6 items
6 items
Cooking merit badge application (ddr-densho-390-117)
Walter Matsuoka's application for a cooking merit badge.
Reveille Volume 1, Number 4 (ddr-densho-390-136)
A partial copy of the fourth issue of the Reveille. Pages one and two include articles about upcoming events, poetry, a cartoon, a salute to Miles Hamada, and more.
Reveille Volume 1, Number 5 (ddr-densho-390-137)
The fifth issue of Reveille includes articles about Easter, field day, upcoming events, the announcement of a new troop leader, poetry, a short story, prayers, and more.
Reveille Volume 1, Number 6 (ddr-densho-390-138)
The sixth issue of the Reveille includes articles about Mother's Day, a short story, upcoming events, updates on troops at other camps, and more.
Reveille Volume 1, Number 2 (ddr-densho-390-134)
The second issue of the Reveille includes articles about upcoming events, information on Amache Senior High, a short story, hopeful predictions for the new year, a cartoon, and more.
Amache District First Court of Honor program (ddr-densho-390-118)
A program for a Boy Scout awards event.