390 items
390 items

Letter from Seido Ogawa to Ryo Tsai (ddr-densho-446-309)
Request to meet when Ai Chih Tsai returns to talk about a church for Ai Chih Tsai.

The Open Door: Wedding announcement (ddr-densho-446-390)
Wedding announcement for Ai Chih Tsai and Ryo (Morikawa) Tsai

Letter from Seido Ogawa to Ryo Tsai (ddr-densho-446-307)
Ogawa met with Robert Cashman to discuss employment for Ai Chih Tsai. Request for Ai Chih Tsai to write to them for further assistance.

Memorandum to G1-USSBS, USSBS, San Francisco, California (ddr-densho-446-198)
Separation of Personnel for Ai Chih Tsai.

Rhode Island Insurance Company Certificate of Insurance No. OCC S 3763 (ddr-densho-446-245)
Certificate of $1000 insurance for Ai Chih Tsai

Letter from Robert Cashman to Gail Grove (ddr-densho-446-7)
Robert Cashman thanks Gail Grove for the gift she gave to Ai Chih Tsai. Ai Chih Tsai said he would send it to his church in Formosa.

Letter from Ai Chih Tsai to Ai-jin (ddr-densho-446-318)
Exchange news. Ai Chih Tsai wrote to Chungking about getting a Chinese passport. Ryo (Morikawa) Tsai and Ai Chih Tsai are working on business contacts and possibilities for Ai-jin and contacting church boards and government officials to raise funds for educational activities in Formosa. Ai Chih Tsai needs financial help. Will send money to Chiong-hui's siblings …

Form No. SER--145: Health Certificate (ddr-densho-446-255)
Health Certificate for Ai Chih Tsai confirming good health

Letter from Ryo Tsai to Albert W. Palmer (ddr-densho-446-277)
Request for assistance returning Ai Chih Tsai to the United States. Immigrant quota from China is 150 with thousands waiting to immigrate. Ai Chih Tsai needs assurance of employment.

Letter from Ryo Tsai to Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization (ddr-densho-446-278)
Request for issuance of immigrant visa for Ai Chih Tsai

Letter from Robert Cashman to Ryo Tsai (ddr-densho-446-287)
Enclosed is Cashman's letter of support for Ai Chih Tsai

Immigration Inspection Form SF2644 (ddr-densho-446-6)
Student visa for Ai Chih Tsai dated September 1, 1938.

San Diego Union: U.S. Formosa Aide Lives in San Diego (ddr-densho-446-406)
Newspaper profile on Ai Chih Tsai return to U.S. (October 1947)

Check List & Shipping Ticket (ddr-densho-446-181)
Officers' & Enlisted Men's Quartermaster Clothing & Equipment checklist for Ai Chih Tsai

Newspaper article: S.D. Pastor Starts Home - UNRRA Aid Returning from Formosa (ddr-densho-446-407)
Newspaper profile on Ai Chih Tsai return to U.S. (October 1947)

Group Photo with ACS (ddr-densho-446-376)
Staff of Woodlawn Dining Co-op. Ai Chih Tsai was the manager

Letter from Albert W. Palmer to Eastern Clergy Bureau (ddr-densho-446-89)
Letter of introduction for Ai Chih Tsai; requests clergy certificate for Tsai following ordination on November 8, 1942.

Letter from Seido Ogawa to Ryo Tsai (ddr-densho-446-286)
Ogawa is working on a job for Ai Chih Tsai. Query if Ai Chih is interested in a west coast church in Southern California or Seattle

Letter from Ryo Tsai to Elder Brother-in-Law (ddr-densho-446-321)
Warm greetings until we meet. Ai Chih Tsai and Ryo (Morikawa) Tsai met with Commander Dowie, Lt. Kerr, and J. Dickson of Canadian Mission Board in D.C.. Dickson is very enthusiastic about Ai Chih Tsai's plans. Ryo asked that printed literature with details of the plan (buildings, cost, location, mission, current board members, etc. ) would …

UNRRA Travel Authorization (ddr-densho-446-224)
Permanent station authorization for Ai Chih Tsai in Formosa beginning July 9, 1946