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Friendship circle (ddr-densho-336-697)
img Friendship circle (ddr-densho-336-697)
The 1975 Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camp.\nCaption on front: "Gary 'tuna' Tanaka, Barbara Tamura."
Boys bathroom (ddr-densho-336-1809)
img Boys bathroom (ddr-densho-336-1809)
The 1986 Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camp. Caption on front: "Glasses-Vince Uyeda / Middle stall: Nate Takarabe / Farthes: Craig Uyesugi."
Article in the Hokubei Mainichi (ddr-densho-336-902)
doc Article in the Hokubei Mainichi (ddr-densho-336-902)
A letter to the editor, written by Brad Shirakawa, about the state of various California chapters of the Young People's Christian Conference and the Lake Sequoia Retreat.
Group on the beach (ddr-densho-336-166)
img Group on the beach (ddr-densho-336-166)
The 1969 Lake Sequoia Retreat reunion in Salinas.\nLeft to right: Peggy Nishida, David Kawakami, JoAnn Kawakami.
Campers at morning watch (ddr-densho-336-1045)
img Campers at morning watch (ddr-densho-336-1045)
The 1977 Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camp. Caption on front: "XX-Calvin Iyoya (with scrapbook on his head)."
Three campers sitting on the side of a road (ddr-densho-336-14)
img Three campers sitting on the side of a road (ddr-densho-336-14)
Campers at the 1946 Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camp. Louise Hiyakawa in the middle.
Campers racing (ddr-densho-336-845)
img Campers racing (ddr-densho-336-845)
The 1976 Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camp. \nCaption on front: "Leslie Shirakawa Red Stripes, Paul Kawakami Beret, Donna Kawahara."