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40 items
Domain of Neptunus Rex (ddr-csujad-25-127)
doc Domain of Neptunus Rex (ddr-csujad-25-127)
A certificate for line-crossing ceremony issued on a US Navy ship during World War II. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: jia_08_01_072
Frank Knox with naval leaders (ddr-njpa-1-773)
img Frank Knox with naval leaders (ddr-njpa-1-773)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Navy Secretary Knox in Pearl Harbor. (from right) Rear Admiral Bloch, local naval commander, Secretary of the Navy Knox, United States Fleet Commander Admiral Richardson. (photographed by Navy photographer Tai Shin Lu [?])"
Approved Educational Institutions for relocating Japanese American college students (ddr-densho-356-790)
doc Approved Educational Institutions for relocating Japanese American college students (ddr-densho-356-790)
List of approved colleges and universities for Japanese American students to attend by the United States Army & Navy. Plus a list of students in camp who wish to attended university.
Letter from Ai Chih Tsai to Glenn W. Shaw, Navy Language School (ddr-densho-446-140)
doc Letter from Ai Chih Tsai to Glenn W. Shaw, Navy Language School (ddr-densho-446-140)
Tsai is unable to accept position since he is working for a Navy-Columbia University project.
Group Photo with Relief Supplies (ddr-densho-446-441)
img Group Photo with Relief Supplies (ddr-densho-446-441)
Official Navy photo of members of Japanese-American churches helping in the relief supplies effort (March or April 1961)
Newspaper clippings regarding Ensign Yoshio Tanigawa (ddr-csujad-55-2606)
doc Newspaper clippings regarding Ensign Yoshio Tanigawa (ddr-csujad-55-2606)
Newspaper clippings regarding Ensign Yoshiko Tanigawa, 22, a native of Roseville, the first and only Japanese American commissioned officer in the United States Navy. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_2770
Statement of Release (ddr-densho-446-145)
doc Statement of Release (ddr-densho-446-145)
Ai Chih Tsai employed by Columbia University in U.S. Naval Military Government Translation Unit from Oct 1, 1944, through December 31, 1944
Photo of Ai Chih Tsai in front of Relief Supplies (ddr-densho-446-440)
img Photo of Ai Chih Tsai in front of Relief Supplies (ddr-densho-446-440)
Official Navy photo of Ai Chih Tsai helping in the relief supplies effort (March or April 1961)
Letter from George
doc Letter from George "Jack" H. Kerr to U.S. Department of Justice (ddr-densho-446-158)
Letter in support of Tsai's requests to change his status to friendly alien. Kerr offers strong support for Tsai's character, ability, and assistance to US war effort.
Letter from George
doc Letter from George "Jack" H. Kerr to U.S. Department of Justice (ddr-densho-446-114)
Letter in support of Tsai's requests to change his status to friendly alien. Kerr offers strong support for Tsai's character, ability, and assistance to US war effort.
Statement of Release (ddr-densho-446-141)
doc Statement of Release (ddr-densho-446-141)
Tsai has been employed by Columbia University on behalf of U.S. Navy. He will be available for other employment as of September 30, 1944
Letter from Lt. George Kerr to whom it may concern (ddr-densho-446-142)
doc Letter from Lt. George Kerr to whom it may concern (ddr-densho-446-142)
Letter recommending Ai Chih Tsai for another position. Tsai has been working for Kerr since April 29, 1944. Translation Unit.
Letter from Lt. George Kerr to Immigration and Naturalization Service (ddr-densho-446-139)
doc Letter from Lt. George Kerr to Immigration and Naturalization Service (ddr-densho-446-139)
Support for Ai Chih Tsai's request for passport extension. Describes the great importance of Tsai's work to the Navy. Tsai is employed and student visa may be invalid. How to renew the validity of his passport? Has Chinese certificate #1.
Letter from Ai Chih Tsai to Commander Dowie (ddr-densho-446-167)
doc Letter from Ai Chih Tsai to Commander Dowie (ddr-densho-446-167)
Draft of letter to commander in Formosa. Tsai just returned from Japan and thanks Dowie for good news of his family in Taiwan. Tsai is working for War Department in D.C.
Letter from Lt. James T. Watkins, IV, USNR - Translation Unit, to whom it may concern (ddr-densho-446-144)
doc Letter from Lt. James T. Watkins, IV, USNR - Translation Unit, to whom it may concern (ddr-densho-446-144)
Letter of recommendation for Ai Chih Tsai detailing his work with Military Government Research Unit No. 2.
Letter from Lt. George Kerr to Selective Service Board 88 (ddr-densho-446-138)
doc Letter from Lt. George Kerr to Selective Service Board 88 (ddr-densho-446-138)
Certifying that Tsai has been employed by the Naval School for Military Government and Administration for full-time work as of May 1, 1944. Details of Tsai's unique language abilities and source of information. Work is confidential.
Letter from Ai Chih Tsai to U.S. Department of Justice (ddr-densho-446-111)
doc Letter from Ai Chih Tsai to U.S. Department of Justice (ddr-densho-446-111)
Request for assistance changing Tsai's status to Chinese Formosan, friendly alien, and a path to U.S. citizenship [final draft]
Letter from Ai Chih Tsai to U.S. Department of Justice (ddr-densho-446-113)
doc Letter from Ai Chih Tsai to U.S. Department of Justice (ddr-densho-446-113)
Request for assistance changing Tsai's status to Chinese Formosan, friendly alien, and a path to U.S. citizenship [typed draft]
Letter from Ai Chih Tsai to U.S. Department of Justice (ddr-densho-446-112)
doc Letter from Ai Chih Tsai to U.S. Department of Justice (ddr-densho-446-112)
Request for assistance changing Tsai's status to Chinese Formosan, friendly alien, and a path to U.S. citizenship [handwritten draft]

Narrator Hiroko Nakashima

Kibei female. Born 1927 in Spokane, Washington. Went to Japan at the age of twelve with her mother and sister to visit relatives and gain a "Japanese education." Was in Japan when World War II broke out, remaining there for the duration of the war. Returned to the United States soon after the war ended, married …