4 items
4 items
Crew of Japanese laborers (ddr-densho-259-354)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "A group of Japanese laborers standing in the back row, and a group sitting in the front on the ground I will guess that this crew was picking applies."
Issei laborers eating apples on a farm (ddr-densho-259-353)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "A group of Japanese laborers having at least a refreshment break in front of a couple of wooden sheds The men appear to be eating apples."
Issei men in suits wearing Japanese flag lapel pins (ddr-densho-259-344)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Group of Issei men in business suits, all of them wearing Japanese flag lapel pins There are strings of paper flags of many nations strung from the ceiling...I will guess that this was some sort of celebration of Japan's entry into World War I on the side of the Allies, because I …
Tenchosetsu celebration (ddr-densho-259-444)
Gathering of Issei for the celebration of Tenchosetsu, a day to pray for the long life of the emperor and a celebration of Emperor Taisho's birthday.