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11 items
Nisei clerk (ddr-densho-114-148)
img Nisei clerk (ddr-densho-114-148)
Original caption: Miss Yukie Konai, Nisei clerk-typist, Special Service, GHQ, Army Forces in the Pacific, Tokyo, Japan, locates a rest area for a GI. She came to Tokyo from New York City in 1940 and was forced to remain until the conclusion of the war. When her citizenship was reinstated, she secured a position in the …
Billy Rose and Eleanor Holm arrive at Haneda Air Base (ddr-densho-299-59)
img Billy Rose and Eleanor Holm arrive at Haneda Air Base (ddr-densho-299-59)
Caption on reverse: "FEC-49-1140. 13 Feb 49 / The Billy Rose's arrive in Tokyo, Japan: / Mr. and Mrs. Billy Rose (New York, NY) / theatrical producer, are greeted by / occupation personnel as they step from / a plane at Haneda Air Base, Tokyo, / Japan, shortly after their arrival from / the states. Mrs. …

Narrator Aya Uenishi Medrud

Nisei female. Born April 9, 1925, in Malden, Washington. Grew up in Seattle, Washington, before being removed with family to the Puyallup Assembly Center, Washington, and the Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho. From Minidoka, relocated with family to Utica, New York. Worked in Japan for the U.S. Army of Occupation, and for the Tokyo General Army Hospital …
Nisei defense attorney in war crimes trial (ddr-densho-114-145)
img Nisei defense attorney in war crimes trial (ddr-densho-114-145)
Original caption: Nisei defense attorney for Tojo, one of the major war criminals to be tried before the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, War Ministry Bldg., Tokyo, Japan, is George Yamaoka, a civil service employee, who stands at the addressing stand. Mr. Yamaoka, who lives in N.Y. City, was attached to the Japanese delegation, …
Aya Uenishi Medrud Interview (ddr-densho-1000-213)
vh Aya Uenishi Medrud Interview (ddr-densho-1000-213)
Nisei female. Born April 9, 1925, in Malden, Washington. Grew up in Seattle, Washington, before being removed with family to the Puyallup Assembly Center, Washington, and the Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho. From Minidoka, relocated with family to Utica, New York. Worked in Japan for the U.S. Army of Occupation, and for the Tokyo General Army Hospital …
Japanese Boy Scout leader with Honolulu Boy Scout leaders (ddr-njpa-4-809)
img Japanese Boy Scout leader with Honolulu Boy Scout leaders (ddr-njpa-4-809)
Caption on reverse: "JAPAN SCOUT LEADER VISITS HERE: Eagle Scout Arthur K. Goto of Honolulu's Explorer Post 82 is shown wishing Count Yorihiro Matsudaira, president of the Boy Scouts Council of Kagawa prefecture, Japan, godspeed as he left aboard a Pan American plane for Tokyo following a two-day visit in Honolulu a week ago last Saturday, …
Signed note from Helen Keller (ddr-njpa-1-764)
img Signed note from Helen Keller (ddr-njpa-1-764)
Caption on front: "We differ, blind and seeing, not so much in the number of sense we have as in the way we meet limitations with lifted head and smiling face. Sincerely, Helen Keller." Caption on reverse [translation]: Helen Keller Finally Comes to Japan - Introducing the 'Talking Book' - (Tokyo) April 2, 1937. Helen Keller, …
Article regarding Takeo Miki (ddr-njpa-4-931)
doc Article regarding Takeo Miki (ddr-njpa-4-931)
Article: "Progressive Party Leader Of Japan Here. Takeo Miki, chief secretary of the Progressive Party (Kaishinto) of Japan, and Mrs. Miki are visiting in Honolulu today enroute back to Japan after a two months' world tour. They arrived here last night from San Francisco at 10 by plane, and are scheduled to depart for Tokyo tonight …