4 items
4 items
Traci Tanimoto and Todd Taniguchi (ddr-densho-336-1898)
The 1986 Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camp.
Todd Taniguchi unpacking his car (ddr-densho-336-1783)
The 1986 Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camp.
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 65, No. 25 (December 22-29, 1967) (ddr-pc-39-52)
Selected article titles: "Supreme Court and the Nisei: 'Equal Justice Under Law' nearer reality for Japanese Americans" (p. 1), "Individual choice in marriage not a concern for State" (p. 1), "Is Warren's legal philosophy of today a consequence of Evacuation?" (p. 1), "Takao Ozawa Case imbeds Issei to 'ineligible for citizenship' predicament" (p. 1), "'The Bill …