43 items
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Tomoe Otsu standing on sidewalk (ddr-ajah-6-929)
Caption below photo: Tomoe Otsu of Alameda, CA. Circa early to mid 1930s. To the left is Reiji Nakaso's grocery store, at 1629 Park Street.

Sketch of Tomoe Otsu (ddr-ajah-6-938)
Caption below image: Pictured in Tomoe Otsu, of Alameda, CA. Born December 14, 1917. She would be 19 or 20 in 1937. Sketch is signed S. Maeda 37

Two women playing a game in a field (ddr-ajah-6-909)
Caption below photo: Tomoe Otsu (background) and friend play a game using bamboo sticks and tofu barrels at a picnic in Alameda, CA. April 1936

Tomoe Otsu in costume for Chigo procession (ddr-ajah-6-923)
Caption below photo: Tomoe Otsu, circa mid 1920s, dressed for an event, likely held at the Buddhist Temple of Alameda, CA., where she was born.

Diary of Tomoe Tomine while incarcerated at Topaz (ddr-ajah-2-937)
Includes biographical information about Tomoe Otsu Tomine, transcription of diary and images of pages

Tomoe Tomine singing with band (ddr-ajah-6-956)
Caption below photo: Tomoe Tomine sings at a club or restaurant, circa 1950s

Susumu Tomine sitting on lawn (ddr-ajah-6-941)
Caption below photo; Susumu Tomine of Alameda, CA. Circa early 1940s, before WWII.

Portrait of Tomoe Otsu in a kimono (ddr-ajah-6-926)
Caption below photo: Tomoe Otsu, of Alameda, CA., poses in a kimono. She was born December 14, 1917. photo circa late 1920s-1930

Hand colored portrait of Tomoe Otsu (ddr-ajah-6-957)
Caption below photo: "Darling Susumu, Yours, Tomoe"

Tomoe Otsu standing on lawn (ddr-ajah-6-930)
Caption below photo: Tomoe Otsu stands near the Pacific Nursery, which was on Pacific Avenue in Alameda, CA. Circa mid 1930s

Tomoe Tomine sitting on beach (ddr-ajah-6-942)
Caption below photo: Tomoe Tomine addressed this photo to the man who would soon become her husband, Susumu in 1941. Given her clothing, likely in the summer, not long before Pearl Harbor was bombed by the Imperial Japanese. Inscription on photo: My Darling Susumu, [?]M to love, Tomo 1941

Graduation Diploma and cosmetology certification for Tomoe Otsu (ddr-ajah-6-925)
Caption on right: Tomoe Otsu's cosmetology degrees. Caption includes biographical information about Tomoe (Otsu) and Susumu Tomine

Portrait of Tomoe Otsu in a kimono (ddr-ajah-6-932)
Caption below photo: Tomoe Otsu, of Alameda, CA., circa 1930s

Tomoe and Susumu Tomine sitting on car bumper (ddr-ajah-6-954)
Caption below photo: Tomoe and Susumu Tomine sit on the bumper of a Chevrolet, 1951

Marriage license application for Susumu Tomine and Tomoe Otsu (ddr-ajah-6-945)
Caption below photo: Susumu Tomine (of San Francisco, CA) and fianc?e Tomoe Otsu's (of Alameda, CA) application for a license to marry, August 5, 1942. He had contracted Tuberculosis and was living at the Hassler Health Home in Redwood City, CA. Tomoe had already evacuated to the Tanforan Assembly Center. They were hastily married in Tanforan.

Portrait of Tomoe and Susumu Tomine (ddr-ajah-6-953)
Caption below photo: Tomoe Tomine and husband Susumu, of Alameda, CA. Circa early 1950s

Wedding portrait of Tomoe Otsu and Susumu Tomine (ddr-ajah-6-943)
Caption below photo: Tomoe Otsu marries Susumu Tomine at Tanforan Race track in San Bruno, CA., on September 15, 1942, while waiting to be sent to Topaz, Utah incarceration camp during WWII. This photo, however was shot at Topaz, where they held another ceremony after the arrival there, with a borrowed wedding dress for the photo. …

Overview of Topaz camp (ddr-ajah-6-946)
Caption on photo front: Central Utah Reloc. Center Topaz, Utah 1944. Inscription on photo back in Japanese.

Portrait of Tomoe and Susumu Tomine by Christmas tree (ddr-ajah-6-950)
Caption below photo: Tomoe and Susumu Tomine celebrate Christmas in Alameda, CA, circa 1950s.

Kinue and Tomoe Otsu (ddr-ajah-6-920)
Caption below photo: Kinue (left) and sister Tomoe Otsu Alameda, CA. Circa early 1920s.

Tomoe and Kinue Otsu in white dresses (ddr-ajah-6-921)
Caption below photo: Tomoe Otsu and sister Kinue Tomine stand inside the fence surrounding the Buddhist Temple of Alameda, CA. Tomoe was born December 14, 1917. Kinue was born sometime in late 1916 to early 1917, making this photo the early 1920s.
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