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9 items
Kay Tsuchiya (ddr-densho-357-366)
img Kay Tsuchiya (ddr-densho-357-366)
This photograph of Kay Tsuchiya is addressed to Hanako Terakawa: "To Dearest Flora, With Love Kay."
Woman posing with life ring from M.S. Chichibu Maru ship (ddr-densho-426-1587)
img Woman posing with life ring from M.S. Chichibu Maru ship (ddr-densho-426-1587)
Inscription on front: Sincerely Kathleen; Inscription on back: To Miss Tomoe Nozawa from Kay Tsuchiya
Group posing for photo on sidewalk outside house (ddr-ajah-6-114)
img Group posing for photo on sidewalk outside house (ddr-ajah-6-114)
Caption below photo: Young Nisei women from Alameda, CA. Not sure where the men are from. Individuals identified
Group posing for photo by line of cars (ddr-ajah-6-113)
img Group posing for photo by line of cars (ddr-ajah-6-113)
Caption below photo: Young Niseis from Alameda, CA picnic at an unknown location. Circa 1920's. Individuals identified.
Eight women posing for photo outside house (ddr-ajah-6-118)
img Eight women posing for photo outside house (ddr-ajah-6-118)
Caption below photo: Young Nisei women from Alameda, CA gather in the early 1930s. Individuals identified
Group portrait of young women (ddr-ajah-3-256)
img Group portrait of young women (ddr-ajah-3-256)
Caption below photo: Buddhist Temple of Alameda, CA / Shojokai Young Ladies Society, February, 1932
Group photo of attendees at 10th Anniversary Ball of SF JACL (ddr-densho-426-1792)
img Group photo of attendees at 10th Anniversary Ball of SF JACL (ddr-densho-426-1792)
Inscription on front: Tenth Anniversary Ball of SF JACL, October 28, 1938. Names of individuals in photo on back including Henri Takahashi, Tomoye Nozawa, National President Walter Tsukamoto, Chapter President Saburo Kido
University of Wisconsin album (ddr-densho-433-981)
doc University of Wisconsin album (ddr-densho-433-981)
A photograph album with pictures and documents primarily related to Kimi Fujii's time at the University of Wisconsin. Additionally there are photographs from a Topaz school, a recital program (2003), a red cross card, and a Pacific Citizen article.
JWSC annual initiation dinner (ddr-densho-433-984)
img JWSC annual initiation dinner (ddr-densho-433-984)
Partial identification is listed on the reverse of the photograph. Kimiko Fujii is on the back row, fourth from the left.