8 items
8 items
Letter to Rev. Robert Inglis from Kay (ddr-densho-498-33)
Letter of gratitude to Robert Inglis from Kay Uchida from Tanforan Assembly Center. Uchida explains what life is like in the assembly center.
Letter to Rev. Robert Inglis from Kay Uchida (ddr-densho-498-21)
Letter of gratitude to Robert Inglis from Kay Uchida from Tanforan Assembly Center. Uchida requests a few items to be purchased for them and sent to the assembly center.
Report on Juvenile Delinquency and the Social Problems Existing in Topaz (ddr-densho-356-899)
Report on causes of juvenile delinquency in Topaz and suggestions to end the problem.
Report on Juvenile Delinquency (ddr-densho-356-900)
Report on juvenile delinquency cases and how cases are processed and resolved by the community welfare section's youth guidance division in Topaz.
University of Wisconsin album (ddr-densho-433-981)
A photograph album with pictures and documents primarily related to Kimi Fujii's time at the University of Wisconsin. Additionally there are photographs from a Topaz school, a recital program (2003), a red cross card, and a Pacific Citizen article.
JWSC annual initiation dinner (ddr-densho-433-984)
Partial identification is listed on the reverse of the photograph. Kimiko Fujii is on the back row, fourth from the left.
The Campanile Review (ddr-densho-433-278)
A collection of articles, names, addresses, and additional information compiled for the Annual Northern California Intercollegiate Advance.