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8 items
Haruye Teramaye playing mini golf (ddr-densho-383-271)
img Haruye Teramaye playing mini golf (ddr-densho-383-271)
Haruye Teramaye mini golfing at Playland. Written on album page below photograph: "Miss Haru Teramaye".
Four women standing outside house (ddr-densho-383-52)
img Four women standing outside house (ddr-densho-383-52)
Left to right: Hatsue Aoki, Haruye Teramaye, unidentified woman, and Kim Takehara.
Three people playing mini golf (ddr-densho-383-262)
img Three people playing mini golf (ddr-densho-383-262)
Mary Toshiko Yoshijima (left) and Haru Teramaye (right) with unidentified man. Written on album page below phtotograph: "Miniature Golf - Playland".
Three women in matching coats (ddr-densho-383-329)
img Three women in matching coats (ddr-densho-383-329)
Left to right: Haruye Teramaye, Kim Takehara, and Hatsue Aoki. Written on album page below photograph: "Haru chan, Kimi chan, Hatchan". The three attended Broadway High School together in Seattle.
Three women sitting in field (ddr-densho-383-51)
img Three women sitting in field (ddr-densho-383-51)
Left to right: Haruye Teramaye, Hatsue Aoki, and Kim Takehara. Written on album page below photograph: "Inseparable three". The three attended Broadway High School together in Seattle.
Three women in park (ddr-densho-383-47)
img Three women in park (ddr-densho-383-47)
Left to right: Haruye Teramaye, Kim Takehara, and Hatsue Aoki. Written on album page below photograph: "Hats, Kim, Harue". The three attended Broadway High School together in Seattle.
Three women in matching coats (ddr-densho-383-49)
img Three women in matching coats (ddr-densho-383-49)
From top down: Haruye Teramaye, Kim Takehara, and Hatsue Aoki. Written on album page below photograph: "The Three Muskateers [sic]". The three attended Broadway High School together in Seattle.
Property storage list (ddr-sbbt-2-37)
doc Property storage list (ddr-sbbt-2-37)
A lists of names and locations for stored property. Yoshimura, J.; Nomura, S.; Okamoto, M.; Ujimoto, N.; Yamanaka, K.; Mizuta, S.; Matsui, J.; Tsutsumi, N.; Yoshimura, M.; Miyake, Y.; Miyake, H.; Izui; Shioyama, K.; Matsuda, Haruye; Hirokane, T.; Iwamura, K.; Suzuki, Y.; Kuromiya, S.; Edamura, H.; Kokita, K.; Takahashi, T.; Morinaga, T.; Shimizu, N.; Fukuhara, H. …