989 items
989 items

Ted Akimoto taking a photograph (ddr-densho-299-144)
Caption: "Our cameras were bulky 4x5 Speed Graphics. Nothing was automatic. You took a wood film holder / which held one piece of film on each side, placed it in the back, pulled out a slide, put in a flash bulb, / figured out your exposure and cocked the shutter, set the f stop, focused and …

Farming in bombed out areas (ddr-densho-299-12)
Caption on reverse: "FEC-49-1871. 18 March 49 / NRS Project: / Utilization of every available plot / of ground - use of the soil between / the foundations of bombed out areas / for growing foodstuffs. Tokyo. / Photographer - Dunn / Photograph by U.S. Army."

Showing of Tannhauser to promote culture and the arts (ddr-densho-299-203)
Caption: "Somehow, sung in Japanese 'a lot seemed to be lost in translation' as a friend said. They also / presented Pagliacci and Cavalleria Rusticanaand Carmen."

A new public bath (ddr-densho-299-20)
Caption on reverse: "FEC-49-1954. 25 March 49 / NRS Project: / Large public building constructed / entirely of wood except tile bathing / area - newly constructed public bath / in Tokyo metropolitan area. / Photographer - Crowe / Photograph by U.S. Army."

American soldier guarding royal palace (ddr-densho-299-226)
Caption: "1st Cavalry Guard at one of the entrances to the Royal Palace."

Gateway to Shinagawa Shrine (ddr-densho-299-219)
Caption: "Torii or gateway to Shinagawa Shrine. Completed 1636 after 12 years of labor by 15,000 men"

Tokyo ruins (ddr-densho-299-131)
Caption: "Tokyo 1946 after a series of fire bombings. Concrete buildings were left intact so finding / quarters for occupation troops wasn't difficult."

VIPs in staff cars stand for review (ddr-densho-299-170)
Caption: "Staff cars carrying VIPs to reviewing stand for review. Dai Ichi bldg in right background."

Japanese forces signing the surrender treaty (ddr-densho-299-98)
Caption: "Russia is represented by General Derevyanko."

The Japanese Imperial Family (ddr-densho-299-171)
Caption: "Gathering of the Imperial family members for a meeting to determine their roles and status / under the new democratic government."

Japanese forces signing the surrender treaty (ddr-densho-299-96)
Caption: "Aboard the USS Missouri, the victors and the vanquished sign the historic / surrender document."

Eva Toguri D'Aquino a.k.a. "Tokyo Rose" is arrested (ddr-densho-299-153)
Caption: "'Tokyo Rose,' familiar to all GI's who fought in the South Pacific, is arrested but the reaction / of our men. Not of vengance but …… 'She sure did play some mighty nice music.' Eva Toguri D'Aquino, an American, was pardoned by President Gerald Ford in 1977."

Crowd gathers to see General MacArthur (ddr-densho-299-146)
Caption: "Holiday crowd assembles to catch a glimpse of Gen. MacArthur the 'American Emperor.' / He was revered as such since the [sic] represented the powers which defeated Hirohito."

Japanese civilians apologizing for the shame of surrender (ddr-densho-299-142)
Caption: "At the news of surrender, many people gather in front of the Imperial Palace grounds to / apologize to the emperor and some commit hara kiri." Photo confiscated from Japanese newspaper files.

Tojo talking with his defense attorneys (ddr-densho-299-161)
Caption: "Tojo with his two defense attorneys."

Dormitory at Waseda University (ddr-densho-299-54)
Caption on reverse: "FEC-49-1940. 25 March 49 / NRS Project: / Wooden dormitory near Waseda Uni- / versity showing extensive use of / wooden construction in semi-public / buildings. / Photographer - Crowe / Photograph by U.S. Army."

1st Cavalry Division parade (ddr-densho-299-139)
Caption: "Major General Chase, Commanding General of the 1st Cavalry Division parades / at the head of his troops and the sign made especially for the occasion." The sign reads: "1st Cav. Div. / First in Tokyo."

Performance of Tabasco (ddr-densho-299-207)
Caption: "Las Vegas style 'Tabasco' fit the bill, as far as the GI's were concerned, and played to / full crowds."

Carmen from the opera of the same name (ddr-densho-299-205)
Caption: "'Carmen.' The allied forces wanted to encourage the theatre arts which they had before the / war so the opera company continued to give performances which later became open to the / public."

Emperor Hirohito opening sessions of the Japanese Diet following the war (ddr-densho-299-173)
Two pictures. Caption for top right: "Emperor Hirohito opens the fifth / Diet session. Note change in / apparel.." Caption for lower left: "The emperor opens the first session of the Diet after the war."

American troops guard the HQ in Tokyo (ddr-densho-299-110)
Caption: "Our soldiers, all heavily armed, guard all entrances of our headquarters for / we do not know the mettle of a defeated populace."

Emperorr Hirohito talks with a young boy (ddr-densho-299-165)
Caption: "Emperor Hirohito chats with a common child. Unheard of before the war."

Crops growing in a flood plane (ddr-densho-299-24)
Caption in reverse: "FEC-49-1868. 18 March 49 / NRS Project: / Use of land on flood plane of the / Tamagawa River, Tokyo for growing / wheat and vegetables. Quite common / now in urban districts. / Photographer - Dunn / Photograph by U.S. Army."

A Noh drama performance (ddr-densho-299-208)
Caption: "Noh Drama. Teaching the photographers the use of extension flashes."

Japanese surrender delegation (ddr-densho-299-95)
Caption: "Japanese delegation boards the USS Missouri to sign the surrender documents."