49 items
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Letter from Tomoye Takahashi to family (ddr-densho-424-881)
Details of her buying trip in Japan, vendors and items
Letter from Tomoye Takahashi to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-424-899)
Met an American designer with a shop in Tokyo, details about buying trips and negotiations with vendors
Letter from Tomoye Takahashi most likely to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-424-896)
Details of her buying trip in Japan and working with various vendors, thanks him for sending soup from SF while she was sick
Letter from Tomoye Takahashi most likely to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-424-893)
Details of her buying trip in Japan and connections with potential vendors, and about a young man she thinks they should sponsor and hire in SF
Letter from Martha Suzuki to Jean (ddr-densho-423-49)
Henri and Suzuki are on a buying trip but due back soon, she is hoping to visit soon, sends greetings to all their friends.
Letter from Martha Suzuki to Jack (ddr-densho-423-48)
Henri and Suzuki are on a buying trip but due back soon, she is hoping to return to SF by Christmas.
Letter from Tomoye Takahashi to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-424-898)
Details of buying trip, waiting for more advice and news from Henri to proceed, will probably return soon
Letter from Martha (Nozawa) Suzuki to Tomoye Takahashi (ddr-densho-424-877)
Discussion of various suppliers for the import-export business, including news of former employee spreading rumors trying to undermine Takahashi business
Letter from Tomoye Takahashi most likely to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-424-895)
Details of her buying trip in Japan
Letter from Tomoye Takahashi to Jim Sakata (ddr-densho-424-15)
Details of her buying trip in Japan, vendors and items
Letter from Martha Suzuki to Tomoye and Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-423-43)
Met up with Helen when she arrived and spent time with her and Julia Sachiko, describes work she is doing with vendors and makers for the store.
Letter from Martha (Nozawa) Suzuki to Tomoye Takahashi (ddr-densho-423-28)
Discussion of various suppliers for the import-export business, including news of former employee spreading rumors trying to undermine Takahashi business
Letter from Martha Suzuki to Tomoye Takahashi (ddr-densho-423-39)
News of Pinkie and her friends' trip after leaving Martha and Henri. Martha reports they were not considerate of anyone hosting them, and are not including anyone in their plans, but expect to be taken care of. Thinks Pinkie will get tired of the two other girls soon.
Letter from Martha Suzuki to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-423-47)
Updates on vendors and items she is having shipped
Letter from Martha Suzuki to Tomoye Takahashi (ddr-densho-423-46)
Some gossip about acquaintances in Japan, news of Henri's trip and business there, discussion of Japanese cultural traditions including using intermediaries.
Letter from Martha Suzuki to Tomoye Takahashi (ddr-densho-423-37)
News of Pinkie and her friends' visit, their itinerary and plans
Letter from Martha Suzuki to Tomoye Takahashi (ddr-densho-423-38)
Picked up Pinkie and her friends at the boat when they arrived, the girls have many plans already, one of the company's suppliers is passing through SF soon and will visit the shop. Letter is incomplete, additional page(s) missing
Letter from Martha Suzuki to Tomoye and Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-423-45)
Enjoyed their recent visit, gives details about the material she is shipping back for the shop
Letter from Martha Suzuki to Tomoye Takahashi (ddr-densho-423-36)
Pinkie (Masako) was visiting with two friends, but were insulting and had bad manners, and left Martha with boxes to pay to send on to Brussels.
Letter from Suzukis (Martha and Risuke) to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-423-44)
Henri needs to sign some paperwork as soon as possible so they can file it
Minoru Kiyota Interview (ddr-densho-1000-36)
Kibei male, born October 12, 1923, in Seattle, Washington. Raised primarily in San Francisco, California, spending four years in Hiratsuka, Japan. Was incarcerated with his family at Topaz concentration camp, Utah. Refused to sign the so-called "loyalty questionnaire," and as a consequence was moved to Tule Lake Segregation Center, California. In Tule, he renounced his U.S. …
Letter from Masao Okine to Mr. and Mrs. S. Okine, August 16, 1946 [in Japanese] (ddr-csujad-5-156)
A letter from Masao Okine who is stationed in Yokohama, Japan as a Nisei soldier to his parents, Seiichi and Tomeyo Okine. This letter is mailed via San Francisco by the U.S. Postal Service. In the letter, he describes his work and daily routine in Japan. He has been transferred from Tokyo to Yokohama and his …
Tomiye Terasaki Interview (ddr-densho-1000-122)
Kibei female. Born October 5, 1910, in San Francisco, California. At age three, sent to live with grandfather and receive education in Fukuoka, Japan. After high school, temporarily moved to Tokyo and assisted family-owned business. In 1929, returned to U.S. to join parents in Sacramento. After arranged marriage to Mr. Tadao Sakita, moved to Los Angeles, …
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