9 items
9 items

Uniform Straight Bill of Ladings (ddr-densho-324-91)
Travel for Misae Uno Taketa from Tule Lake concentration camps to Vale, Oregon.

Letter to Kinuta Uno at Fort Missoula (ddr-densho-324-5)
Correspondence from Kinuta Uno's daughter discussing mass removal and the need to sell their car. Also included, a document for the lost title and registration cards.

Letter to Kinuta Uno at Fort Missoula (ddr-densho-324-6)
Correspondence from Kinuta Uno's daughter discussing daily life, mass removal to Puyallup "Camp Harmony" Assembly Center asking about life at Fort Missoula, and requesting more letters from him.

Letter to Kinuta Uno at Fort Missoula (ddr-densho-324-3)
Correspondence from Kinuta Uno's daughter discussing their everyday lives, a visit from Uno's wife, and affadavits for his trial.

Letter to Kinuta Uno at Fort Missoula (ddr-densho-324-8)
Correspondence from Kinuta Uno's daughter discussing plans for their removal and how they had to quit school after being banned from going into the city limits.

Letter to Kinuta Uno at Fort Missoula (ddr-densho-324-2)
Correspondence from Kinuta Uno's daughter discussing gardening and the start date for his trial.

Letter to Kinuta Uno at Fort Missoula (ddr-densho-324-16)
Correspondence from Kinuta Uno's daughters regarding daily life.

Misa Taketa Interview (ddr-densho-1000-436)
Nisei female. Born January 18, 1925, in Seattle, Washington. Grew up in the South Park area, south of Seattle, where parents ran a farm. During World War II, removed to the Pinedale Assembly Center, California, and the Tule Lake concentration camp, California. After leaving camp, lived and worked in Ontario, Oregon, for a time, before living …