5 items
5 items
Couple standing on sidewalk (ddr-ajah-6-50)
Caption below photo: Hyakutaro and Yoshi Towata of Alameda, CA August 1939
Portrait of Hyakutaro and Yoshi Towata Family (ddr-ajah-6-959)
Caption below photo: Hyakutaro and Yoshi Towata Family of Alameda, CA. Includes names and dates for family members
Couple standing on steps of barracks (ddr-ajah-6-53)
Caption below photo: Hyakutaro Towata and his wife, Yoshi, visit the Heart Mountain incarceration camp in 1945. In December of 1941, the FBI removed Hyakutaro from his home in Alameda. For months his family had no idea that he had been taken to a special prison camp in Bismarck, North Dakota. After eight months, Hyakutaro was …
Hyakutaro and Yoshi Towata standing on steps of barracks (ddr-ajah-6-240)
includes biographical data on Hyakutaro Towata
Group of women posing for photo outside church (ddr-ajah-4-47)
Caption below photo: Japanese Methodist Episcopal Church, South: Fujinkai women's group