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381 items
Frank Miyamoto Interview II (ddr-densho-1000-51)
vh Frank Miyamoto Interview II (ddr-densho-1000-51)
Nisei male. Born July 29, 1912, in Seattle, Washington. Wrote 'Social Solidarity Among the Japanese in Seattle' as a Master's thesis, published in 1939 as one of the first academic works on the Japanese immigrant community. Incarcerated in Tule Lake concentration camp, California. Member of the Evacuation and Resettlement Study which studied the incarceration and resettlement …
Minoru Kiyota Interview (ddr-densho-1000-36)
vh Minoru Kiyota Interview (ddr-densho-1000-36)
Kibei male, born October 12, 1923, in Seattle, Washington. Raised primarily in San Francisco, California, spending four years in Hiratsuka, Japan. Was incarcerated with his family at Topaz concentration camp, Utah. Refused to sign the so-called "loyalty questionnaire," and as a consequence was moved to Tule Lake Segregation Center, California. In Tule, he renounced his U.S. …
Students eat lunch in front of a monument at Manzanar (ddr-csujad-52-12)
img Students eat lunch in front of a monument at Manzanar (ddr-csujad-52-12)
Six people sit on the ground eating from white bags in front of a monument. Snow covered mountains can be seen in the distance. The caption under the photo reads, "Manzanar, Ca.--(Slugged Manzanar)--Students from the University of California Riverside, all members of 'The Historian as Detective' class, eat lunch in front of a monument to the …
Wesley K. Watanabe Interview (ddr-densho-1000-166)
vh Wesley K. Watanabe Interview (ddr-densho-1000-166)
Ni-ten-gosei (Nisei/Sansei) male. Born May 20, 1935, in Tacoma, Washington. Spent early childhood in Kent, Washington, and was removed with family to the Pinedale Assembly Center at age seven. Family was incarcerated at Tule Lake concentration camp, California, and then moved to Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho. Resettled and attended grade school and high school in Chicago, …
Kenji Tomita Interview (ddr-ajah-1-3)
vh Kenji Tomita Interview (ddr-ajah-1-3)
Nisei male. Born August 25, 1924, in Alameda, California. Grew up in Alameda, where father ran a food wholesaling business. Was in high school when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Removed to the Tanforan Assembly Center, California, and the Topaz concentration camp, Utah. Left Topaz on student leave to attend the University of …
Kazuko Uno Bill Interview II (ddr-densho-1000-219)
vh Kazuko Uno Bill Interview II (ddr-densho-1000-219)
Nisei female. Born June 5, 1921, in Seattle, Washington. Raised in South Park, Washington where family operated a small produce farm. Attended Cleveland High School and the University of Washington. Was in senior year of college on December 7, 1941. Father picked up by FBI following the bombing of Pearl Harbor and sent to Missoula internment …
Sumiko Higashi Interview (ddr-densho-1000-521)
vh Sumiko Higashi Interview (ddr-densho-1000-521)
Sansei female. Born August 5, 1941, in Los Angeles, California. During World War II, the family was sent to the Santa Anita assembly center, California, and the Amache concentration camp, Colorado. After the war, returned to Los Angeles, where father was a gardener and mother worked in LA's fashion district in garment factories. Graduated from UCLA …
Paul Takagi Interview (ddr-densho-1000-327)
vh Paul Takagi Interview (ddr-densho-1000-327)
Nisei male. Born May 3, 1923, in Auburn, California. Grew up in the Sacramento Valley, where parents ran a farm. During World War II, removed to the Manzanar concentration camp, California. Worked as a hospital orderly in camp. Forced to sit with a young man who had been shot during the "Manzanar Riot," and quit job …
Kazuko Uno Bill Interview I (ddr-densho-1000-211)
vh Kazuko Uno Bill Interview I (ddr-densho-1000-211)
Nisei female. Born June 5, 1921, in Seattle, Washington. Raised in South Park, Washington where family operated a small produce farm. Attended Cleveland High School and the University of Washington. Was in senior year of college on December 7, 1941. Father picked up by FBI following the bombing of Pearl Harbor and sent to Missoula internment …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 24 No. 6 (February 15, 1947) (ddr-pc-19-7)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 24 No. 6 (February 15, 1947) (ddr-pc-19-7)
Selected article titles: "State Department Officials Explain Procedures for Return of Stranded Nisei" (p. 1), "Evacuees From Pacific Coast Have Resettled in 47 States. Final Report of Government Agency Notes One-Half Returned to Evacuated Area" (p. 1), "Death of Nisei in WRA Camp Noted in Bill" (p. 1), "Associate of Gen. DeWitt Backs Decision for Mass …
Lorraine Bannai Interview (ddr-densho-1000-113)
vh Lorraine Bannai Interview (ddr-densho-1000-113)
Sansei female. Born 1955 in Los Angeles, California. Grew up in Gardena, California, surrounded by a large Japanese American community. Influenced by father's role in community and politics, and mother's emphasis on education. Attended University of California, Santa Barbara where she became increasingly aware of Japanese American history, issues of ethnic identity and racial inequality. Attended …
Ronald Ikejiri Interview (ddr-densho-1000-461)
vh Ronald Ikejiri Interview (ddr-densho-1000-461)
Sansei male. Born December 3, 1948, in Los Angeles, California. During World War II, parents had been incarcerated at the Tule Lake concentration camp, California. Father signed 'no-no' on the so-called 'loyalty questionnaire', renounced U.S. citizenship, and was sent to the Department of Justice camp at Bismarck, North Dakota. Family did not end up expatriating to …
An Oral History with Norman Y. Mineta (ddr-csujad-29-55)
vh An Oral History with Norman Y. Mineta (ddr-csujad-29-55)
Japanese American congressman, representing the Thirteenth Congressional District of California, born and raised in San Jose, California, discusses his early life, graduation from the University of California, Berkeley, and receiving a commission and serving in the armed forces from 1953-1956. Recalls the removal, "relocation," and incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II at the Heart …
Sadayoshi Omoto Interview (ddr-densho-1001-37)
vh Sadayoshi Omoto Interview (ddr-densho-1001-37)
Nisei male. Born October 5, 1922, in Bainbridge Island, Washington. Was attending the University of Washington when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. During World War II, was removed to the Manzanar concentration camp, California. Was drafted into the military and served with the Military Intelligence Service.

