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10000 items
Announcement (ddr-one-3-109)
doc Announcement (ddr-one-3-109)
Announcement from the Smithsonian Program for Asian Pacific American Studies of a book reading and lecture by author Janus Y. Kurahara about his family's experience of internment during WWII.
George Kida and woman holding fish (ddr-one-3-99)
img George Kida and woman holding fish (ddr-one-3-99)
Color photograph of a Japanese woman wearing a long tan coat and George Kida both holding recently caught fish.
George Kida at family gravestones (ddr-one-3-96)
img George Kida at family gravestones (ddr-one-3-96)
Color photograph of two Japanese people at the gravesite of Miyuki "Kay" Kida and Kenjiro Kida. One person is kneeling and praying, the man (George Kida) is standing.
Fishing along the Columbia (ddr-one-3-92)
img Fishing along the Columbia (ddr-one-3-92)
Color photograph of a group of nine people fishing along the Columbia River.
img Miyuki "Kay" Kida having tea with company (ddr-one-3-120)
Color photograph of Miyuki "Kay" Kida and ten white women sitting or standing around a dining table. The table is set for tea.
George and Kay Kida (ddr-one-3-127)
img George and Kay Kida (ddr-one-3-127)
Color studio portrait photograph of George Kida with an image of Miyuki "Kay" Kida superimposed next to him.
Christmas card (ddr-one-3-4)
doc Christmas card (ddr-one-3-4)
Unaddressed Christmas card and envelope.
George Kida at Christmas (ddr-one-3-126)
img George Kida at Christmas (ddr-one-3-126)
Color photograph of George Kida sitting in a chair. A table covered with platters of food is visible in the background. From Christmas, 1995.
img Miyuki "Kay" Kida (ddr-one-3-131)
One copy of a color studio portrait photograph of Miyuki "Kay" Kida taken in celebration of her 89th birthday. Inscribed on the back "#11."
img Miyuki "Kay" Kida in her home (ddr-one-3-118)
Color photograph of Miyuki "Kay" Kida standing next to piece of furniture in her home in White Salmon, Washington.
Toho Movie Studio (ddr-one-2-357)
img Toho Movie Studio (ddr-one-2-357)
Black and white photographic print of (from left) Shiuko Sakai, unidentified film “starlet”, and Heidi Okihara at Toho movie studio. Inscribed on the back: "2-9-47."
Visit to Miyajima Island (ddr-one-2-614)
img Visit to Miyajima Island (ddr-one-2-614)
Black and white photographic print of (from left) Heidi Okihara in a dark coat and Shiuko Sakai in a light-colored coat standing outside in Miyajima.
Sukiyaki at Miyoko Hotel (ddr-one-2-106)
img Sukiyaki at Miyoko Hotel (ddr-one-2-106)
Black and white photographic print of (from left) Olinda Saito, Raymond Funakoshi (standing), David Funakoshi, Tami Okamura and Shiuko Sakai seated at table with steaming pot. After skiing, the group was photographed having sukiyaki back at the Miyoko hotel. Sukiyaki consists of meat cooked in a large pan with vegetables added, then seasoned with soy sauce …
Wedding Reception of Olinda Saito and Sgt. Raymond Funakoshi (ddr-one-2-53)
img Wedding Reception of Olinda Saito and Sgt. Raymond Funakoshi (ddr-one-2-53)
Black and white photographic print of wedding reception for Olinda Saito and Sgt. Raymond Funakoshi at the American Club in Tokyo, Japan. From left: Olinda Saito’s mother, Olinda Saito (bride), Shiuko Sakai, Capt. Waddington and Capt. Humphries. Shiuko Sakai, the donor, organized this wedding party for Olinda Saito, with whom she worked at the U.S. army …
Aboard Acadia (ddr-one-2-295)
img Aboard Acadia (ddr-one-2-295)
Black and white photographic print of passengers aboard Acadia en route to Japan. Passengers are on deck smiling for camera: (from left) unidentified man, Shiuko Sakai wearing life vest, unidentified man kneeling down, and Ella Thomas wearing life vest.
Roosevelt Recreation Center (ddr-one-2-675)
img Roosevelt Recreation Center (ddr-one-2-675)
Black and white photographic print of (from left) Yo Tajiri in white swimsuit, Peggy Pedlo, Shiuko Sakai, and Betty Whaley seated in front of white fence at pool at Roosevelt Recreation Center in Tokyo. Inscribed on the back: "2 Aug 47/Roosevelt Rec."
Easter Sunday (ddr-one-2-206)
img Easter Sunday (ddr-one-2-206)
Black and white photographic print of Shiuko Sakai wearing a jacket and skirt with white gloves, standing outside in front of a building on Easter Sunday.
Visit to Sacramento (ddr-one-2-711)
img Visit to Sacramento (ddr-one-2-711)
Black and white photographic print of Shiuko Sakai standing on raised curb in front of building at the Sacramento State Fairgrounds. Inscribed on the back: "4 SEP 49/SACRAMENTO STATE FAIR."
Visit to Chicago (ddr-one-2-700)
img Visit to Chicago (ddr-one-2-700)
Black and white photographic print of (from left) Heidi Kubo, Shiuko Sakai, and Heidi Okihara seated on a bench in Chicago with staircase in background.
Inside the NYK Building (ddr-one-2-323)
img Inside the NYK Building (ddr-one-2-323)
Black and white photographic print of (from left) Yo Tajiri and Shiuko Sakai in white dresses and holding hands at their office in Tokyo’s NYK building.
Visit to Kyushu (ddr-one-2-193)
img Visit to Kyushu (ddr-one-2-193)
Black and white photographic print of Shiuko Sakai with a parasol standing next to an outdoor statue.
Roosevelt Recreation Center (ddr-one-2-676)
img Roosevelt Recreation Center (ddr-one-2-676)
Black and white photographic print of Shiuko Sakai standing at Roosevelt Recreation Center in Tokyo with trees in background. Inscribed on the back:"SEPT 49/ROOSEVELT RECREATION CENTER."
img Miyuki "Kay" Kida (ddr-one-3-80)
One copy of a color studio portrait photograph of Miyuki "Kay" Kida taken in celebration of her 89th birthday.
Family in front of house (ddr-one-3-86)
img Family in front of house (ddr-one-3-86)
Color polaroid photograph of George Kida's family visiting from Japan standing in front of the Kidas' house on Pucker Huddle Road in White Salmon, Washington. Top left corner is damaged.
Petition (ddr-one-3-11)
doc Petition (ddr-one-3-11)
Typed petition asking for an exemption from Executive Order 9066 on behalf of Kenjiro, Kay, and George Kida living in White Salmon, Washington. Signed by 67 members of the White Salmon community.