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442nd soldiers cleaning up after a meal (ddr-densho-22-33)
img 442nd soldiers cleaning up after a meal (ddr-densho-22-33)
Caption in album: "After the chow we wash our own meal cans. Our mess gear is made up of canteen cup, meal can, knife, fork and spoon. The heated water heated by kerosene burners set up by the mess crew. Each Battery has a mess crew each feeding about 1[?]5 men."
522nd Field Artillery Battalion at the Eagle's Nest / Kehlsteinhaus (ddr-densho-22-131)
img 522nd Field Artillery Battalion at the Eagle's Nest / Kehlsteinhaus (ddr-densho-22-131)
Soldiers of the 522nd Field Artillery Battalion posing at Hitler's retreat near Berchtesgaden, known as the Eagle's Nest in English and Kehlsteinhaus in German.
Soldier at MacDill Field (ddr-densho-22-426)
img Soldier at MacDill Field (ddr-densho-22-426)
Man wearing a Lordsburg shirt. Caption on front: "'Kanaka' Shigeta / MacDill Field Fla."
Soldiers eating at the Rainbow Club (ddr-densho-22-191)
img Soldiers eating at the Rainbow Club (ddr-densho-22-191)
Caption on front: "Flash Foto - Souvenir from Rainbow Club / Dine and Dance / 125 D St / Marysville, Calif."
552nd Field Artillery Battalion Charlie Btry sign (ddr-densho-22-76)
img 552nd Field Artillery Battalion Charlie Btry sign (ddr-densho-22-76)
Caption in album: "Yes as we were here in Donauworth patrolling and cleaning up we were cleaning up what war had made. Not too unexpected had come the news that V-J Victory-Japan had come shortly after the hard fought V-E Victory-Europe day had come. We felt an excitement quite unexplainable but we worked as usuable [sic] …
Guards on outpost (ddr-densho-22-73)
img Guards on outpost (ddr-densho-22-73)
Caption in album: "Here is T/5 Jim Umamoto on outpost."
American Red Cross worker (ddr-densho-22-54)
img American Red Cross worker (ddr-densho-22-54)
Caption in album: "American Red Cross Clubmobile girl."
Group of soldiers on a truck (ddr-densho-22-253)
img Group of soldiers on a truck (ddr-densho-22-253)
Caption on reverse: "My buddies and I on / the future family car. / Satoru."
522nd Field Artillery Battalion soldiers at Berghof (ddr-densho-22-450)
img 522nd Field Artillery Battalion soldiers at Berghof (ddr-densho-22-450)
Berghof was Adolf Hitler's retreat above Berchtesgaden in the Bavarian Alps.
Letter of thanks for military service (ddr-densho-22-393)
doc Letter of thanks for military service (ddr-densho-22-393)
A letter of thanks from Harry Truman to soldiers who fought during World War II. Given to Herbert K. Yanamura.
522nd Field Artillery Battalion soldiers departing (ddr-densho-22-65)
img 522nd Field Artillery Battalion soldiers departing (ddr-densho-22-65)
Caption in album: "522nd FA Bn. Donauworth / As all good things must, end came by the point system the old timers made a departure for a well deserved home and a discharge. The new reinforcements and all the law pointers were."