11 items
11 items
Taro Takeda in football uniform (ddr-ajah-5-3)
Caption below photo: Mudhens football team Taro Takeda, 1932 Alameda, CA.
Man in military uniform (ddr-ajah-6-898)
Caption below photo: Taro Takeda waits at the Alameda, CA., train station, which was across the street from his house at 2418 Railroad Ave. He joined the military before Pearl Harbor and was not part of the 442nd RCT or the MIS. He was stationed in Honolulu and San Francisco.
Two men in suits (ddr-ajah-6-897)
Caption below photo: Toshio Oka, a kibbe (at left) poses with Taro Takeda of Alameda, CA. Late December 1939
Three men in baseball uniforms (ddr-ajah-5-97)
Caption below photo: L to R: Taro Takeda, Sam Rokutani and Non Iwahashi of the Alameda Taiiku Kai (ATK) baseball team, Alameda, CA. Taro was born in 1915, making this photo circa early to mid 1930s.
Group performing at Obon festival (ddr-ajah-3-289)
Caption below photo: Buddhist Temple of Alameda, CA obon festival circa early 1950s
Group at Obon Festival (ddr-ajah-3-276)
Caption below photo: Buddhist Temple of Alameda, CA obon festival circa early 1950s
Team photo of ATK baseball team holding flag (ddr-ajah-5-93)
Caption includes biographical information about Kiyo Nogami
Document with photo of youth baseball team and history of the Alameda youth team (ddr-ajah-5-98)
Includes reprint of article about team from Nichibei Shinbun May 3, 1933
Team photo of ATK baseball team (ddr-ajah-5-100)
Caption below photo: 1936 Alameda Taiiku Kai (ATK) baseball team, Alameda, CA
Mudhens football team photo (ddr-ajah-5-6)
Caption below photo: 1932 Mudhens football team - Nichi Bei League champs Alameda, CA. Individuals identified