307 items
307 items

Hope Omachi Kawashima Interview Segment 19 (ddr-manz-1-154-19)
Transferring to the Topaz concentration camp, Utah

Norman I. Hirose Interview Segment 16 (ddr-densho-1013-7-16)
Being transferred to Topaz concentration camp, Utah

Bob Y. Sakata Interview Segment 10 (ddr-densho-1000-216-10)
The journey to the Topaz concentration camp, Utah

Ben Takeshita Segment 6 (ddr-densho-1000-467-6)
The train ride to the Topaz concentration camp, Utah

Topaz concentration camp, Utah (ddr-densho-37-833)
Original WRA caption: Topaz, Utah. A typical barracks group with a section of the Topaz Relocation Center.

Nursery school (ddr-densho-37-560)
Original WRA caption: Topaz, Utah. Central Utah Relocation Center. Nursery school.

Group of men in uniform outside camp building (ddr-ajah-2-494)
Caption below photo: G.I.'s visiting Topaz. Furlo to Topaz, Utah, July 1943

Tadaichi Yoshioka (ddr-densho-357-745)
Handwritten caption: "Tadaichi Yoshioka, Topaz, Utah 1944."

All Aboard (ddr-densho-282-1)
Journal with fiction and essays by Japanese Americans in Topaz (Central Utah) concentration camp, Utah.

Overview of Topaz camp (ddr-ajah-6-946)
Caption on photo front: Central Utah Reloc. Center Topaz, Utah 1944. Inscription on photo back in Japanese.

Camp Boy Scouts receiving badges (ddr-densho-37-554)
Original WRA caption: Topaz, Utah. Boy Scouts hold court of Honor at Central Utah Relocation Center at Topaz. Deputy Director, James F. Hughes, presents merit badges to first class scouts.

Japanese Americans working on camp water mains (ddr-densho-37-556)
Original WRA caption: Topaz, Utah. Young volunteer workers, residents at the Topaz Relocation Center, completing the water mains.

Japanese American knitting (ddr-densho-37-562)
Original WRA caption: Topaz, Utah. Knitting warm woolen clothing for her children against the coming winter, this Japanese mother, at the Topaz Relocation Center, takes advantage of the warm Utah sun.

Aerial view of Topaz concentration camp (ddr-densho-37-431)
Original WRA caption: Topaz, Utah. A general view of a section of east end of the Topaz Relocation Center.

Japanese Americans transplanting trees (ddr-densho-37-569)
Original WRA caption: Topaz, Utah. Transplanting trees from existing farms to the hospital area at the Topaz Relocation Center.

Dedication ceremony (ddr-densho-37-564)
Original WRA caption: Topaz, Utah. With a fervent prayer, this Japanese Topaz resident, a Christian Minister, opens the dedication ceremonies at the Relocation Center at Topaz.

Yoni Yoshioka (ddr-densho-357-769)
Yoni Yoshioka sits for a portrait in the camp in Topaz, Utah.

Football game flag ceremony (ddr-densho-37-433)
Original WRA caption: Topaz, Utah. Presentation of colors before start of football game between Topaz High School and Millard County High School of Fillmore at Topaz Relocation Center.

Topaz concentration camp project director (ddr-densho-37-559)
Original WRA caption: Topaz, Utah. Charles E. Ernst, Project Director, at his desk in the Administrative building at the Topaz Relocation Center.

Family seated on beds in barracks (ddr-densho-434-5)
(l to r) Seiyo, William, Mon, Eiichi Tsuchida. Caption: Tsuchida Clan / Topaz Utah

Daily Press Review, Vol. V, No. 23 (ddr-densho-156-263)
Article titles: "Topaz Times"; "Evacuee Laborers"; "Items from Central Utah Relocation Project"; "Second Birth at Topaz"; "Open Temporary Postoffice at Topaz"; "'Japs' Vote in Hawaii Hit"; "Action Against Aliens Listed."

Japanese American auto mechanic (ddr-densho-37-557)
Original WRA caption: Topaz, Utah. A young resident at the Topaz Relocation Center adjusting a carburetor on a well worn War Relocation Authority truck.