5 items
5 items
Dave Tatsuno Interview (ddr-jamsj-2-6)
Nisei male. Born March 31, 1913, in San Francisco, California. Spent difficult childhood years in San Francisco under care of a guardian while family lived in Japan. Graduated with a degree in business administration from the University of California at Berkeley before World War II. Removed to Tanforan Assembly Center, California, and then to Topaz concentration …
Dave Tatsuno Interview II (ddr-densho-1005-4)
Nisei male. Born March 31, 1913, in San Francisco, California. Spent difficult childhood years in San Francisco under care of a guardian while family lived in Japan. Graduated with a degree in business administration from the University of California at Berkeley before World War II. Removed to Tanforan Assembly Center, California, and then to Topaz concentration …
Campers participating in a lap sit (ddr-densho-336-950)
The 1977 Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camp. Caption on front: "Dianne Kiyomoto, Jeri Endo, Steve Shiozaki, Lori Tamura, David Uriu, Patti Iseke, Stuart Tatsuon, Kellyanne Ebisui."
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 43, No. 21 (November 22, 1956) (ddr-pc-28-47)
Selected article titles: "JACL Policy Statement: Stand on Japanese temporary farm workers cautions gov't" (p. 1), "Grievance Committee to hear job discrimination in Fresno set up" (p. 1), "Japanese farm laborers from Hokkaido happy working on truck crops in Oxnard area, but 'homesick' too; climate like home" (p. 1), "Soviet-Japan relations" (p. 2), "34 Nisei win …