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221 items
Mass removal (ddr-densho-162-51)
img Mass removal (ddr-densho-162-51)
These buses are en route to the Tanforan Assembly Center, California.
Minutes of the council called by the independent Japanese Congregational Church, June 11, 1942 (ddr-densho-498-28)
doc Minutes of the council called by the independent Japanese Congregational Church, June 11, 1942 (ddr-densho-498-28)
Minutes of the council called by the Independent Japanese Congregational Church in Oakland, California (now at Tanforan Assembly Center, San Bruno, California) and the Plymoth Congregational Church in Oakland, California, to be held at the Tanforan Assembly Center to proceed with the examination and ordination of Mr. George Aki and Mr. Masayoshi Wakai, on June 11, …
New arrivals at the Tanforan Assembly Center (ddr-densho-151-22)
img New arrivals at the Tanforan Assembly Center (ddr-densho-151-22)
Original WRA caption: San Bruno, California. Evacuees of Japaneses ancestry arriving at the Tanforan Assembly center. They are being checked as they leave the bus.
Assembly center barracks (ddr-densho-151-19)
img Assembly center barracks (ddr-densho-151-19)
Original WRA caption: Tanforan Assembly center, San Bruno, California. Barracks for family living quarters. Each door enters into a family unit of two small rooms. Tanforan assembly center was opened two days before the photograph was made. On the first day there had been a heavy rain. When a family has arrived here, first step of …
Tanforan Totalizer Collection (ddr-densho-149)
Collection Tanforan Totalizer Collection (ddr-densho-149)
This collection consists of issues of the Tanforan Totalizer, a newspaper published by the inmates at the Tanforan Assembly Center, California. The paper was published from May through September of 1942.
Japanese American family waiting for bus (ddr-densho-151-329)
img Japanese American family waiting for bus (ddr-densho-151-329)
Original caption: Oakland, California. Evacuee family of Japanese ancestry leaving Wartime Civil Control Administration station to board a bus which will take them to Tanforan Assembly center.
Father and children waiting for bus (ddr-densho-151-246)
img Father and children waiting for bus (ddr-densho-151-246)
Original caption: Oakland, California. Residents of Japanese ancestry waiting for evacuation buses which will take them to the Tanforan Assembly center under Civilian Exclusion Order Number 28.
Horse stalls at Tanforan Assembly Center (ddr-densho-151-30)
img Horse stalls at Tanforan Assembly Center (ddr-densho-151-30)
Original WRA caption: San Bruno, California. Near view of horse-stall, left from the days when what is now Tanforan Assembly Center, was the famous Tanforan Race Track. Most of these stalls have been converted into family living quarters for Japanese.
Horse stall at the Tanforan Assembly Center (ddr-densho-151-20)
img Horse stall at the Tanforan Assembly Center (ddr-densho-151-20)
Original WRA caption: San Bruno, California. A near- view of a horse stall left from days when what is now Tanforan Assembly center, was the famous Tanforan Race Track. Most of these stalls have been converted into family living quarters for evacuated Japanese.
Bus leaving for Tanforan Assembly Center (ddr-densho-151-263)
img Bus leaving for Tanforan Assembly Center (ddr-densho-151-263)
Original caption: San Francisco, California. This bus loaded with evacuees of Japanese ancestry, is bound for Tanforan Assembly center on the first day of evacuation of the Japanese quarter.
Japanese American Citizens League office (ddr-densho-151-195)
img Japanese American Citizens League office (ddr-densho-151-195)
Original caption: Centerville, California. Evacuees of Japanese ancestry waiting in front of the Japanese American Citizens League quarters for evacuation buses which will take them to the Tanforan Assembly center.
Issei woman waiting for bus (ddr-densho-151-193)
img Issei woman waiting for bus (ddr-densho-151-193)
Original caption: Centerville, California. This farm mother of Japanese ancestry is awaiting the evacuation buses which will take her and 595 others from this district to the Tanforan Assembly center.
Japanese Americans boarding bus (ddr-densho-151-244)
img Japanese Americans boarding bus (ddr-densho-151-244)
Original caption: Oakland, California. Boarding a bus at the Wartime Civil Control Administration station for Tanforan Assembly center. These evacuees of Japanese ancestry will later be transferred to a War Relocation Authority center to spend the duration.
Assembly center gate (ddr-densho-151-56)
img Assembly center gate (ddr-densho-151-56)
Original WRA caption: San Bruno, California. A sign at the main entrance of the Tanforan Assembly center, through which all traffic passes. The gate is guarded and controlled by United States soldiers.
Baggage of Japanese Americans lining the street (ddr-densho-151-164)
img Baggage of Japanese Americans lining the street (ddr-densho-151-164)
Original caption: Hayward, California. Baggage of evacuees of Japanese ancestry stacked at public park as evacuation bus prepares to leave for Tanforan assembly center. Evacuees will be transferred later from assembly centers to War Relocation Authority centers where they will spend the duration.
Child looking out of bus window (ddr-densho-151-174)
img Child looking out of bus window (ddr-densho-151-174)
Original caption: San Francisco, California. A young evacuee looks out the window of bus before it starts for Tanforan Assembly center. Evacuees will be transferred to War Relocation Authority centers for the duration.
Young girl with baggage (ddr-densho-151-462)
img Young girl with baggage (ddr-densho-151-462)
Original caption: Oakland, California. Young evacuee of Japanese ancestry guarding the family belongings near the Wartime Civil Control Administration station. In half an hour the evacuation bus will depart for Tanforan Assembly center.
Japanese American man showing
img Japanese American man showing "evacuation tag" (ddr-densho-151-172)
Original caption: Hayward, California. Farmer of Japanese ancestry is showing his identification card to a Wartime Civil Control Administration Control Dispatcher as he is about to board the special bus for Tanforan Assembly center.
Japanese Americans in mess hall line (ddr-densho-151-44)
img Japanese Americans in mess hall line (ddr-densho-151-44)
Original WRA caption: San Bruno, California. View of the Tanforan Assembly Center, showing a type of barrack peculiar to the center. Also shown in part of a line-up of evacuees waiting for places in the mess hall for their noon meal.
Issei woman boarding bus (ddr-densho-151-261)
img Issei woman boarding bus (ddr-densho-151-261)
Original caption: San Francisco, California. Friends and neighbors congregate to bid farewell, though not for long, to their friends who are enroute to the Tanforan Assembly center. They, themselves will be evacuated within three days.
Japanese Americans arriving at Tanforan (ddr-densho-151-155)
img Japanese Americans arriving at Tanforan (ddr-densho-151-155)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. Family of Japanese ancestry arrives at assembly center at Tanforan Race track. Evacuees will be transferred later to War Relocation Authority centers where they will be housed for the duration.
Japanese Americans arriving at Tanforan (ddr-densho-151-159)
img Japanese Americans arriving at Tanforan (ddr-densho-151-159)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. Families of Japanese ancestry arrive at assembly center at Tanforan Race Track. Evacuees will be transferred later to War Relocation Authority centers where they will be housed for the duration.
Japanese Americans boarding bus (ddr-densho-151-260)
img Japanese Americans boarding bus (ddr-densho-151-260)
Original caption: San Francisco, California. One more busload about to depart from the Japanese quarter of San Francisco to the Tanforan Assembly center. The Japanese onlookers will themselves have been evacuated within a few days.