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Photo and text titled:
img Photo and text titled: "The Gift" (ddr-ajah-6-486)
Document with photos and biographical information about Kanjiro and Natsuno Inouye
Kanjiro and Natsuno Inouye (ddr-ajah-6-490)
img Kanjiro and Natsuno Inouye (ddr-ajah-6-490)
Caption below photo: Kanjiro and wife Natsuno Inouye in Alameda, CA
Two women in costume (ddr-ajah-6-492)
img Two women in costume (ddr-ajah-6-492)
Caption below photo: Natsuno Inouye, at left, dresses the part for a shibai, or play, at the Buddhist Temple of Alameda
Two women in costume (ddr-ajah-6-493)
img Two women in costume (ddr-ajah-6-493)
Caption below photo: Natsuno Inouye, at left, dresses the part for a shibai, or play, at the Buddhist Temple of Alameda
Natsuno Inouye in kimono (ddr-ajah-6-491)
img Natsuno Inouye in kimono (ddr-ajah-6-491)
Caption below photo: Natsuno Inouye dresses the part for a shibai, or play, at the Buddhist Temple of Alameda
Man standing on ladder (ddr-ajah-6-487)
img Man standing on ladder (ddr-ajah-6-487)
Caption below photo: Kanjiro Inouye at his first house on Eagle Avenue in Alameda, CA
Group at picnic (ddr-ajah-6-489)
img Group at picnic (ddr-ajah-6-489)
Caption below photo: The Inouyes and friends, from Alameda, CA., enjoy a picnic, location unknown but many such outings were held in the Oakland area.
Tadaichi and friends (ddr-densho-357-781)
img Tadaichi and friends (ddr-densho-357-781)
Back row, left to right: unknown, Tadaichi Yoshioka, Jane (last name unknown). Front row, left to right: unknown, Reverend Newton Ishiura.
Group on deck of ship (ddr-densho-356-29)
img Group on deck of ship (ddr-densho-356-29)
Photograph of a group of 12 people on the deck of the Tokyo Tatuta Maru. Identified left to right front row: unknown, grandma Hirai. Middle row: George Hirai, Yoneo, David Hirai, unknown, Mrs. Hideo Okada, Yone Narumi, Richard Tsukada. Back row: unknown, unknown, unknown.
Young Buddhists Association officers (ddr-densho-159-97)
img Young Buddhists Association officers (ddr-densho-159-97)
This photograph is of the new officers for 1943. Front row (center): Reverend Imamura. Second row: unknown, unknown, Alice Yamasaki, Tamaki Hatayama, unknown.
Unknown (ddr-densho-252-61)
img Unknown (ddr-densho-252-61)
Women and one man grouped around a quilt.
Unknown (ddr-densho-252-57)
img Unknown (ddr-densho-252-57)
Group portrait of women in kimono with shiji in the background.
Unknown (ddr-densho-252-71)
img Unknown (ddr-densho-252-71)
Possibly Hideto and Michie Yamanaka and their two daughters, gathered around bedding.
Unknown (ddr-densho-252-60)
img Unknown (ddr-densho-252-60)
Group photograph taken outside: three men, two women, three children.