-39-18)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 64, No. 17 (April 28, 1967) (ddr-pc-39-18)
Selected article titles: "Decision on legality of Evacuation still remains" (p. 1), "Utah civil rights citizens aim for equal housing" (p. 1), "Restaurant sued for $100,000 by Sansei teacher" (p. 1), "'Japan's Decision for War' clearly related" (p. 1), "Where's Civil Rights Movement Heading?" (p. 5), "Elimination of poverty in America next goal of human rights …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 60, No. 10 (March 5, 1965) (ddr-pc-37-10)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 60, No. 10 (March 5, 1965) (ddr-pc-37-10)
Selected article titles: "1st Civil Rights Bill Passed in State of Utah" (p.1), "Home-Owners near Farm Labor Camp Protest Skid-Row Recruits" (p.1), "Wyoming Governor Signs Act Repealing Miscegenation Law" (p.1), "Immigration Testimony" (p.2), "First California Gray Whale Captured Alive for Sea World by Nisei Commercial Whaler, Considered Top U.S. Sharpshooter" (p.3), "Hawaii's Reapportionment Task Toughened by …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 60, No. 18 (April 30, 1965) (ddr-pc-37-18)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 60, No. 18 (April 30, 1965) (ddr-pc-37-18)
Selected article titles: "Wirtz Approves Use of Foreign Farm Workers" (p.1, 3), "Inouye Sponsors Bill Dealing with Migratory Labor" (p.1), "History Project: Issei Developed Famous Utah Celery" (p.2), "Nisei Criticizes President's New Farm Bill" (p.3), "Project to House Migrant Farm Laborers under Anti-Poverty Program Stalled" (p.3), "Vice President Humphrey Urges Labor to Assist Minority Citizens to …
Tetsuo Hashimoto, beauty of the body (ddr-csujad-38-9)
img Tetsuo Hashimoto, beauty of the body (ddr-csujad-38-9)
Photographed is Tetsuo L. Hashimoto standing in a farm field. He presumably works as a farm laborer at Civilian Conservation Corps Camp, Rupert, Idaho, or Utah. The caption reads: Tetsuo Hashimoto, beauty of the body. [In Japanese]. Title from caption. A photo from "George Naohara photo album" (csudh_nao_0001), page 1. See this object in the California …
Visitors pass no. 12238, WRA-38, George Naohara (ddr-csujad-38-558)
doc Visitors pass no. 12238, WRA-38, George Naohara (ddr-csujad-38-558)
A visitors pass issued by E. B. Whitaker, Project Director. It authorizes George Nobuo Naohara of Brigham, Utah to visit the Jerome camp in Arkansas to pay 15 dollars for meals eaten during December 11, 1943 to January 4, 1944. He also requests to be re-inducted. WRA-38. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese …
Manzanar Free Press Vol. 6 No. 81 (March 31, 1945) (ddr-densho-125-325)
doc Manzanar Free Press Vol. 6 No. 81 (March 31, 1945) (ddr-densho-125-325)
Selected article titles: "Eight Families Sign Contracts for Agricultural Work in Utah" (p. 1), "Christian Church to Hold Easter Sunrise Services" (p. 1), "Lack of Patrons Close Library in Block 22-15" (p. 1), "Release Figures on Nisei Boys in the U.S. Armed Forces" (p. 1), "Regulations Limit Construction Work in WRA Centers" (p. 1), "Vandals Disturb …
Manzanar Free Press Vol. IV No. 12 (October 16, 1943) (ddr-densho-125-176)
doc Manzanar Free Press Vol. IV No. 12 (October 16, 1943) (ddr-densho-125-176)
Selected article titles: "Remind Residents Water Control Still in Effect" (p. 1), "Promise Fair Play to Utah Workers" (p. 1), "Indian Protests Nisei Teachers" (p. 1), "Tuleans Move" (p. 1), "Continue Leave Clearance Hearing" (p. 1), "To Hold Discussions on Social Problems" (p. 1), "Blackout Saturday Due to Lightning" (p. 1), "Shoyu Factory Goes Into Full …
Poston Chronicle Vol. XIII No. 16 (June 20, 1943) (ddr-densho-145-342)
doc Poston Chronicle Vol. XIII No. 16 (June 20, 1943) (ddr-densho-145-342)
Selected article titles: "Volunteers to Leave Friday Night. Eleven More from Center to Be Inducted at Fort Douglas, Utah" (p. 1), "Clarification of Clothing Allowance Disclosed by Welfare Department. Unemployment Compensation Granted to Injured Employees" (p. 1), "Volunteers Adopt 'Go for Broke' Regimental Motto" (p. 1), "Pre-Officers' Candidate School Courses Established for Nisei Combat Team" (p. …
Daily Press Review, Vol. V, No. 15 (ddr-densho-156-255)
doc Daily Press Review, Vol. V, No. 15 (ddr-densho-156-255)
Article titles: "Japs to Harvest Sugar Beets"; "Harlem Didn't Rise"; "Japanese Private's Funeral Conducted at Minidoka Relocation Center"; "Japanese Woman Arraigned on Bribing Charge"; "Japanese Work in Local Areas"; "Japanese Couple Marries at Cody"; "Revocation of All Jap Citizenships Proposed"; "Utah State Federation of Labor Hits Jap Influx"; "Relocated Japs Can be Hired to Harvest Beets"; …
Letter from D.S. Myer to Charles Ernst answering questions regarding Crystal City (ddr-densho-356-980)
doc Letter from D.S. Myer to Charles Ernst answering questions regarding Crystal City (ddr-densho-356-980)
Letter from WRA Director D.S. Myer to Central Utah Relocation Center Director Charles F. Ernst responding to a series of memos requesting information about Crystal City Camp. Myer directs further questions to the officer in charge at Crystal City, advises that internees who transfer to Crystal City should not expect to be granted permanent leave until …