(This material is based upon work assisted …

[Leaflets related to Rohwer Arkansas Relocation Center] (ddr-csujad-1-48)
doc [Leaflets related to Rohwer Arkansas Relocation Center] (ddr-csujad-1-48)
Contains leaflets for "Rohwer and Jerome Relocation Centers" symposium sponsored by the Center for Arkansas Studies at University of Arkansas, Little Rock, in 1993 and Rohwer/Jerome monument dedication trip tour in 1992; and a letter from Nick Katsuki, Chairman, Rohwer Arkansas Relocation Center Research and Preservation Committee, in 1991. See this object in the California State …

Narrator John A. (Jack) Svahn

Caucasian male. Born May 13, 1943, in New London, Connecticut. Moved frequently as an adolescent since father was in the U.S. Navy. Attended high school in Honolulu, Hawaii, then college at the University of Washington. Served in the U.S. Air Force, then attended the University of the Pacific McGeorge Law School and Georgetown University School of …

Narrator Yoshio Matsumoto

Nisei male. Born July 12, 1921, in San Diego, California. Grew up in San Diego, and was attending the University of California at Berkeley on December 7, 1941. Removed to the Tanforan Assembly Center, California. Was selected to leave camp to attend Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. Drafted into the military, completed Officer Candidate School, …
Dave Tatsuno Interview (ddr-jamsj-2-6)
vh Dave Tatsuno Interview (ddr-jamsj-2-6)
Nisei male. Born March 31, 1913, in San Francisco, California. Spent difficult childhood years in San Francisco under care of a guardian while family lived in Japan. Graduated with a degree in business administration from the University of California at Berkeley before World War II. Removed to Tanforan Assembly Center, California, and then to Topaz concentration …
Nisei Wartime Internment Research Project: report on preliminary findings (ddr-csujad-55-159)
doc Nisei Wartime Internment Research Project: report on preliminary findings (ddr-csujad-55-159)
Report on findings from the Nisei Wartime Internment Research Project by Donna Nagata and Yuzuru Takeshita of the University of Michigan department of psychology. Includes description of the survey group, characteristics of respondents, and presentation of findings on the following topics: communication with parents and children, comfort in talking about the incarceration, reasons for reluctance to …
Sam Araki Interview I (ddr-densho-1000-402)
vh Sam Araki Interview I (ddr-densho-1000-402)
Nisei male. Born July 12, 1931, in Saratoga, California. Grew up in Saratoga, where father worked as a gardener on a large estate. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, father moved the family inland to Reedley in an attempt to avoid mass removal. Eventually removed to Poston concentration camp, Arizona. After leaving camp, returned to California …
Hirata family (ddr-csujad-25-56)
img Hirata family (ddr-csujad-25-56)
A page from an album containing Japanese family photographs. Includes Kazuhito Hirata's photographs. One of the photographs captures him wearing a graduation gown, taken to commemorate his graduation from University of Washington. Also includes a Japanese woman in kimono and a family photograph, including a Japanese man, women, and children. The photographs appear to be taken …
Charles Olds Interview (ddr-densho-1000-121)
vh Charles Olds Interview (ddr-densho-1000-121)
White male. Born 1913 in Karuizawa, Japan, to missionary parents. Attended Canadian school in Kobe, Japan, before coming to the United States with his older brother. He attended the University of Chicago School of Social Work, then volunteered to work for the War Relocation Authority (WRA). He later worked as a relocation officer in the concentration …
Beverly Lake (ddr-njpa-1-854)
img Beverly Lake (ddr-njpa-1-854)
Caption on reverse: "This 'Dream Girl' is Beverly Lake, who won her title in a personality-beauty contest in Los Angeles last june. Miss Lake, a senior at the University of California at Los Angeles, was selected from among 10 contestants to be 'Dream Girl' in a 'Blanding's Dream House Contet' to raise funds for a new …
James Hirabayashi Interview (ddr-densho-1000-220)
vh James Hirabayashi Interview (ddr-densho-1000-220)
Nisei male. Born October 30, 1926, in small town of Thomas, Washington, on family farm. Attended school in Auburn, Washington, before being removed to the Pinedale Assembly Center and Tule Lake concentration camp, California. Left camp to work in Idaho, and was subsequently joined by family. Postwar, became a social anthropologist, and later became only the …